Dragon Fury-Apollo

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Something snaps inside me as that monitor goes off. The commotion in the room as they shout my brother's name lets me know that he has also lost his shit. Tears fill my eyes as I look at my mate that lies so still. As my dragon comes forward glass shatters in the room and I allow the change to happen. My heart shatters into pieces as we watch the doctor working over our mate.

Her hands pump up and down on Julia's chest and I roar. Arms come around me and I fight against their hold as I try to get to her. I just need to feel her one more time. I just need my mate. The beeping in the room is the only thing that I can hear and I swipe out a hand as I destroy the machine. The beeping stops all at once as I fight against them.

Someone is screaming in my face but the only thing that I can still hear is that dreadful sound. The sound of everything in my life as I finally lose it. As the pain from this dreadful life finally gets to me. As it all ends. A strike to my face makes me growl as I fight harder and the voices in the room finally come to focus.

"Get a hold of yourself. They got her back. Her heart still beats" Xander says through his alpha tone. My body bows as I fall to a knee under the weight of it. My dragon roars in my head not wanting to listen. We heard what happened. We saw it with our own eyes.

"Apollo, heed my love"

The voice inside our head is one that brings us instant pause as Athena speaks. As I look at Julia and see that her chest now moves, our whole world goes still. The manic anger from the moment barely fades as we still feel what we came so close to. We stand slowly as the others loosen their hold.

"Mate" My dragon asks.

"Yes love. We are here. Weak, but hear"  She answers.

I allow him control as we fall on the edge of the bed. He uses our hands to trail our fingers along her face. Her features do not move but feeling her heart gives us hope. Seeing that she is here is one thing but i must know. My eyes go to her stomach and I let my tears fall as the glow from our three eggs still light.

"Say something. Anything" Maximus asks as he steps closer. Emily, Tika, and others still lie unconscious as all their mates turn to me. I speak quickly because I know the position they are in.

"Her dragon speaks to me. Her and our eggs are weak but they are alive. Deliver the serum doctor. Save our friends "I tell her as I touch my mate. I can't seem to stop my hands from touching her as I feel her warmth. The tingles that alight my skin seem to be the only thing that stops me right now. Then I recalled my brother.

"Jefferson. Jefferson, you need to answer me "I say through our link. It's so odd speaking to him in this way when I can no longer feel him. It's as if his side of things have gone completely silent.

"Can you reach Artemis? Apollo?" I asked my dragon. He shakes his head sadly and I try to think.

Where would he have gone in that moment of despair. Why would he leave? Well I know that I would have left too if our mate were no longer here. Thinking that I would follow her after. I would use the last of my time and strength to try to take care of the person responsible. That doesn't seem right though. Jefferson is not capable of such a thing.

We are capable of anything. Especially when hatred and pain rule our hearts.

"He's going after Slater. I have to find him "I tell the others as they watch their mates be treated. The smiles from the faces around the room let me know that they must have also heard from their mates. I need to leave though. They can follow once they are done.

"Athena. Jefferson has left in his grief. I need to stop him but I will be back. We both will "I shout to her as I grasp her hand.

"We need to wake her up first. In this state she can not stay long" She replies quickly. She must sense my confusion because she explains further. "You need to bring me forth. Use your gift to bring me forth" She demands.

I have no idea what to do. I haven't even had the time to practice this yet. Apollo however knows this deal. As he roars inside our head I feel the hair on our arms stand up. The center of my body heats as he grasps at something. I realize a moment too late as he touches the untouchable. He thwarts my attempt to stop him as he throws us into a mental cage and I scream.

"No, you could kill her!! Stop!!" I shouted but it's too late. I watch from the sidelines as our entire body glows and the light is forced out of us. With this light it leaks further through every happy memory we have ever known. The power of it is so much that I feel as others in the room go to their knees with a gasp. The crazy beast laughs as it flows and he shows himself.

The yellow scales of Apollo align our body just as they align our mate. Her eyes spring open and Athena shines through. With a deep breath he leans forward and presses his kiss to her lips. She screams into the kiss as we breathe the power down her throat. As the lip lock exceeds its limits she tosses us away and we fly across the room. We find our balance slowly as I stare in awe at my mate.

She gets up from the bed as if nothing is wrong. As if she had not been moments away from death. A true goddess in her beauty as a golden yellow aura surrounds her chocolate skin. Apollo growls at her in her direction and the tinkle of laughter that comes for us makes me smirk.

"Much much later handsome. That growl of challenge is going to get you into a tight spot" She says as she blows me a kiss. "For now though I have to have words with a wayward brother. Shall we" She says as she hops off the bed. I nod in approval as I take her arm and we take off through the facility.

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