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Alaia Skyhawk: Admittedly this chapter is definitely filler, but I think you'll like what I foreshadow as coming next, at the end :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 27: Changes

Jack flew towards the two settlements, excitement bubbling up and emerging as laughter and whooping as he swooped and soared towards his first destination, the village. And of course, the village would always be first. And this year they got a surprise because, even with the delay of speaking to Oisin and Mother Nature, he was an hour early.

Not that the children complained.

Their cheering and laughter filled him with joy at being back, and he revelled in it as he frosted over the pole. But there was one change of routine, and that was in what he said to the children.

"I've got to go do the other shrine, ok? Meet me and the children from Burgess, at the big tree halfway along the trail. I've got a brand new story for you all to hear."

The children gasped in delight at that news, and dashed off to tell their parents that Jack had a new story for them! He watched for a few moments more, grinning, before he took to the air again and skimmed over the trees the short distance to Burgess.

There was a group of over twenty chattering and eager children waiting around the town's shrine, along with a large number of obviously sceptical adults. Thaddeus and Mary were the exceptions, as they cheerfully assured the children that Jack Frost would come. In fact the youngsters were asking that question so often, that only the two who were intently watching for him saw him land on the post.

Jack grinned at Grace and Liam, and waved.

"Hey there! I'm back!"

"Jack Frost!"

"He's here! He's here!"

Grace and Liam's shouts and pointing made all the other children look, and such was the belief they'd already gained thanks to those two and the village children, that Jack didn't even have to use any of his special snowflakes.

Eyes widened, the children gasped in awe, and then they started cheering while almost all the nearby adults looked on completely uncertain what to make of it considering they couldn't see him. But then Jack dropped down and then spiralled back up the pole leaving frost in the wake of his touch, and that was something they could all see.

Thaddeus smiled, nodding in satisfaction. He'd already been confident of Jack returning, since he'd seen the frost that had been left on the garlands from the night before.

"Welcome back, Jack Frost! I hope our shrine has pleased you!"

Jack dropped down again, walking through the crowd of children, who parted to let him pass, as the townsfolk gasped at the footprints they saw being left in the thin covering of snow.

Jack stopped in front of Thaddeus, and glanced over his shoulder at the children.

"Liam, tell everyone what I say. I'll pick someone else for the next time I have a message, and the time after that, so you'll all get a go, ok?"

Liam nodded eagerly, as did the rest of the children.

"I'll tell them."

Jack faced Thaddeus again, and spoke at a steady speed so that Liam could keep pace.

"You've honoured me, so much. It brings me great happiness to be acknowledged by you all, and to be able to bring joy and laughter to your children. Winter can be a harsh season, but it can also be one that brings families together. As the land rests in preparation for spring, so do the people get the time to slow the pace of their lives and think back on the events of the year. To talk about the happy times, and even the sad times, and become closer because of that."

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