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“I can’t believe you’re literally the Eve of your kind.” Eddie chuckles when she only receives a little look of confusion, elaborates with, “Adam and Eve.”

Venom grunts, then, states, “More like Cain and Abel. Second generation.”

Eddie thinks for a moment, then, nods her agreement. “You old man.”

Venom rolls his eyes at her teasing little grin, while also feeling elation over how easily he and Eddie can just go back to normal with one another. “Netflix and chill?” He asks hopefully, no second meaning, he is just happy to be with her.

Eddie chuckles as she gets under the covers of her bed and makes herself comfortable. “Yeah, sure. What’re we watchin’?”

“Can we watch the last episode of ‘Brand New Cherry Flavour’? It was so fucked up, I love it!” Venom can’t contain his excitement as he floats over to her desk and grabs the laptop and its charger before floating back over to the bed.

“Yeah, sure.” Eddie laughs again, shakes her head and winces slightly. “It really is so fucked up. Especially the part where –“

Stop! Ugh! That part was too much, even for me.” Venom’s noodle-head visibly shivers with clear disgust written across his dark maw.

Eddie smirks. “Still not as bad as ‘The Human Centipede.’

“You humans have the most fucked up imaginations, Eddie.” Venom seriously states.

Eddie chuckles at his response. “Can’t argue with that.” For a few moments, while she watches him sprout those cute little arms and hands from his noodle-head so he can set up the laptop for them. Then, her curiosity finally gets the better of her (as usual.) Though, she is rather nervous about his answer as she asks, “How come you haven’t asked about Dylan?”

Venom pauses, turns to look at her and looks slightly confused. That is, before he sifts through her thoughts to gain some context. His expression softens when, eyes lighting up slightly. “His name is Dylan?”

“Heh... yeah.” Eddie nods, can’t help smiling, and also feeling relieved over that dopey look of his. “I’m guessin’ we named him after Bob Dylan.”

“We LOVE Bob Dylan!” Venom chimes happily, eyes widening with joy.

Eddie chuckles, nods. “Guess that’s why.”

Venom finally answers her question, his voice low and slightly wary. “Wasn’t sure you wanted to talk... You’re getting good at blocking me out, so I took that as a hint.” He wants to be hurt, and is, but only a little, because he’s mostly proud if his host – his love.

“Well, I don’t do it on purpose... most of the time.” Eddie smiles sheepishly, feels more nervous when he doesn’t tease her like he usually does, only nods solemnly. “And I really don’t know how I can do it in my sleep.” She’s still deeply confused by that part.

“I think... maybe I do...”

He trails off cautiously, clearly waiting for her permission. Eddie can’t help smiling at how stupidly adorable he really is.

“OK...” Eddie gives him a “go ahead” nod, pulls her knees up under the covers and presses them to her chest as she stares back at him.

“I truly don’t know why I’m so... different... why I am the only one of my kind that can create a hybrid with my hosts. I don’t think Knull ever knew, either, but he saw it in my mind the moment the Celestial showed me. I think that’s what scares him, though... He tried to create a hybrid that would have all our strengths and none of our weaknesses, a hybrid that could be truly one with itself, instead of needing a host. He failed so many times, so in desperation, he finally turned to me, his favourite... forced me to bond with the Celestial. The moment we were one, I heard a third voice... a man’s voice...” Venom slowly edges the memory into her mind, lets her see and hear for herself.

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