New Developments-Slater

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It has been quite a while since I have found something interesting. However interesting I do find the scenario playing out in front of me, I know that I am unable to react to it. I still need project orgasm to go smoothly and this may work as a distraction for who I need distracted. It has been some time since I felt the need to tune into the security cameras here at the facility. However, the current lackey that I have in my office has been looking for a way to get in my good graces. It looks like he just made his aim for the top spot clear, even if it will only be until my project is done.

"I find this information useful. Bring me more bodies than he does for my experiments this week and you will have what you want" I state without looking up from my screen.

"Oh wow. This is just great. I have so many new ideas that I have been thinking about...."

"First rule: Don't talk unless its required. Rule two: When I don't look at you when I talk, you leave right after" I remind him as I finally look him in the eye.

I watch with rapt attention as the creature before swallows in nervousness. With a nod of my head and my eyes going back to my screen he finally leaves my office. I drum my fingers along my desk as I start to form a plan in my head for this new development. Rewinding the tape, I go back to when my star lackey decided to kiss the girl. The tail tale sign of his arousal is clearly apparent. Looking at the figure on the wall who I knew seemed familiar, I can see that he also has the same reaction.

The anger that flares in my veins could be palpable. It looks like the fates have seen fit to cause this problem again. Apparently my situation turning out how it did didn't teach them a lesson well enough. A soul mate bond of three cannot work. There will always be someone who is more preferred than the other. It seems that I will have to take matters into my own hands and decide how I want this to go. Morbius cannot be the one chosen in this match.

Due to having audio in all the rooms, I am able to hear all parts of the conversation. It seems that he failed to inform me that his favorite prisoner has been of blood relation all along. Due to his deformities I know the reason I couldn't see the resemblance. Now that I have proof of their relation, I can use it against him. He seems to think that he has the right to decide what my prisoners do in my facility. I have an easy fix for that. However, I need to get him out of the way first.

I pick up my phone and click two no my speed dial list. The call answers quickly and only silence can be heard on the line. At least he hasn't forgotten his training even though he needs to be reminded of somethings. "Report to my office. You have a new assignment". I end the call just as fast. I know that I wont have long to wait. He knows who his master is or what I could do to him if he fails to obey my orders.

While I wait I decide that it would be best to check in with the doctors to see their progress on our project. I should have received emails on their progress. As I open up the first email the news is disheartening. It seems that they were unable to get the experimental serum to work on the test subjects. Its good to see that no one has died from the experiments besides a fetus of one of our mated pairs. At least we still have the other children to experiment on. One less being born just means a cell that's free for a bit longer.

Just as I click to open another file the door swings open and he props himself against the door jam. I decide to continue reading the other two reports which are much the same as the first.

The only sign that he shows of his impatience is when he removes one of the many knives that he carries from his pocket and starts to toss it in the air. After I close the last report I lean back in my chair and take him in.

It would seem that all of his irritation from the moment I witness with his brother and mate isn't completely gone. The ticking of his jaw as he stares at the space above my head lets me see more than he knows. He is trying to appear like he isn't affected by his mate accepting his brother first. For now though I cant let him on to the fact that I know about his bond. So, to play stupid and to get him out of my way, I am going to send him on a fools errand.

"Go back to the clan lands. It seems that the Merman that you spoke to may have more information on how we can take down the dragons. Report to me all the information that you find out" I direct him. He turns to exit the room immediately but I cant let him leave without a reminder. "Number One?" His feet pause as he waits for what I will say next. He doesn't have to look at me to hear the warning note in my voice.

"Don't disappoint me" I say simply. His back goes ramrod straight. He quickly composes himself and walks away. There was a time when those very words would bring tears to his eyes as a young teen age boy. I spent days drilling them into him so that he would never disobey what I said to him.

Those were hard days for us both. Since the bond of my mates diminished almost completely over a decade ago, I have been unable to care for another. I was happy when I experienced the pain and descended further into my hatred because I had almost started to care for Morbius. The day I felt the bond weaken so strongly is the day he became Number One. Its also the same day his intense training began and I turned him into the vicious monster he is now.

All these years later and his has found his hope. I had hoped that when this time came I would have him so broken that he would no longer be able to recognize his mate. It seems that I was wrong in that too. Now, knowing that he is apart of a tri-couple,  I cant let it stand at all. The power that he would get from the mate bond would be enough to over power all of the psychological conditioning that I have perfected over the years. It would ruin all the work that I have invested in him over the years.

There would be no amount of bloodletting or torture that I could do to break that. From what I have seen from the other mated pairs in the labs, a mate bond can heal all things. I need him broken until I have the ability to kill him. Now is the perfect time to admit to myself that I may have trained him to well. Not only did I train and perfect the ultimate weapon, but I may have also created my own destruction. The phone ringing on my desk distracts me from my thoughts.

"Speak" I say into the receiver.

"Doctor, we have made a progress with the serum that I think you will want to see" My head physician says shyly into the phone. I roll my eyes and huff a sigh in the hopes that it is not something minor like the last thing he showed me. I would think that the way I had the fairies whip him would have stopped me from receiving these asinine calls.

"State your progress" I tell him instead. I wont be wasting my time going down to the labs again if it doesn't warrant it.

"Th-The serum hasn't been able to kill a dragon through the mate bond yet but we have found a way to destroy the bond completely. The dragon can no longer recognize the male as her mate. The male has also shown signs of his beast that he got from the bond growing weak" He rushes to say.

"I will be making my way down to the labs. I better not be disappointed this time." I leave a pause as I make my request so that he can see that I'm not kidding. "Also, you will need to tell the head physician that I will be implementing project black. It seems that our lead dragon needs a reminder in who is in charge in this facility".

There are no further questions for me to ask as I hang up the phone. This just may work for the new problem that has arisen. I needed a solution and I have found one. I rise from the chair and make sure that everything on my desk in order. Satisfied, I exit my office and head toward the labs. It looks like I will be destroying more bonds very soon. Getting rid of my own bond hasn't been a priority in years. If this works like they say it does, it will be a nonexistent problem soon.

Dragoned in HalfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora