Practicing- 2

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Y/n giggled at Techno's joke as they were walking to see the placement. It was the first race of the season, Techno read it first. His jaw clenched at the third position. "What?" Y/n asked, taking the paper so she could see what caught him off guard.

1 . Y/n L/n
2 . Technoblade Minecraft
3 . Ranboo L/n

"What?.." She mumbled, rereading it over and over again. "What a surprise." A man placed his hand on Techno's shoulder. "My little sister's boyfriend, aye?" He looked him up and down, the man was tall. Techno hated looking up to this jerk. He was at least three inches taller.

"Ranboo," he held his hand out. "Leave him alone, Ranboo." Y/n crossed her arms, "sis. How the hell are ya?" He walked over to her, bending down to examine her face. "I've been better."

He rubbed his scar across a scar on her head. "That's new," he looked over to Techno. "How would you know?" Ranboo stood up straight, "we can talk about that later. I would love to have a conversation with you." Ranboo said to Techno.

"But, would you like to meet my coach first?" He asked, a grin on his face. "No." A man walked up behind Y/n and Techno. The person being her father. "Well, I'd have to admit." Y/n turned to face him, "I wouldn't have wanted to see you either." He finished his sentence. "Since when were you a fan of racing? You finally gave me a chance, huh?" Techno saw a flick of hope in Y/n's eyes.

Hope that behind that drunken piece of shit dad he did love his daughter.

"No," Her father cleared his throat. "Ranboo, my son, asked me to be his coach." "The hell you know about racing?" Y/n crossed her arms, "I've watched every single one of your racers, Y/n." Y/n fell quiet, "every single one. At first I was just hoping to see you lose. But over the years, I realized you were amazing. I don't hate you, Y/n. It's very close to hate, but I don't. I love you, but I do not like you."

"Guess I would've preferred my dad to like me." Y/n gave a sad, fake, chuckle. "Guess I would have preferred a better daughter." Techno furrowed his brows at him. "Then we're both screwed." Y/n sounded emotionless to him, "may the best racer win, sis." Ranboo said, stretching out his long are for a handshake. "I know I will." Y/n turned away, walking onto the track. She slipped her helmet on, "what a bunch of assholes."

Techno said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Yeah," she mumbled, "assholes.." She repeated, "baby, don't let them get to your head, alright?" She didn't reply, instead immediately got into her car. Techno sighed, walking over to his. Before he got in he examined the tall racer. Shaking hands with Dream and laughing. But he stopped, so suddenly. He fully stood up, fixing his posture. Dream looked like a Chihuahua compared to this guy. He turned his long neck, staring directly at Techno.

Techno furrowed his brows, he felt intimidated. He hated that feeling, "I can beat your ass any hour of any fucking day." He mumbled to himself, he didn't want this Ranboo guy to know how he was scared of his height. Ranboo broke eye contact, walking to his car and slipping in.

"I'm going to drag his ass on this fucking track." Techno grumbled slipping his gloves on and comfortably sitting in his seat.

"Deep breathes, Kid." Calvin said into his headset. Y/n took a deep breath gripping her steering wheel. "Drag his ass, Techno." William grumbled to Techno. "I plan to." Techno gripped the steering wheel.




"May the race begin!" The announcers yelled. "May the race begin indeed." Y/n's father chuckled.

Time Skip

"Y/n and Technoblade are easily holding the lead!" The announcers yelled into their headsets. With one lap left Techno was inches away from Y/n. They crossed the finish line. "Nice job, Kid!" Calvin helped up his hand for a high five as she walked up to him. "Let me see the tape." She said. "What?" Calvin asked, "let me see the tape."

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