In The Stairwell

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(Connor x Fisher. Hate love like relationship. This is if the relationship was toxic) Warning; hate or anger sex, controlling behavior, slight physical abuse

[Connor's POV]

Fisher keeps following me, like a lost puppy. He acts like we haven't seen each other in like years. He gets overly close and touchy. It's like his and Gavin's personalities switched. Fisher would glare at anyone who came near me, so he hugged my arm and wasn't letting go. I had to drag him with me. I swear to god if he doesn't let go he'll get it. "Connor stop dragging me! We don't have class yet it's lunch! Slow down-" I had enough of his whining and shit. He's so annoying sometimes!

I grabbed his wrists in a bruising hold, he winced in pain and was smiling nervously. "C-Connor what are-" God would he shut up for once. I pinned him to the wall. He gasped and coughed. I can see that he was breath had quicken slightly and a bit panicked. Thank god he finally shut up. "God you're so fucking annoying you know that?" I forcefully flipped him and almost smashed his face into the wall. Fisher seemed to be trembling and let out a shaken breath.

"I-I wasn't that annoy-"

"But you are. Now shut up."

Fisher fell silent after that, he was shaking a bit. His pale yellow hoodie was lifted a bit, his shorts were slightly down. The rim of his boxers were showing. He was also on his tippy toes. This annoying little brat. I flipped him back around to face me. "Strip." Fisher froze and looked at me with wide eyes. "B-But we're at school Connor-" My fists balled up and my knuckles were white. God why can't he do what he's told! My hand slapped him across the face, his cheek was red and the sound of skin being slapped echoed throughout the empty hall. We were alone. He grunted and looked down for a moment. I scoffed and dragged him to the stairwell and went behind it.

He seemed panicked and scared as he was against the wall, maybe he's even nervous. "Now strip." Fisher was hesitant but took his shoes off and hoodie. God he takes forever. I was growing impatient and flipped him, pinning him and smashing his face into the wall. Fisher yelped and struggled a bit. There was blood on the wall and Fisher's nose was bleeding

"C-Connor, I-I'm bleeding!"

"Deal with it brat."

I was so fed up and ripped Fisher's shirt off. He got the hint. He took his shorts and boxers off. I took my shorts off and looked at his hole. It was twitching in a needy way. This bastard like this. He probably even fucked himself in the bathroom before this. What a slut. I took my boxers down and spread his cheeks open. "Spread your legs you fucking whore." Fisher was trembling again and opened his legs for me.


"Shut your mouth. You better keep your hands on the wall and not make too much noise."

Fisher had trembled again and nodded. He was truly scared for once. Fisher was breathing out of his mouth since he was bleeding out of his nose. I rolled my eyes and went for it. He gasped or moaned, it was a mix. I was right, he did do that in the bathroom. What a little slut. I pushed all the way in and watched him spread around my cock. But he's still tight. Fisher had his hands on the wall and was looking back at me with teary eyes. His blood ran out of his nose, down his lip, down his chain then to the floor.

I glared at him. God he's pathetic. I pulled out halfway and snapped my hips forward, I got into the rhythm. Fisher flinched and choked down a moan. He was still looking back and looking down. He was panting a bit. I scowled, he thinks he gets to watch. I gripped his hair and yanked it so he's looking ahead at the wall with the blood splat. He had yelped and groaned. "Look straight ahead bitch." He shivered and was holding back tears. He had his forearms on the wall, he was trembling and quietly moaning. I snapped my hips in a fast pace.

My hands grabbed his hips hard, making his skin sting because he winched in pain. My harsh grip traveled up to his waist. My nails scratched his belly and sides. Fisher yelped and silently choked a cry down. My speed kept increasing and I was getting close. Fisher's neglected cock was already leaking pre-cum and he was close. I gritted my teeth and scratched his hips. "C-Connor, c-can I please cum!-" He thinks I'll let him? I smirked and shook my head. I was annoyed that he even asked me that.

"No you may not." Fisher whimpered and rested is head on the wall, panting. I may allow him to if I'm feeling it. I looked down watching my dick disappear and reappeared repeatedly. Fisher was moan louder. I look back to him to see him touching himself. This bastard doesn't deserve to cum. I slapped his hand and pulled his arm back in a painful way. Fisher hissed in pain and struggled to get his arm free.

"Who said you could touch yourself?"

"B-But Connor, I needed too! It hurts!"

Fisher was crying a bit from pain and the denial of release. My hips shuddered and I pulled out, letting Fisher sink to the ground. I grabbed his hair and yanked his head to face me. "Don't you dare touch yourself. If you do you won't like it." I like go of his hair as Fisher trembled and got his boxers on. I got my clothes on and left him there to deal with his nose bleed.

I can't believe I did this at school. Total of words 1005 - Justafan

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