Take You

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[New York, 2047.]

“Brock! He’s killing Sentry!” Tony exclaims.

“Yeah, and we’re all fucking next!” Bucky roars.

“Bob! No! Fuck!” Sam yells out in horror.

“I’m going in. Cover me, if you can.” Carol tells them, then, can be heard rocketing off.

US cover HER?! Is she serious?!” Kate practically squeals out.

“This would be SO much easier if Thor were here!” Bruce says.

“Well, he’s not! Get a grip!” Jennifer scoffs out, clearly unimpressed with the “manlier” Hulk.

“They’re getting closer...” Nat notes, with a quite tone of horror in her voice – which yikes, because Black Widows in general don’t get scared in both Eddie and Venom’s experience, let alone this one, in particular.

“Am I really the only one who’s going to say that this is gonna be a totally awesome way to die?” Yolena asks, sounds positively perplexed.

Nat snorts. “I can definitely think of worse ways.”

“Go, go, go!” Sam demands, clearly sounds tired of their shit already.

“OK, but we’re all gonna diiiie!” Kate chimes out before huffing her way after them.

“God, I hope so.” Bucky grumbles, can be heard cocking what sounds like a shotgun as he trudges after them.

“That’s not helpful, Sargeant Barnes.”

“Oh, great, the X-Men are here. The world really must be fucked if you guys finally decided to show up...” Clint drawls out, even in the face of almost certain death, he’s always as cool as a fricking cucumber – Eddie, heck, even Venom finds him pretty cool for it.

“Storm, Logan, Scott, please help assist the Captain and his team.”

‘Happy to have everybody on board. Thanks for comin’.’ Eddie actually means that, knows the Professor can hear her thoughts clearly enough for the moment.

‘Happy to assist. Good luck. Both of you. Jean and I are here, if you need us.’

‘Thank you.’

Eddie tries to concentrate with them all in her ear, tries to ignore her guilt over her friends and most importantly, both her sons, tries to stay focused with Venom as the two of them sit on top of this makeshift symbiote throne – left over from a mutated piece of Carnage that somehow found it’s way into the Manhattan sewers some years ago and grew into some monstrous, though, pretty harmless mass of basic organisms – tries to shut everything else out as they try to penetrate the symbiote hive mind. The throne of red symbiote mass seems to form itself as soon as she and Venom sit down on the very top of this small living hill. There’s no pain for them as the red tendrils seem to sense them and exactly who they are as they slide into Venom’s arms like hundreds of tiny needles, though, the more they strain to connect with the hive, the more uncomfortable it is on both their minds.

Venom knows there’s a good chance that this won’t work, and that he isn’t as strong as Eddie thinks he is, is the one thing that makes him fight all the more harder to be. For her. For their sons. For their friends. And for the rest of their family.

She sweetly calls him “darlin’” like she often does, and Venom nods in acknowledgement, half his face then pulling back for half of her own face to be revealed.

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