My Fault...

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(Gavin K. x Dominic, Warning: angst, neglect, verbal abuse, physical abuse)

I’m being yelled at. Again. All I did was drop a cup. A cup. It wasn’t even glass. It was plastic. But I dropped it. I’m not even paying attention to her. My face is burning. I was slapped across the face. Looking up at my Mother. The one who said that she loved me. Now that I’m in high school, she barely pays attention to me. Almost like I never existed. “Don’t make me use the rod!” The rod. I remember she used a rod to burn my skin. Even though it’s fully healed, I can still feel the pain. It hurt. I don’t even know what I did wrong. What did I do to make her stop loving me? I nodded, not daring to talk back to her. Looking at her forehead to see a vine ready to burst. “Boy! If your Father was here he would have held you down.” No. No, not Father. She wouldn’t even understand what he does to me.

“Pick this up, I’m going to work.” She didn’t even make dinner. Before I could ask about dinner, she was already out the door. Sighing that I’d have to hide later. Picking the cup up and putting it away. Hearing the door open and slam shut. Please don’t be Father there.  Looking over to my Father. Angry. He looked at me and his gaze softened. What the fuck? He came up to me. Grabbing my throat, with anger in his eyes. Lifting me off the ground a bit. Knocking. There was knocking at the door. Him letting me go to answer the door. Following him to see Dominic. He seemed angry at someone. The police were also with him. Oh right, I accidentally told Dominic about what happened at home. Father probably found out and was gonna take his anger out on me.

Now I have to choose. My parents or Dominic. “Boy, you will choose me and your Mother.” What would happen if I didn’t choose my parents? I’m choosing Dominic. Walking over to Dominic and standing behind him. The police went ahead and arrested him. Asked me a couple of questions. They said they’ll wait for my mother to come home from work. I had told them the times. Dominic held me close. I’m safe with him, unlike with my parents. Few hours later my mother came home unaware that the police were here. She was also arrested. “Hey Gavin.” I hummed to tell him I was listening, watching my parents being taken away. “Would you like to stay with me?” Staying with Dominic? I mean he’s so nice to me. He makes sure I eat. He loves me even. I feel safe around him. I’m safe with him. “Yeah.” Looking up at him with a smile.

Total of words 481 - Alaphi

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