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(Gavin K. x Dominic)

I am here waiting for Dominic to get here. I got here early. About an hour. I checked the time on my phone. 12:25 PM. He’s a minute late, but that’s okay. Few people walked by me, others went inside the shop. “Hey, Gavin.” I jumped. I dropped my phone. Not my iPhone, that is so easy to crack! I picked it up to see that there aren’t any new cracks. That was a first.

I decided to confront whoever made me drop my phone. It was Dominic. I can’t get mad at him. “I’m sorry for startling you.” His apology wasn't a joking matter. It was an actual apology. Weird. “Oh, it’s fine.” He nodded as in ‘okay’. Walking into the shop. Opening the door a blast of coffee was everywhere. The smell was nice, and calming. Waiting in line.

There was only one person in front of us. After they ordered, it was our turn. I always had a hard time deciding on what I want. I couldn’t decide. Dominic on the other hand had already chosen what he wanted. I was about to say I didn’t want anything, until Dominic ordered for me. I didn’t even know I was feeling that. But it sounds good.

Dominic paid, we sat down at the table with a window. We normally talk to each other, but we stayed silent. I felt a wave of emotions. Nervousness, slight panic, and that weird feeling I had yesterday. Dominic got up to get our drinks. Coming back and handing me mine. I nodded in thanks. We got up and left. Just walking around town.

We talked, laughed, and messed around. That weird feeling was there. When I was near him. It was getting late, but we were having a good time. Joking in a gay way. When we sat down, we would do what we usually do at school. I felt that weird feeling. Again. My face was hot like after a workout. Or near a fire. On a hot summer day. It only happened when I was near Dominic. When I was on his lap. Too close to his face. When he hugged me.

Does Dominic feel the same? Right now we’re walking on the sidewalk. What did you think I was gonna say? We were walking in the streets? That’s Jaywalking! I don't want to commit a crime. He stops so I stop. Is that a car? I didn’t know Dominic drives (in this oneshot he can drive idk in real life). He heads over to the driver’s side. I was in the passenger seat. The engine started. “Do you want me to drive you home?” Do I want to go home? It’s late. My parents aren’t gonna be home. So I guess not.

“No, can I stay at your place?” I asked hopefully he would say yes. “Sure.” I was relieved. Maybe our relationship is fixed? Yeah. Yeah, it must be. We were coming close to his house. I felt nervous. Like when you're gonna meet your lover's parents. I was squirming in my seat. “It’s okay if my parents aren’t home, right?” Wait, his parents aren’t home either? My nerves calmed down. I felt less nervous than before. He parked the car. Heading inside. Taking off our shoes.

We are in Dominic’s room. He was sitting on his bed with his head on the top of the frame. While I was in his lap. Laying on my back. I was on my phone. Trying to distract myself from the position we’re in. I couldn’t help but think of the possibilities that could happen. My hair was being moved. Looking up to see that Dominic was playing with my hair. I felt safe. It’s nice. “Hey Gavin.” I hummed to tell him that I was listening. He didn’t answer for a while until he took my phone out of my hands. “Hey!” Looking up at him. “I want to ask you something.” I was confused. What was he asking for?

“Well it’s not really an ask.” Now I’m even more confused. If it’s not a question then what is it? Is it an action? “What? What is it?” I wanted answers. He seemed hesitant. He brought me closer. I felt that feeling again. We’re so close. Our lips are almost touching. His hot breath. He moved closer. Inches away from my face. Inches away from my lips. He moved closer than kissed me. Melting right into the kiss. I was enjoying it. I loved it.

It lasted for a minute or two. Dominic pulled away. Is this his way of saying ‘be my boyfriend’? I accepted the kiss so I guess I said ‘yes’. He hugged me. I’m guessing that it meant ‘be my boyfriend’. It won’t be so bad.

Total of 817 words, this was pt.2 of The Argument - Alaphi

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