Stressful Days

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(Fisher x Gavin K., Warning: slight physical abuse, emotional abuse, slight neglect, touched starved [as in affection])

My day hasn't been the greatest. So much homework, so little time. I’ve barely worked on my speech. I’m a mess. I haven’t even worked on any of it. My grades are already bad. Now the school has dorms. Dorms! Having to leave and live at the school! I’m not ready for that! But I already have my bag packed with everything I need. “Get out!” Jumping from the sudden shout. Looking up at the mirror on the top of the car roof to see my dad’s anger burning in his eyes. He only gets angry with me. He seemed fed up, getting out of the car to open the door on my side. Grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the car. My sister looked over worried. Dad slammed the door, grabbed my hair and dragged me over to the school. It hurts. Tears threatening to fall.

Letting go of my hair and throwing me at the door. My hands stopped me from faceplating into the door. Looking behind me to see that he’s leaving in the car, driving away. ‘It’s fine.’ Heading inside the school. See everyone else here, I guess they didn’t notice. I got my number yesterday. Room 54. I’ve found where the dorms are. Where’s my room? After a while I found it. I was gonna unlock the door but it’s already unlocked. Walking inside, to see Gavin. “Fisher?” He looked me up and down. But not in a bad way. “Uh, yeah.” He almost looked like he was worried. Is there something wrong with me? He walked up to me, my idiot self backed away. “Have you been crying?” I was crying? No. No, I wasn’t. Feeling arms around me, seeing that Gavin hugged me.

I don’t deserve his pity. Him rubbing my back in a comforting way. I’ve never been shown kindness for so long. Feeling tears run down my cheeks. I’m crying. Gavin shut the door, and took me over to the couch that was in the dorm. Placing my stuff near the couch. Him pulling me into his lap in a comforting way. I felt loved again. I’m loved. Leaning into his embrace. I’m safe.

Total of words 387 - Alaphi

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