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“Hmm?” Until she speaks up again, Venom has to admit that he was only half paying attention to their date, because, ironically, Eddie is the one distracting him from their (officially second... he hopes anyway) date. He sits opposite her, tethered to her right ankle, Venom’s huge elbows resting on the table in front of his plate of chocolate covered tater tots, chin resting in his palms as he simply gazes back at her.

Eddie has to stifle her laughter, because her other half has been staring back at her from across their breakfast table since she sat down to eat. He seems very fascinated by her every move. It’s kind of sweet... OK, a lot sweet. “You OK, love? You've been a little spaced out since I woke up.”

Venom jerks back to reality, lost in his ever racing thoughts of Eddie, and his huge, hulking full form jars the breakfast table with his knees along with his sudden movement. “Oh, shit! Shit, shit!” He exclaims, eyes widening as he just about manages to keep her glass of OJ from tipping over as well as his own empty glass (he likes to pretend and Eddie, sweetly, is happy to indulge him) from rolling off of the table. Yes! I – I’m fine!!” He declares, shooting her a nervous half smile.

Eddie grins amusedly to herself as she listens to him grumbling under his breath. Then, watches him shrink his entire form down to actually fit the chair creaking under his large mass. Though, he’s still pretty fucking huge, she still has to crane her neck a little to look up at him, even when he’s sitting down with her. “Well –“ She decides not to embarrass him, instead, smiles down at her near empty plate before smiling back up at him. ”– I gotta admit, I’m very impressed with your sudden peak in culinary skills.”

“You are?” Venom perks up considerably, feels her endearment over his reaction, and then, feels his insides ache a little more wonderfully over it all; over Eddie. Stupid, lovely Eddie...

“Yeah, totally.” Eddie nods. “I didn’t find a single shell in my eggs, and you didn’t leave the bacon strips practically raw, and the pancakes aren’t burnt in the slightest...” She suddenly trails off when she realises just how backhanded her “compliments” to the symbiote chef sound, feels her heart twinge painfully over last night’s dream talk with Toxin.

Venom doesn’t seem to notice, only shows her that big happy and toothy grin of his.

Still, Eddie feels like she has to tell him, “Everything was great, V. Really, I mean it.”

“I know you do.” Venom chirps, grins happily, but there’s a slight snootiness and also, teasing in his tone.

Eddie gives him a playful roll of her eyes, then, glances over to the spotless kitchen. “Is that lemon Pledge I can smell?” She chuckles when he nods eagerly, is still grinning back at her. “You get some spring cleanin’ done, V? You’re gonna make a very good housewife for someone one day. I’m proud of you. I have nothin’ left to teach you. Your trainin’ is now complete.” She can’t help smirking, slightly teasing. Especially when he simply scoffs back at her. “I can’t even smell Dumb and Dumber anymore.” She grins when he narrows his eyes at her.

“Their names are Sonny and Cher, and you know it!”

“Their names are Stinky One and Stinky Two.” Eddie’s smirk only grows as he huffs, his eyes still narrowed at her. “Guess that’s actually one thing I don’t gotta worry about with you, huh, V? You just smell like...” She thinks for a moment. “Nothing, unless I concentrate and use your senses... you kinda smell tarmac mixed with cinnamon... it’s weird.”

Venom frowns, looks slightly worried as he sits back in his seat, arms as his sides in thought and the chair creaking only very slightly beneath him this time. He knows that the smell of tarmac isn’t particularly horrid, though, knows it’s not a particular favourite to most humans. He also knows, however, that Eddie isn’t really a fan of cinnamon altogether. After a moment, he nervously and slowly asks her, “Is that... a bad thing, Eddie?”

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