Power Play-Julia

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I gulp audibly at the look that he gives me before shoving the doctor out of the room. As he turns his back for that brief moment I square my shoulders. I hear the growl behind me as Jefferson shows his frustration. I should have know pissing this guy off wasn't a good idea but I just cant hold my tongue. I've never been able to.

When he turns back toward me his facial expression is blank. I blink rapidly as I try to ponder what it means. I feel as my eyebrows furrow on my face as he stalks toward me. I don't even know what to do to prepare myself. If I knew that he were angry, I might have tried to run. If he were simply upset I could have tried talking my way out of it.

His blank expression however makes it so the only thing I do is fidget while I wait for him to walk over. I focus my gaze on that piercing black one of his. As his muscles bunch and maneuver I have to stop myself from looking at them. His bold movements almost reminds me of a lion stalking its prey. Just as I take a deep breath he's right in front of me.

My neck cranes back as I stay holding my gaze to his. I look at all the different facets of his face as I notice the scaring. There are so many of them. In some place its almost as if they pile on top of each other. I should probably find them to be absolutely hideous but for some reason I want to run my hands across them instead. Sadness fills my heart that someone would cause one being so much pain.

As that feeling engulfs me I see when he inhales. His body goes rigid in front of me as his eyes narrow. I can clearly see that he is verifiable pissed now. Jefferson growl sharpens behind me and I cant help the step back that I take. His breathing picks up speed and it almost looks as if he grows. Just as I release the breath that I am holding he moves.

A sharp pain hits my chest and my hands fly up to protect myself. I hear the fabric of my shirt shred before I feel it being ripped from my skin. A ferocious roar from behind me makes a click go off inside my head that he just did something violating. The chill in the room hits the top of my breast and my bare stomach as my hands fly to my hips.

I look into his piercing black eyes to see that he is enjoying this. If I didn't know any better I would say that he wants to laugh. This is no laughing matter. I take a deep calming breath as he watches me with a quirk of his brow. His eyes flicker down and I know that he is getting an eye full as I try to stop myself from breathing so hard.

"You are going to pay for that" Jefferson growls out behind me.

I shiver at the sound of his voice. The room is actually cold so I hope they mistake my reaction to that. I can actually hear the protectiveness in his voice. We talked almost the entire night after I finally decided to stop giving him the silent treatment. His eyes flicker over my shoulder to look at Jefferson and I watch as he starts to fiddle with the knife on his hip. Instinctively I step close to Jefferson, not wanting him to get hurt. He is the lesser of two evils here even though he cant move much.

"How cute. Here I am trying to give you an early birthday present and your new little toy here thinks that you need to be protected" he sneers as his eyes travel between us. 

"I haven't celebrated our birthday in twenty years. What the hell makes you think I want anything you have to offer me" Jefferson sneers behind me.

The air in the room is heavy. The anger that they feel in each other's presence is palpable. If feelings could be seen in the air, then this room would be painted red. Morbius' face is twisted as he eyes his brother over my shoulder. I still stand with my hands cocked on my hips. Everything in me is telling me to cover myself but I refrain from doing the cowardice action. Something is telling me that I have to hold my ground with him.

"Well, since I'm in a giving mood, I guess I should finish what I started" Morbius states with a chuckle. I freeze as I prepare myself for his next action. I know that its either going to be my bra or my pants. A part of me is hoping that he isn't so terrible that he would leave me here naked. I have seen mates and how protective they are. I've see how they respond when another shifter sees their mates bodies. A part of me hopes that he isn't as cruel.

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