Love Bite

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(In Gavin's pov, pt.2 if "Dinner Date", ship [Gavin x Caden], warning; lime)

It was a warm night. We are on our way home. I didn't know we were going to take the long way home. Caden pulled over to the side. What does he want? I thought about it for a minute. My face was warm. That isn't. I shouldn't be thinking that! That isn't going to happen. "So about what happened at the restaurant," It's about what happened at the restaurant. I don't know why I was thinking that. Why am I dirty minded? I slowly became embarrassed. Why was I thinking of sex?! "I want to show people that you're mine." Huh? My face slowly burned. He turned the car off to save gas. There's no way he can read my mind! He pointed to the backseat. I crawled over there, he followed behind. I sat down on the seat (the middle seat). He kissed me slowly, laying me down on the seat. He repeatedly kissed me. He licked my bottom lip, I gladly allowed him in.

His tongue explored my mouth. I didn't know he wore chapstick. It's cherry. Is that why his lips are soft (yes). I mean his lips are always soft. I slightly sucked on his tongue. He turned red. He pulled away and smiled a bit. He looked me up and down. "You look nice in a crop top." My face burned, like if you looked at me, you would see steam coming off. He took my jacket off. He kissed me again, then my neck. It doesn't take long for a hickey or love bite to appear. I was flustered. Caden moved away and admired his work. It looked like he was counting how there was. He went back to kissing my neck. Actually it was biting. I tipped my head back a bit out of pleasure. I hugged or held on to him. It's like we're two puzzle pieces fitting together. He bit my collarbone, which made me moan. I wasn't expecting him to bite me there. He moved to the other side of my neck.

He gave it the same treatment. His hands rubbed my sides. Because of the crop top, it's easier to do that. He was lightly tracing over my scars. My skin is sensitive there. I don't know why all of them like to trace my scars. Some of the others just like them, sometimes it's because they're cool. I just don't get why Caden likes them. "You know, your scars make you pretty." I'm probably more red, because my face is burning. His smile was so sweet, yet it doesn't fit with what's happening! I covered my face with my hands.

Total of words 462 - Alaphi

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