Oh Kitty Kitty!

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(Fisher's POV, ship [Fisher x Gavin], warning: sexual harassment, smut)

It's the end of the day and we're supposed to be waiting for the buses. Me and my friends had other ideas. We were joking and being "Gay". Sometimes the jokes go too far. Such as touching me in weird places. I don't like it. It was done by an senior. I felt disgusted. My friends were encouraging him. Not realizing what's happening. Gavin on the other hand was worried. He was looking around for a teacher. This guy was hard. He was touching my lower half. I felt tears in the corner of my eyes. At this point my friends finally noticed that it wasn't a joke. Gavin had a teacher with him and pointed over to the senior. The teacher sent him to the office. I was shaking. My friends left the scene and went outside for their buses. Gavin stayed by me. Comforting me? He pulled me into a hug. I let my tears out. Crying silently. He rubbed my back and whispered sweet things to me. His voice was comforting. Almost like a mother with her newborn.

-few months later-

The senior was suspended for what happened. I at least thought he would be expelled from here but no. I am still traumatized by it but as long as I give consent it's fine. So far the only person I've let touch me is Gavin. I would sit on his desk and trap his arms under my legs. He would look up at  me with a flushed face. His hands would touch my hips and crease them. My face burned when he did that. I don't know if I should feel that way with him. This time in class we were joking. Along with other friends. One of them meowed. So I joined in (because that literally happened 💀). The teacher told us to stop and sit down. But we kept on doing it. I went over to Gavin. He was sitting on the desk. I meowed at him cause why not. He took my hands and brought me close. His finger was under my chin. Is it a joke? Or is he actually going to kiss me? I felt anxious about this.

His voice was low enough for me to hear. "Oh Kitty." His voice had a hint of lust in it. My face started to burn. He whispered things to me. It made me feel hot. He peaked my lips. The teacher yelled for us to put our phones away and sit down. Gavin kissed me.

-A week later-

Gavin asked if I wanted to come over. I said "yes". He greeted me at the door and dragged me to his room. His parents weren't home. So we have the house to ourselves. I don't know why but I want him to fuck me. I know that I shouldn't think that. But the way he treats me and teases me. I felt his hands going up my side. I shivered. He took my hoodie and shirt off along with his. They were on the floor. I couldn't see him. I hate it. I hate that I can't see him. His hands touched everything. I'm okay with it. I leaned back against his chest. His breath brushed my neck. I shivered from it. I'm sensitive there. He kissed the back of my neck and laid me down on my belly. Planting kisses over my back. His hand snaked down to my ass. His finger pushed against my hole. About to go in.

My alarm woke me up. It was an annoying beeping sound. I turned my alarm off. It happened again. I shouldn't be thinking of him like that.

Total of words 653, I left you'll on a cliffhanger! Hahaha! I didn't know what I was going with it but I'll figure it out in pt 2. - Alaphi

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