Sign Unseen-Jefferson

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  As I face my brothers dragon head on and he holds my gaze I have no idea how to feel. His dragon speaks of things that I have yet to hear from my brother. The way that he talks about their past its almost as if they seem more human to me now than monster. I believe once that no matter what we went through I would always hate him. I never could have fathomed that we would come to an understanding. Just as I go to speak to him his lips start to move.
  "Julia is our mate just as we are hers. I may no feel no bond to her as I do to you but I do feel something. In this instance I can see parts of the boy that this human remembers. So, from the point and standing of that boy, I swear to you that I will do right by our mate" He states the words with a solemn promise that I wont deny.
  "I want to believe you but I don't know if I can. Your actions will have to speak for themselves" I state when I can think of nothing else to say. His dragon can make all the promises and wishes that he wants but I know that the human has a lot of power in this type of dynamic. In order to keep that promise, he would have to get the human on board.
  Before anything else can be said between us, we both freeze as sirens start to blare around us. There is a loud click sound that goes off from the corridor and then more noise can be heard. I can hear the screams of others as well as gun fire going off. Immediately I take action and I go over to protect our mate who lies so still on the ground. A growl rips out of my brothers throat as a thundering of footsteps nears us.
  With my mate on the floor at my back I take a stance as I am prepare to fight to protect her. As the footsteps sound close I meet the eyes of my brothers dragon and we nod. That look could only mean one thing. Protect our mate at all cost or die trying. As soon as I hear footsteps enter the room I charge forward to stop our intruder. The closer they stay to the exit of the room the better I can protect my mate. When I see it as a face that I recognize I freeze in my attack.
  I watch as my brother goes in front of me and starts to attack my friend and I yell but its too late. Rushing forward I throw my brother away after a struggle and protect the Merman who stands in the room. I have to place a hand on Derrick's chest to try to stop his momentum from attacking Morbius. I may not trust him fully as of yet, but I do know that we will need his knowledge of the facility to make it out if this is a rescue mission.
  "Morbius, he's a good guy" I state as I try to get my brothers attention. When I receive a growl in return the mistake that I have made becomes obvious to me. "Apollo" I say as I retract the name I just used.
  "And I should trust you because of this why?" he ask as he goes to step in front of our mate.
  "He is a leader in our clan in our land. I trust him" I state simply as I watch the calculated look he uses.
  "Look here boys. We don't have a lot of time before our exit with this place will be sealed. Its time to go now or never" Derrick says as he exits the room once more. Waling over to Morbius I see as he relaxes his stance a bit more. We both become attracted to a sound at his back when we realize that it comes from our mate. We watch as finally her eyes start to slowly blink open and she comes through.
  I am so happy to see that she is waking up that I push him out of the way as I get to her. "Jefferson" She says with a hoarse voice. I cradle her face in mine as I lift her forehead to hold against mine in thanks. I am so happy that she has awakened despite what she has had to go through. Before I can respond to her I hear a thud behind my back and turn to see Morbius as his body drops to the ground.
  I squeeze her hand with a curse as I try to see what is going on. He was just fine a moment ago. However, just as fast as he falls out is as fast as he rises from the ground. The look on his face is confusing as he surveys the room and flinches from the alarms sounding. His stance straightens fast as he meets my gaze.
  "Would you like to fill me in?" he ask as he throws a brief glance at our mate who is now sitting up.
  "My people have attacked the facility in order to free us. Julia survived the mate bond and I am betting that we don't have a lot of time to find an exit for this place. As soon as you are ready you can lead the way" I tell him as I swoop our mate into my arms.
  She gasps at my touch as I cradle her in preparation to leave the room as he nods in return. He holds up a hand telling me to halt as he checks the exit. From where I am standing I can hear no one near. He gestures for me to follow him as he leaves the room. I look down at our mate and can see her wide eyed stare as she looks around. I shush her just as her lips go to move and I concentrate on the sounds in the facility.
  We pause at several of the corners as we walk through the metal floors. As our feet land they are the only sounds that we hear until we get to a wider corridor. When I see the people that line the walls and wait, I stop Morbius from his attach just as his stance changes. "They are with us" I tell him. He nods his head as they allow us past while throwing him scathing looks. I nod at several of the men in gratitude as I pass them.
  The look of relief on their face lets me know that they were waiting for me. I can feel as my eyes water when I see how happy some of them are to see me with and give me slaps on the back as I pass. Julia must have seen my reaction because I can feel her as she rubs a hand on my chest. Looking into her eyes, the small smile that she wears on her face is all the reassurance that I need. I know that she is going to be fine now.
  As we round the next corner I immediately look up as I smell pine. It lets me know that we are nearing an exit to the outside world. I don't know how long it has been since I have seen nature but now my feet move of their own accord. I nearly push past Morbius as I make my way to the exit. As soon as I step through the doors its like everything in my world rights itself as soon as I get a look at the sky.
  Once more we shall take to the sky. With out mate by our side and our brother as our kin, our world may finally, truly be worth living in.
  I have never agreed more with my dragon in anything that he has said. Opening my eyes, my gaze leaves the sky as I look down at our mate. She smiles as she looks at me and in this moment I cant even help myself. I take her lips in mine and kiss her for all that I am worth. I twine my tongue with hers as her sweet flavor hits my tongue and I pull her as close as I can in my arms. Her arms twine around my neck as she smiles into my kiss and I feel her joy in the action.
  When I finally release her, we are both breathing heavily. I look up and smile at my brother as I gently lower her to her feet. She wobbles a bit as she stands but quickly corrects herself as she gains her balance. Not wanting to be apart from her I throw an arm over her shoulder as I pull her close to me and look at the area.
  I smile as I see several from my clan who wave as they help others. I see some of the creatures like me who were apart of my torture as they sit in handcuffs. As I meet the gaze of my brother a bit of my happiness disappears as I see the look that he is giving our mate. They both stand still as they stare at each other. If I had to guess I would say that they are both taking  a look at the bond that they have now.
  There is a small smile on her face as she looks at him. He however is giving off an expression that is unreadable. The lines of his lips are tight and it looks as if he is clenching his teeth. if one had to guess I would say that he was angry but giving the circumstances, I do not believe that that would make sense. When she takes a step toward him, my arm slowly slips off of her shoulder. I can feel the sadness of my beast when he whimpers as the tingles that we get from her touch disappear but I know that this needs to happen.
  With them being soul bonded there would be no way to deny the pull that she has to him. A part of me knew what would happen but I had hoped that when we had a moment she would want to be with me. I had thought that if she came back it would be our turn as we had spoken about. She lifts a hand to him in offering as I watch. His gaze goes to her hand but I watch as he just stares at it. His eyes don't move an inch for several seconds as he looks at her hand and the gulp that he gives is audible. When he opens his mouth, the last words that I would ever expect for him to say leave them.
  "I Morbius Murdock reject you Julia Henning as my soul bonded mate and life partner" He states as he straightens his stance. A roar from me whips through the air as she screams in pain from his words. Before I can go to attack him she collapses and I am forced to catch her. When I turn back to face him after our mate is in our arms, its to find his back disappearing into the facility that we just escaped from.

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