Looney Tunes

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“So, do you have religion and... stuff... on Klyntar...??”

Venom scoffs. “If you count dictatorship as religion, then yes.”

Eddie nods, jots down whatever the alien tells. Her notepad is balanced on her right knee, pen in one hand and coffee in the other. “Tell me about the rebellion.” She says, takes a sip of the steaming hot liquid, her brain on autopilot with her hands. She hisses at the sting of gulping down too much. Though, she has to bite back an amused smirk when Venom hisses, too.

“Too hot, Eddie!” Venom all but squeaks out. He narrows his eyes when she only laughs and sticks her tiny tongue out at him. He huffs, then finally answers her. “After millions of years of Knull snuffing out stars and planets and bonding symbiotes to Celestials, some of us began to wake ourselves, instead of waiting for our creator to call upon us. We don’t know how it was possible, but we were so grateful that we never questioned it. This is far before my time. Knull constructed an artificial planet from the living darkness to serve as his throne room for his greedy empire. From this new base of his, he waged full on war against anything that stood for the light. When enough of us finally awakened, we were finally able to help the rest of our kin to wake, as well. As our maker, and as a hive species, Knull knew that we were planning to destroy him. So he destroyed our world first.”

Eddie notes he doesn’t sound all that sad. Still, she’s slowly placing her coffee mug down on the table, and she can’t help shooting him a scowl of regret. “Shit, V... I’m sorry. We don’t have to do this. It was a stupid idea. You know me, right? I’m full of stupid ideas.”

Venom chuckles at that adorable sheepish look on that lovely face of hers... it really is so very lovely. “Yes, you are.” He chuckles again when that scowl only spreads wider across that pretty brow. “But I am fine. And this was not a stupid idea, Eddie.” He grins, feels her concern starting to dissolve. “I haven’t told you the best part yet. We followed him to his new planet, latched onto him like a... parasite.”

Eddie smirks. “So, you finally admit it.” She can’t help herself. He’s just too easy.

“I am NOT a parasite! It was just a metaphor!” Venom snaps before he can stop himself. It’s like a reflex now, he swears. Stupid Eddie. He huffs when she only laughs at him, takes a deep breath to calm himself. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shout... But you know what you did.”

Eddie grins back at him after tucking her feet under her ass and getting a little more comfy on the couch. “You know I’m just messin’ with you, babe. Chill – as the kids say.”

“I am chill. I’m as cool as a cucumber. And I’m pretty sure no kids say that these days.” Venom’s voice is low and grumbling, but “chill,” just like he says. He shivers when she laughs that pretty laugh again, is thankful that she doesn’t seem to notice... too busy mocking him instead... stupid Eddie.

“Well, OK, then. Good.” Eddie chooses to ignore his little quip, instead, bites back an amused smirk, purses her lips as she writes a few more notes down. “What happened after that? Is it possible for you guys to latch onto him and take control?” She finally asks, hugs her knees to her chest, her notepad resting on top of them.

Venom feels his insides tingle warmly at the mere sight of her – all tucked up and cosy under that ridiculous fluffy red robe of hers... so tiny. He floods around her, wants to keep her warm, even if he knows he’s already doing so. Still, the blinding smile she shoots him is worth it, all the same.

“Minus us taking control of his mind, that is exactly what we were made for before the idea of bonding us with Celestials came to him. We were his weapons, after all. But many of us tried anyway... we dragged him down to the core of his artificial planet, all the way down to his precious throne room where we finally were able to imprison him, where he’s been ever since, and hopefully, where he will remain for eternity. We took over the planet, made it our new home, our new Klyntar.”

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