Land Ho-Slater

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  AS the chopper lands at my home I toss the pilot a pile of cash as I exit. I have called on him often to take people or things away discreetly. With the amount that I just gave him, he will know that it is meant for him to keep his mouth shut. I already have enough problems with people who have decided to open their mouths.
  I smile as I enter through the door after inputting my code. This is the one place where I know that they will not find me. No one even knows about this place but me. I have sold and bought it through so many companies that it is untraceable. It will be the perfect place for me to continue my work. The best part is that years ago I had a lower level added to the house that I was sure to keep off of any blue prints. I head there now as my mind starts to race with possibilities.
  Morbius may think that he has gotten ahead by now. He will think that since all of my labs have been taken over that I will be running with my tail tucked in between my legs. He will think that I will have no way to pick up from where I started. As I open the door to my lab the blue glow of the room and the chill has me grabbing my coat. I place the case that I have been carrying gently on the table as I look around the room.
  Once I had my doctors start creating serums I began to make my plans. There were too many coincidences when things started to go wrong. I had too many people asking questions about everything that we did that it made me a bit paranoid. I am glad for that paranoia now. Each time my scientist came up with something new I took samples. I would tell them that our shareholders wanted to see what we were doing so that they could still afford their precious equipment.
  Each time though I came here to keep samples. For each serum or drug they have produced over the year, I have copies. Opening my briefcase I remove the iridescent white vial and hold it up to the light. As I look at the color I have to chuckle. If one were to guess they would probably think that I was using this fluid to make a baby. Project Orgasm is an endearing name for this indeed.
  I take the vial carefully and I place it into its designated spot on the shelf. Removing the next vial of the fluid I open the contents as I take it over to the component machine. This one has been programmed to the properties of those with interspecies DNA. Once the machine is done processing it should be able to give me a chemical compound that would allow me to easily replicate it. I may not be able to release it in mass quantities of the population just yet but I know the day will come where it would be a possibility. I can still think of one particular human that will be getting this serum no matter what I have to do to get it into her veins.
  As I wait for them machine to work, I turn on the screens that I have here at the lab. Using the controls I tap into the cameras at the facility and watch all the chaos that ensued after I left the facility. It's so foreign for me to see the halls and cells as empty as they are. A familiar figure catches my attention and I click on the screen that shows my office. I change the angle of the camera so that I can see exactly what my dear under study is doing.
  My laugh echoes in the lab as I see the frustration on his face as he goes through the paperwork that I left on my desk. He could go through that entire office and he would be able to find nothing of my whereabouts. A figure jumps into the room behind him and I smile as he is grabbed. Words get exchanged as mouths move and I go to turn up the audio.
  "I am here to find the whereabouts of the man that occupied this office. You would do well to release me dragon" Morbius spits out as he quickly pushes a knife into the sides of the man behind him. I watch as the eyes of the one holding him cloud over for a minute and I frown. I rewind to make sure I saw what I saw and decide to keep that later for questions. A moment late the golden dragon from the clan pops into the room.
  "Why are you looking for him?" The golden alpha ask my former subject.
  "Because I am going to kill him" Morbius swears as they hold eye contact. With a brief flash of that weird look in the dragons eyes he releases Morbius. I tap the screen as I wait for something to happen next.
  "You are Morbius. The mate of Julia and Jefferson" The black one states as he shares a look with his alpha.
  "I am the mate of no one" he growls out as he moves to exit the office. He is stopped by the giant golden dragon before he can make it to the door.
  "You have asked for sanctuary in my clan. You have helped to free those here in this facility. You worked with my beta and the reporter to get the location of all the facilities so that this man could be caught. Why would someone do all those things if not for their mate" He ask Morbius directly.
  I wait for his expression to change. For each fact that the golden man yelled out I imagined another way of killing him. I had no idea how far his treachery went but now that it hasn't been denied I now know. I wait to see what he will say as the machine for my serum finally buzzes. I remove the paper from the analyzation test and I smile when I see that I have all of the ingredients here. I may have my work cut out for me to get a few copies of the serum made but it can be done. I have nothing but time now.
  I look back at the screen and see that the dragon men are still in a standoff. The one that originally had
  Morbius in a choke hold happens to be walking around my office. He walks right over to where I had the camera in it installed. Just as I think he is going to walk past the statue his gaze zeroes in and lands on mine. I glare back at the screen as I meet his gaze and the bastard smiles.
  The feed is cut seconds later and I lose my connection to the room before I can hear anything else. I turn away from the screens as one by one I start to lose access. I shrug my shoulders. I don't need any more information. I have all the information that I need right here in this little lab. In just a few weeks' time I will be able to annihilate them all. Especially my dear young understudy. They may think that they have won for now. But my revenge, will be oh so sweet.

Dragoned in HalfHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin