Don't speak

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(In Connor's pov, ship [Connor x Fisher], warning; domestic abuse)

There was yelling downstairs. Fisher's dad was yelling at him. There was a threat or two. He was also slapped. His siblings weren't home either. His dad sighed and went to the door. He's going to work. After he went out the door, Fisher ran upstairs and grabbed me. It looked like he was fighting back tears. "Please don't tell anyone." It felt like my heart broke. I brought him into a hug. I picked him up and went to his room. "Just let it out." Tears ran down his face. I sat down on his bed. He was crying into my chest. He held onto me like I was going to be taken away. I laid down on the bed with him on top of me. I brought him closer. He was still crying. He nuzzled his head into my neck. I can feel the tears on my neck. He was shaking. I felt more tears fall onto my neck. I pulled the blanket on top of us. He tried to speak. His voice was all raspy and broken.

He sounds so broken. "Sh, don't speak, just calm down." He took some deep breaths. His chest didn't level out. I rubbed his back. The shaking had stopped and his chest leveled out. His grip on me loosened. He fell asleep. I didn't bother to move. I took his hat off and set it aside. I played with his hair. It's so curly. My eyelids were becoming heavy. I kissed the top of Fisher's head. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Total of words 289, again idk if this is domestic abuse or not. Please tell me. - Alaphi

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