Troublesome Fantasies-Jefferson

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The day after the argument passes by so slowly. The room is filled with awkward tension as all we do is throw looks at one another. She spends majority of the day sleeping as I watch her. During the night as she slept, I had taken one of the lab coats and placed it on her. It had almost looked as if she shivered while she slept and my dragon didn't like that.

He hasn't said much to me besides his little insults and grunts of dismay at how I treated our mate. As the words to reject her formed on my lips, the crazy lizard actually fought me. It almost felt like he was clawing the inside of my veins. There was even a brief moment during our heated battle where I thought that he would force a transformation. I had to scream at him to stop before he hurt our mate. He has barely spoken a word to me since. This is longest that I have ever gone without speaking to him.

I can't help but narrow my eyes at her sleeping form. It's all her fault that me and my dragon are like this. We have never had any problems or disagreements until she came along. We have never even fought before. Not having either one of them to talk to has made this room a whole lot lonelier than it used to be. It probably seems real dumb to say this but I hate my own company. My mind just keeps replaying the conversation in my head that we have. Each time I tell her that there is no room for her in my life, I can't help but cringe. I swear that her eyes filled with tears as I said it.

Her heart rate. Its dropping

My dragon voice popping into my head to snap me out of my thoughts makes me physically jump. For the moment I'm so happy that he is finally talking to me. Then his words register and I am immediately on my feet as I walk over to my mate. My ears twitch as I zoom in on the sound of her heart. My dragon in the meantime plays the rhythm of it from when she got here. He is right, for some reason its slowing.

My hand moves automatically as I check her for a fever. I know its one thing that humans get that we don't. When they have one it can certainly be deadly. As my hand touches her head I cant help but smirk as her heart rate speeds up. Her reaction to my touch is quite interesting but right now I need to find out what's happening with her. I don't know a whole lot about their biology but after living with a few at the clan I do know some things.

I have seen her drink water while she is here. Her chocolate skin doesn't appear to look pale at all. so dehydration is out. I freeze as she turns over in her sleep. Her hand goes down to her stomach as it releases a gurgling sound. I chuckle at the sound as her face grimaces with it.

Would you stop fooling around and feed her. We don't even know how many days she has been here or when she has last eaten. If I recall, a human can die of starvation after a few days even if we cant. She is sleeping because her body wants to save the little energy that she has.

My gaze moves to the key pad by the door as I consider my options. I know that there is an intercom system on it. They used to tease me about being able to ask for food or water when I was chained up. I didn't have the strength to break those chains so I got used to going days without food or water. I don't want to give them the satisfaction of pushing the button now. Whose to say that if I do that they will even bring something for her.

No one cares about your stupid pride. Feed our mate. Or I will. A few drops of our blood can cure whatever ails her.

His threat has me on my feet rapidly. I would imagine that if my mate were to have my blood that it would be different than just healing someone. I push the red button on the system and speak quickly. "The human in here needs food" I shout. "lots of it". I stand there and wait for a few moments as I wait for some kind of acknowledgement to what I said. Nothing happens as I wait and I get agitated. I speak into the speaker again. When I release the button this time, it no longer shines red. The crackling in the room stops.

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