Rise of the Guardians 'Part 2'

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Alaia Skyhawk: Here's the next part. Time to fix the plothole that is the sofa coming from "downhill" of where it actually should have come from XD

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 54: Rise of the Guardians ~Part 2~

It was Good Friday, the 29th March 2013, and two days before Easter. It was, by general standards, an early Easter compared to years when it would be in the third week of April. This was the kind of year that Bunny hated for just that reason, because there were so many more places where winter might still have a hold during the festival... And Burgess was one of them this year.

Which of course gave Jack the perfect excuse for one of his favourite sorts of things.

"Snow day!"

His whooping cheer rang out upon the wind, as he streaked down through the clouds to descend upon the town. The roads had been cleared, but just about everywhere else there was a layer and mounds of snow. Children ran around in it, played with it, and had snowball fights with it. For Jack, it was the best start to the festival weekend presided over by the most grumpy, in his opinion, Guardian.

Jack laughed, racing down the main street, bouncing off of buildings leaving bursts of frost in his wake. Numerous adults jumped in surprise when they happened near them, but then shook their heads in amusement and continued what they were doing. They knew it was nearly time for Jack to head south, and any last-minute exuberance by him was to be expected. It was the same every year.

Reaching the end of the street, where it met the edge of the park, Jack swooped back up into the air to clear the tops of the woodland trees. The winds then whistled as they followed him down again to skim the top of his pond while he slid across the frozen surface, startling the two boys who were also trying to slide across the ice.

Those winds came up behind Jamie, catching him off guard, and whipped the book he had out of his grip.

The boy scrambled to pick it up. 'It' being a textbook about myths and legends, and supposed evidence to support theories of their existence; 'Mysterious Times'. One of Jack's sprites had found it discarded last week, and so he'd given it to his nephew as a surprise.

It seemed he'd at last got around to reading it.

Jamie brushed the dirt from the pages, even as Jack landed near him.

"So, good book?"

The boy turned and started to grin when he saw his uncle, but was then nearly bowled over by the twins whose family had moved in just last week. Claude and Caleb were dark-skinned, energetic, and tended to rough-house a lot. It showed as they nudged Jamie playfully in passing, before then starting to jostle each other. Neither of them could see Jack, not yet.

"All right! Yeah!"

"Snow day!"

"You're welcome!"

Jamie chuckled at Jack's remark, giving him a glance before heading after his newest friends, and called out to them.

"Are you guys coming to the egg hunt Sunday?"

Caleb nodded, even as Claude nudged him.

"Yeah! Free candy!"

"I hope we can find the eggs with all this snow!"

Jamie dashed ahead of them, leading the way to the fence around the Bennett Family's yard. One pair of planks hung from a pivot, allowing them to be swung aside as a 'secret entrance' and all three boys slipped through.

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