Master Plan

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“Thank you, Eddie. That was fun.” Venom states with a happy and satisfied grin as he leaps off of the closest tallest building from Annie’s house. He lands in the small alleyway, seeps back into her as soon as their feet touch the concrete.

“No problem, love.” Eddie replies absentmindedly as she unzips her jacket and straightens out her slightly wrinkled shirt, “A dirty kiddie fiddler on the loose, only to end up in your belly. Happy birthday, V.”

‘I should have torn his dick off first.’ Venom sounds disgusted, then, just as quickly, sounds amused as he adds, ‘That would have been funny.’

Eddie can’t help smirking, shakes her head as she walks those last two blocks over to Anne’s lush house. “That would have been funny, yeah. But also probably somewhat traumatisin’ for the little girl.” She casually points out.

Venom grunts, thinks about her words before he says, ‘Maybe not, though. She had a lot of fight in her for such a delicate little thing. It was very impressive.’ His chuckle echoes in her mind as he asks, ‘Did you see how hard she kicked him in the nuts, Eddie? Or the way she clawed at his face so angrily, he bled all over himself and her? What an adorable little monster. She would make a fine host.’

Eddie scoffs out a laugh. “You scoutin’ for soldiers, too, now, V? Is that what this is?”

‘Of course not. It just felt nice to be thanked for a change. She... she hugged us, Eddie.’

Eddie smiles as she nears Anne’s street. “She did. And she wasn’t scared of you, at all. See? Not all humans are dicks... Just most.”

‘I know, Eddie. If there can be just one who is a good person, there can be many more. You and Annie taught me that.’ Venom states sincerely, then scoffs again as he tells her, ‘And we won’t need to scout for soldiers, Eddie. Even without our son, we stand a good chance. You and I, Eddie, WE could take over the hive. With you, I have the power to do it, but only with you. It’s what Knull’s really afraid of. He knows I can do it, I almost did when I almost beat him. He knows any one of my spawn could hold the power to do the same and much more. Which means Toxin will be his target, too.’

Eddie halts a few yards away from Anne’s house. “Why is he doin’ all this? Can’t we just tell him we have no interest in takin’ over his precious throne?”

‘You’re going to be pissed when I tell you the reason...’ Venom says, voice slightly low and cautious.

Eddie huffs, braces herself. “Just tell me, V.”

‘It’s the very reason he created the first ever symbiote in the first place... at the beginning of time and for a long time after, there was nothing, only darkness and silence. Eventually, when the Celestials finally came into being and got straight to work, their creations of life and light disturbed Knull’s peace and quiet...’

Eddie blinks, stares blankly at Anne’s blood red front door (appropriate for the friends she has.) “Are you actually fuckin’ kiddin’, V? That’s his big master plan for half a trillion years? To go back to fuckin’ sleep?!

‘I did say you would be pissed when I told you.’ Venom says, voice holding some amusement.

Eddie rolls her eyes. “I need a drink. Pronto. And you better let me get shitfaced for a little while tonight. You can burn it all off once we leave.” She adds with a sweet tone and wide grin, “And you show me this surprise of yours.” She senses his own giddiness, holds back a chuckle.

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