Rise of the Guardians 'Part 10'

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Alaia Skyhawk: Time to fix some more plotholes! Those known as;

"If Pitch's lair was sealed at the end, how the frig will Tooth get all the teeth back?"

"Why didn't Baby Tooth start activating the memories in tooth boxes after Jack left her on the floor in the lair less than fifteen feet away from said boxes?"

"Why did Jamie's mother not stop him from going outside in bare feet and pyjamas, at what must have been about 5am in the morning?"


"Jamie knows what to do! ...Oh wait, he does NOTHING!" Hehehehe!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 62: Rise of the Guardians ~Part 10~

The Ice Mirror that manifested beside Pitch's globe of belief, was but the first. Two more of equal size formed either side of it, and through those three doorways a rather mixed collection of mortals and immortals came.

Jack was smirking as his Lieutenants and the Selkie guards formed up in ranks behind him, and with another gesture of his staff he created five more mirrors of a smaller size in front of him. Zuě Hu, Marzanna, and Cernunnos had arrived at the sanctuary in the midst of the hasty preparations for this raid, and now they were as eager as the rest to make a mess of Pitch's plans.

The five mirrors went one to each of his Lieutenants, who as his subordinates could move them about as needed, and Jack turned to face them.

"You five and the Selkies help load the teeth through the mirrors, and make sure you get every last one of those boxes." Jack, staff on his back, cracked his knuckles and glanced at his fellow Spirits of the Seasons. "Us four will move the fairies."

He put fingers to his lips and whistled, a horde of Winter Sprites pouring through the three main portals. They scampered down to the piles of teeth, and within moments of the other mirrors being moved into place they then began to dig with a frenzy into the piles of boxes. Flinging the containers through the portals like dirt being flung backwards out of one of Dig's burrows. The Selkies grabbed the ones that missed the portals, and tossed them through along with the rest.

Jack watched the furry mass of digging sprites for a few moments, before leaping up into the air to head for the first cage of excitedly squeaking fairies. Upon reaching it he yanked the door open, and as suspected from Baby Tooth being unable to fly, none of the others could either.

Jack smiled to the fairies, reassuring them.

"Don't freak out, but this is the fastest way to get you all to safety."

He summoned a gust of wind through the cage, the flow of air catching on the fairies' wings and carrying them startled through the one of the main portals. Ariko, Achieng, and Oisin began to do likewise, sending cage after cage worth of fairies to the Winter Sanctuary. As soon as the last cage was emptied, the four of them then returned back through the portals.

Jack landed amid the veritable sea of fairies now sat all over the floor of the icy cavern, his gaze lifting to regard the five 'waterfalls' of tooth boxes showering down to form five huge piles at the far end.

He whistled again, the contingent of sprites he'd ordered to remain here, bouncing up and down in eagerness to do whatever he needed.

"Start passing tooth boxes to the fairies. We need to get those kids remembering!"

Several nearby fairies started to squeak, shaking their heads and gesturing helplessly. Achieng picked one of them up, listening intently as she tried to figure out what was being said. She then grimaced.

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