Emotions Taking Over-Julia

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My breath saws in and out of my chest in fury as I watch the way he treats his brother. Just moments ago, he had me trapped in a heated kiss that I was even sure I wanted to end. The way that he kissed me and slid his tongue against mine was like nothing that I eve experienced. I don't even know how I was able to respond and kiss him back with the way that he makes me feel.

As I stand here now, there is nothing that I can do. It pisses me off that I have nothing to fight with but my words. Using my fist against him does nothing at all. Each time I try to fight him it feels as if he flings me away like an annoying insect buzzing in his ear. So much for this mate shit. I must have done something pretty bad in a previous life if fate thought that I deserved someone so cruel.

I can't seem to take my eyes off of Jefferson. There is so much fight in him even after all that he has been through. If anything I would have given up in his position. Yet, he still tried to protect when that door opened. Now as I look into his eyes as Morbius has him pinned to the floor waiting; I cry for him. I never wanted to have a mate. I never imagined that I could be one. Something in side of me did however want the chance to know him. I wanted the chance to see him live.

The words that pour from his mouth shock me. "I....Jefferson... Maurice.... Howard..accept Julia as my mate and love of... my life. From this day.....to the time of my death, I am yours. In heart. In body. And in Soul". I can hear the pain he must feel as he says the words. As he finishes them, its like something snaps in place inside me. The sorrow that I now feel is all encompassing and it makes me want to go to the floor to cry in ball. I suck in a ragged breath as the tears from my eyes start to slip.

It's like I can feel him now. I wrap my arms around my waist as I try to hold myself together through this. I barely know him but I feel like the loss of him will leave a hole in my heart always. It feels as if I am watching my best friend die right in front of me but its multiplied. I watch as Morbius shifts above him and he lowers the stick even more. I want to run to push him out the way but with the size of him, I know that it would be useless. I have no choice but to watch Jefferson die.

The tears that shined in her eyes but refused to drop have now fallen. She sits on the floor a few feet away from me and holds her arms tight around her body. Her eyes widen behind me and I just know that something bad is going to happen. I don't want her to see this.

Make her turn away.

"Turn a-away" He whispers. I can barely hear the words as he says them. I shake my head so fast in disagreement. He doesn't deserve to die alone. If his brother refuses to show him love and care in his final moments, then I can. "Please" he begs at my refusal.

I sniffle as I clear my voice to respond. He needs to hear me. He needs to know that he is not alone. "I will be here with you. As your mate I owe you that much" I promise him. I stare directly into his eyes as I say the words. I scream inside my head at the cruelty of this act. I cry for the chances that we could have and for a bond that I know I will lose. If he truly was my soulmate, I know that without him, I will never be happy. 

The air in the room is stifling. I can barely breathe as I wait for one of the hardest things that I have ever had to witness. I want to say something to him. I want to try to convey what it has meant to me to meet him. Its with that very thought that I break my own rules. "I Julia Marianne Reed accept you Jefferson Maurice Howard as my mate and the love of my life. From this day forward until the time of your death, you are mine" I promise him through my tears.

The look of shock that crosses his face makes me smirk. I haven't accepted anyone as belonging to me for as far as I can remember. His gasp fills the air and I sigh at the new feeling that enters my chest. I feel the tension leave my body as it relaxes on its own. I'm no longer afraid for him to die. Saying that vow makes it feel as if he is already with me. I scream when his body contorts. A brief flash of pain goes through my body and then it's as if I am experiencing euphoria for the first time.

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