Netflix And Chill

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“Is this the start of our date, Eddie?”

Eddie pauses mid-chew of her chocolate and honey covered pancake, simply watches as the black inky mass grows into the hulking humanoid form of his again (the one he uses to “protect her”pfft!) She swallows her mouthful as she watches him slowly lowering himself onto the couch beside her and tries not to laugh at how carefully he tries not to break the couch in half. “I mean, yeah, why not? Food is a pretty good place to start.” She chuckles when he grins down at her. “Try not to break any more furniture.”

“I really am trying.” Venom practically whines, slowly lowers his huge clawed hands neatly into his lap (and tries not to move so much.) It’s weird – being this shape without Eddie inside him. Not entirely unpleasant. Somehow exciting and empty all at once.

Eddie chuckles again at his slightly helpless look. “Are you even heavy, or is it just your strength you’re tryin’ to control, bud?”

“I am whatever mass my host is.” Venom explains, looks slightly intrigued as he tells her, “You are tiny, Eddie. All humans are. But there is a strength inside of you. You are resilient. What puzzles me is why you pretend to be the opposite.”

Eddie smirks. “Ah, bud, that’s ‘cause you don’t gotta hide who you really are. People see what they wanna see in each other. So, I use that to my advantage.”

Venom blinks, takes in her words, finally understands. And also, feels rather guilty. Ugh! “I’m sorry, Eddie. I didn’t mean what I said last year.”

Eddie sighs. “No, you were right. I’d still be a big fat nobody if it wasn’t for you, V.”

“Maybe.” Venom admits, meant it when he told her he could never lie to her. “But after I left you, Annie told me that you never gave up trying to fight Kasady... even when you knew I was not there to protect you. I... I underestimated you.”

Eddie narrows her eyes, but she can’t help shooting him a teasing smirk. “Hmmmm.”

“Oh, come on! I only made you suffer for Annie!” Venom stutters out.

“Bull – shit.” Eddie scoffs loudly, takes a moment to shove another bite of pancake into her mouth, takes a few more moments to chew and swallow the sweet delicious goodness. She holds back a smirk, well aware of those large pearly whites glaring daggers at her as she takes a sip of her orange juice. “What’d you wanna watch? We blasted through Russian Doll. So, what’s next on the Netflix agenda?”

Venom watches her reach for the remote, glances briefly to the screen and then back to Eddie. “Are we going to Netflix and chill?” He asks, ever bluntly in his curiosity.

“What?” Eddie chokes out a highly amused laugh. “Who the fuck taught you that? I’ve never used that phrase in all of my life.” She laughs again when he glares at her, can’t help it, it’s funny and adorable.

“I met a lot of weirdos in those nightclubs, Eddie.” Venom says gravely, eyes now wide in horror as he says, “They thought I was wearing a costume! And one of them touched my butt! I don’t know what one it was, but I felt like a piece of meat, Eddie!”

“Yeah, welcome to the world of women.” Eddie scoffs out another laugh, shovels down another forkful of pancake. “And no – no Netflix and chilling on first dates. Do you think I’m a whore or somethin’, V?” She scoffs out, tries her best to hold back an amused smirk when his eyes widen in horror once again.

“No! Of course not!”

“Good.” Eddie grins. “Also, I’m just teasin’, so relax.”

Venom huffs, folds his arms over his chest as he glares at the screen and bites out, “Can we please watch The Umbrella Academy? The second season came out this morning. I already checked.”

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