Too High

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(In Fisher's pov, ship [Fisher x Dominic], warning; lime)

We're out at Walmart. It's just me and Dominic. I'm trying to get something from a shelf I can't reach. I even went on my tippy toes. My feet went flat. 'Why does it have to be so high up?!' Dominic was next me, grabbed the item and placed it in the cart. We went into the next item on the list. Cheese. I went to grab the one we usually get. It's on the top shelf. I sighed and went on my tippy toes. Someone or something grabbed my ass. I looked beside me and Dominic was there. His arm was behind me. My face burned. He grabbed the cheese and let go of my ass. He put the cheese in the cart. Next is milk, coffee creamer (for Connor), new pens (for Caden), and some junk food (for Gavin). I pushed the cart to the fridges. Dominic was trailing behind. Why is he back there? I looked behind me, he's looking at the ground. Well not the ground it was more of, he's staring at my ass! My face burned.

"Dom, get up here." He went up beside me. His hand was around my waist but more towards my ass. He rubbed it slightly and moved up to my side. I feel so embarrassed.

-later in the car-

We paid for everything. Besides me forgetting my wallet in the car. Everything is in the car, we're ready to go. "Fish." I looked over at Dominic. What now? He motioned me closer, so I did. He gave me a kiss. I set the car keys down. He pulled away and kissed me again. He picked me up and set me down on his lap. He took it further and deepened the kiss. I felt his tongue tasting everything. He pulled away and did it again. There was a knock on the window. We both pulled away to see who knocked on the door. It was some lady with blonde hair, she also had the Karen cut. Just great. I rolled the window about a crack. "GAYNESS IS A SIN!" I rolled the window back up. People were staring at us. I heard a muffled "I'M CALLING THE POLICE!". Fine, call them, like we care. Few minutes later the police came. It was Connor. I waved to him. I rolled the window a bit.

"What's the problem?"

"They're kissing!"


"They're boys! It's a sin to kiss a boy." He took out some cuffs and cuffed the lady. She was screaming. They both disappeared. Connor came back, I rolled the window all the way down. He leaned against the door. He gave me and Dominic a kiss. He started to walk away.

"See you guys later."

"Bye." I rolled the window up. Dominic took my face and brought it closer to his. He kissed me again, leaving off where we were at. I tried to get over to the driver's seat. He rubbed something against me or on my crotch. I gasped at the feeling. "We should get going." Him continuing to kiss me meant 'no'. The rubbing continued. I got used to it. I had moaned into the kiss, multiple times. He pulled away with a string of saliva connecting us. He moved me over to the driver's seat. I wiped my mouth and picked the keys up. I started the car and got buckled. I heard a chuckle from beside me. "You were enjoying it."

Total of words 595, sorry if it's confusing - Alaphi

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