Down For It

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[New York, 2038.]

Bruce – even the mighty Hulk – knows he’s nowhere near matched up to this fight. “We are so screwed...” He mumbles, he and all the rest staring up into the half blackened sky.

Dealing with a never-ending army of symbiotes is one thing – possibly doable – but dealing with symbiote bonded Celestials is a completely different thing altogether.

“That’s not helpful, Banner.” Sam mutters, though, he has to admit, he doesn’t see a way out of this – not unless Eddie and Venom can pull whatever secret move they’re hoping to pull.

“No, but he’s right.” Kate supplies, nervously jittering beside Yolena, who places a calming hand on the younger archer’s shoulder. Kate shoots her a small, but grateful smile in return.

“We just have to stand our ground and –“

“The fuck ya talking about, Cap? What ground do we have left to stand on already?” Rocket scoffs up Sam, furry little arms folded over his chest, tiny goggles pushed up against his furry forehead, free for his most humanlike features to glare up at the idiot Captain. (At least he’s nowhere near as stupid as Quill.)

“Wow, so helpful, furface.” Johnny scoffs out, flamed form hovering over the group of heroes, along with Storm, Carol, Jean and Strange.

“Right?” Quill scoffs out.

“Wow, so original. Hey, how’s the ex-wife doing? She still think you’re a giant flaming pile of loser? Meh, don’t blame her. She ain’t exactly wrong.” Rocket sarcastically drawls out before flipping “flame boy” off.

Johnny scoffs, looks incredulous as he mutters to himself, “I’m getting roasted by a fucking mutated rodent.”

“I am Groot.”

“HA!” Rocket scoffs out a laugh. “Right? He roasts himself.”

“Motherfucker –“ Johnny hisses dives down towards the duo.

“Enough.” Jean holds up a hand, freezing Johnny in his mid-air tracks.

“OK. Fuck!” Johnny squirms.


Quill launches a little slap upside his furry little smug shit head.

“Hey!” Rocket hisses.

Groot then lightly slaps Quill upside of his head.

Quickly followed by Gamora, who slaps him up the other side of his head.

“Seriously?” Quill glares at them both, but mainly at Groot, even when the stupid sentient tree alien shrugs and smiles helplessly – as if he just wanted to join in.

“Boys!” Nat snaps, glares at all of them.

“Thank you.” Sam sighs when they all finally shut up, then, shoots the redhead Russian beauty a grateful smile. “You heard anything from Eddie or Venom?”

Xavier blinks, his mind focusing back on the here and now, shakes his head as he stares rather grimly up at the Captain. “I’m afraid not. Because of their hive mind mentality, it’s rather difficult to distinguish who is who. I am able to connect with Venom, because he allows me to.”

“What about Dylan?” Carol asks.

Jen and Yolena scoff, but it’s Nat that glares up at her and says, “For the last time, we are NOT using a kid.”

“A kid?” Carol scoffs back, floats lower to the ground so that she’s almost eye level with the ex Russian spy. “That kid has more dangerous firepower than this asshole so-called ancient god of darkness. It’s the reason he’s fucking here!”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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