I Have a Fish!

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(Fisher x Dominic)

I was hanging out with Caden and Connor. We got ice cream. I’ve already finished mine. Now I just gotta sit here and wait. Why is Caden and Connor taking so long? I’m growing impatient. Going on my phone to do whatever it is I planned to do. Hearing a chuckle from someone. Probably just Connor or Caden laughing about something. After about a few minutes of silence, I grew suspicious. Looking up to see that they weren’t there. They left me! Getting up to looking around for them. Everyone is here but them. Where the fuck are they? There’s so many people here.

“Connor?” No answer. “C.C?” Nothing. They left me here alone! Alone. Wait, I’m stupid. I have a phone. I can call them. Going to my phone to see that it died. Great. I don’t know where they went and I have no way of calling them. Just my luck. I might as well just walk around. Maybe I’ll find them. Some guy was following me. This guy looked like he was in his 50's. Some grey hair started to show. His hair was black, like jet black. His skin was almost white as snow. He kind of creeped me out. Why is he following me? “Hey kid.” Shit, he’s talking to me. “Yeah?” I should walk away fast. Why was I talking to this guy? He could rape me (remember kids, don’t talk to strangers).

“I know where your friends are.” He does not know that. If he did he would have told me back there and not followed me in a creepy way. He kind of reminds me of Dad. Shivered at the thought. See that his chest was in front of my face. Looking up to see the guy, backing up only to hit a wall. I was nowhere near a wall. Did he back me into a wall? The guy was way too close. There wasn’t any way for me to leave. “Fisher?” The guy backed away from me and left. Looking around to find Dominic a few feet away. “Yeah!” Dominic came up to me and picked me up. Threw me over his shoulder. “Hey!” He just laughed. He walked the way I was going before that guy backed me into a wall (which you don’t remember). Seeing some people go by and look at us. I felt embarrassed. “I have a fish!” Even more embarrassing. Who is he talking to? “That’s awesome.” That’s Caden's voice.

At least I found one. Where’s Connor? “There he is.” That’s Connor. They left me to find Dominic. Seriously. Or maybe Dominic came and got them the same way. He still hasn’t put me down. “Put me down.” They continued to talk to each other like they didn’t hear me. Feeling my ass being patted a bit. My face felt like it was melting. Now they're talking about fish. ‘How meaty they are’ or ‘how delicious they taste’. “Fisher is like a fish.” How? How am I a fish? It’s not because of my name. “He does have some ass.” Face burning. Why are they talking about this in public?! “Please put me down.” I pleaded to be put down. Hearing Dominic’s laugh. Why was he laughing? He isn’t laughing at me, right? Or did Caden and Connor say something funny. “Now why would I let my fish go?” He’s talking about me.

His fish? Wait, he called me a fish. I’m the fish. I’m so stupid. “Besides I haven’t had dinner yet.” Don’t think dirty. No dirty thoughts. None. He didn’t mean it like that. He didn’t. That’s not what he ment. Stop thinking that way. Maybe he did mean that. He started to walk again. He still hasn’t put me down. I guess I’m stuck here.

Total of words 641 - Alaphi

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