Assuring My Mate-Morbius

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Assuring My Mate-Morbius

As we walk through the village I find comfort in having her arm in mine. The tingles that rush across my skin are almost otherworldly as I enjoy the feel of them. I find myself sniffing continuously as I enjoy having her scent so near. I barely pay attention as we head to our destination. I know that there is a common place in which others eat here but i have yet to visit it. Many times someone has just left a basket of items on my porch which I have barely touched.

"So, was there a purpose to us having this meal together or did you just want to get me away from your brother?" She asks as she keeps her eyes forward. I have to think about the question that she asks before I supply her with my answer.

"Yes, I would like for you to see that I am making an effort so that eventually you will want to complete the bond. As for my brother, I do not care what you and he do together. He is your mate too and my dragon and I have no problems with your relationship" I state honestly as I look at her.

Her feet pause as we walk and I watch as she blinks several times before she takes her arm from mine. I stand beside her unsure of what this response means as I wait for her to say something. When her jaw clenches I get worried that I have already messed this up again. I think back to my words and see the accuracy of what i spoke and can find no problems.

"So, all of this is just so that we can have sex and you can get your rocks off. You know what on second thought i don't think that i am hungry anymore" She states as she turns away from me.

This time I get frustrated that she has twisted my words once more. I reach out and grab her arm as I spin her back to me. She gasps as she hits my chest a bit harder than I would have liked and the fire in her eyes only angers me further.

"Every time I talk you get these little ideas in your head that I am only out for one thing, woman. You and I both know that that is not how this works. I swear that I am trying here Julia but it seems that you are only out to give me the hardest time of my life. You and I both know that the bond means more than sex. If doing that with me is such a problem then it never has to happen. As long as I have you!" I say as I speak into her face.

She steps away from me as she looks at me and I don't know what to do at the moment. I had set out to try to talk to her but it looks like I have messed things up more than I thought. She thinks the worst of me and who could blame her after how I have treated her. I know that this isn't simple but I feel that the least she can do is give me the chance to right my wrongs. I'm starting to think that I may as well accept that I may never get the chance.

"You know maybe this would be easier if you just tell me what you want. Apparently I can't seem to say or do anything right and I am tired of hurting you" I say in frustration as I look at her.

"It's not that simple, Morbius. I can't just say what I want and you make it happen. This isn't a crystal ball where things only have one answer" She states.

"I know that Julia. Hell, I know that I messed up but I want to change that. Could you at least give me somewhere to start" I beg her. I watch her closely as I see her thinking. I can see the frustration that she wears from how this is going as well and I want more than anything to ease it. When her eyes mist over and she lowers her head I feel even more like crap.

"There is nothing that you can do, Morbius. You come and go from this place as you please. You rejected me and abandoned me after I fought for you in just one day. In truth i'm just waiting for the moment that you decide to leave again. To the point, there is just no way for you to show me that you leaving won't happen again" She whispers and my heart breaks. Everything that she said is true. No one has spit it so clearly but the way that she just described me made me sound like a monster. My heart pinches in my chest as I realize what this means. It means that I am not going to get my mate back.

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