Glow Stick-Morbius

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As I awake I jerk up in the bed and my head is on a swivel. Something is odd in the air. The buzz in the room has all my senses heightened and I can barely concentrate on a single item in the room. Looking over to my mate and brother as they lay there sleeping I realize something is also different about them. I blink as my vision changes and my dragon comes forward. As I look at the air around their bodies it's almost as if they glow. Their color is beautiful and entrancing and I can't help but stare.

She still lies there in all her lovely naked glory and yet I can only concentrate on the beauty of the color that surrounds her. The shades are of different yellows and it's almost as if it flows with her breathing. Trailing my eyes along her body I freeze as the color changes near her abdomen. Leaning as close as I can to her, I nearly yell when I notice the shapes within her womb. My dragon hums in my mind as he speaks.

"Our mate now carries our babies. Fate has seen fit to bless us with three. With this new power, we will surely be able to see them grow. "

"New Powers?" I ask.

"Yes, The buzz of happiness that we are surrounded by is empowering us. With the capacity that is in this room alone we could accomplish a lot" He says as he concentrates on the colors in the room and they begin to move. "With it we can control the flow or take it away completely. Not only can we see it but we can touch it as if it is a tangible source" He answers in reply.

I watch as he moves the lights around their bodies in awe. The sight is beautiful and yet also terrifying. To be in control of one's happiness could be right or really wrong. As I have the thought, he stops his manipulations and removes himself. My vision turns back to normal and I slowly rise from the bed.

When I rise from the bed I stretch the aches in my body quietly as I assure myself that I have not awakened my mate. Finding my clothes after a few moments is a hard task with the mess that we have made of the room but I accomplish it quietly. Just as I step to the doorway of the bedroom I have to force myself to take a deep breath.

A part of me feels so bad about leaving in this moment before they wake but there are things that need to be done. Now that we have bonded it's like I can feel her constantly. I already know that when she awakens and finds that I am not here, she will be unhappy. Spotting a notepad on the dresser I picked it up, deciding to leave a note. I chuckle to myself when I see a list of random ingredients and know that it belongs to Jefferson.

Dear mates,

I will return as soon as possible. I must speak to Xander as you may know. I will return to you with this , I promise.

And don't name our children without me.


I leave the note pad just where I found it and I exit the cabin. The sun is bright on the horizon and I immediately know that it is midday. My boots hit the ground fast as the conversation from Kawa starts to replay in my head. Now the haze of Julia's heat has cleared from my head. I feel a sense of urgency.

As i walk through the houses that are starting to grow familiar, i can't help but to notice that there are many people staring at me. One man seems to stare so hard that I find it irks me. I growl at him and he turns away. When others see my action they turn away also and I quicken my pace. A sigh of relief leaves my chest when I finally see the door to Xanders cabin. Tuning in to the sounds around I listen to see if he is alone.

When all I hear is Maximus besides him I don't even bother to knock as I enter. My feet carry me to his office where both men now stand facing the door. Maximus looks so shocked to see me that I roll my eyes. We must have been under the spell of her heat for longer than I had imagined. However, there is no time to waste on what I have lost. I only need to save what I have found.

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