Inside You

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When he finally manages to calm her down, Eddie falls asleep in his arms, and Venom doesn’t have the strength in him to wake her. Instead, he slowly lays back on the bed with her, lets her tiny body rest over his, tightens his hold on her when she only sighs and snuggles as far into him as she possibly can – without him just absorbing her and her “wearing” him, like she often does.

But he really doesn’t know why his humanoid form over Eddie takes on a more masculine look... only, he absolutely does know, and it’s actually because of Eddie herself, because she is the one true host that allows him to be all that he can be; a protector, instead of a parasite... and also, because he doesn’t want people sexualising their form... her form...

He lets out a low rumbling growl of dismay at the mere thought of anybody laying their eyes on his love in that way. He then huffs quietly as she snuggles further into him, cheek pressed firmly against his hard chest – because he knows that Eddie is right (she’s mostly always right when it comes to him) when she tells him he needs to simmer down on the whole jealousy thing. He knows it’s true, knows she’s right, knows he’s ridiculous, knows that Eddie loves him. He can feel it, always, even if she never chose to tell him.

The Sun is slowly beginning to rise now, just as Eddie shifts in her sleep. Venom frowns when she does, only his looks worried and hers both looks and feels afraid. Her tiny fingers dig into his inky mass, her heart racing a little, and Venom doesn’t waste another second getting to work again. He will try it every damn time, if he has to. Because he would do anything for her.

After a few minutes of her whimpering as he tries to literally shove his way into her nightmares to pull her out of them, he fails for the goddamn millionth time, lets out a frustrated little snarl.

“N-no... take us... take us instead... please...”

“Eddie.” Venom calls softly out to her, sends a small tendril out from his chest to carefully swipe away the hair fallen over her face. ‘Eddie, my love.’ He tries again through their mind instead, scowls when he receives only more whimpering and now fidgeting to get away from him.

“V, don’t let him...”

The desperation and fear in her voice seems to trigger something in Venom that allows him instant access into even the parts of her she manages to keep from him. He doesn’t waste any time, simply grabs her the moment he spots her.

Eddie’s eyes snap open, a deep breath escaping her. She blinks, finds herself back in bed, back in his arms, but something feels... weird? Not necessarily in a bad way. Just weird.

“Still sleeping, Eddie. I brought you here, to our shared mindspace, so you can rest peacefully.” Venom tells her, voice soft, arms wrapped safely around her, both here and back in their real bed.

Eddie slides her head back, smiles tiredly up at him. “Thank you.”

Venom nods, and Eddie lets out a content sigh as the blackness from his massive legs seep over her legs, keeping her warm, even in their mind, in their dreams.

“You were right. I really am useless without you.” Eddie mumbles, and Venom doesn’t like how miserable she sounds, and pretty much feels like a total dick.

Not true, Eddie. Was wrong. It is the other way around.”

Eddie’s heart melts at his sweetness, but she can’t help chuckling rather bitterly as she tells him, “You said Dylan was tryin’ to tell me somethin’. Well, I finally figured it out. Pretty sure he’s tellin’ me that I’m the one who needs to sit out of the endgame with your lovely god, because I keep dreamin’ different versions of what happens, and in every single one, so far, Knull has ripped me from you, and taken both you and our kids from me AFTER leavin’ me in a bloody and broken heap of limbs!”

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