Caught Redhanded-Jefferson

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  My entire body freezes as I feel the weight of her small hand on my hard cock through the pants that feel all too think now. My gaze flies to hers in my heated haze as I try to gauge what I see in her eyes. Her eyes shine with desire from the kiss we shared and what looks like curiosity. I find that I am unable to help myself as I cup her face and push my cock tighter against her hand. My dragon roars in approval in mind at my actions. He wants the touch of our mate too.
  She must see the move as a sign of consent because the touch goes from light to hard as she squeezes me with a low moan. A hiss leaves my lips at the pleasure that I feel from her touch. Her gaze looks down to see what her hand is doing as she strokes me through the material and I take her lips in a brief peck. More than anything I would love to continue this but not at the risk of her being in danger. Taking that step away from her is the hardest thing that I believe I have ever had to do. I feel even worse when I see the momentary look of sadness cross her face at my rejection.
  She looks away as her hand is removed from me. I have to fight my dragon from shoving forward to take her as I try to think of what to say in the moment. Never one to hold her tongue, she speaks before I can find the words.
  "For someone so certain, you do change your mind quickly" she states.
  "I wouldn't call it a change of mind Julia. Believe me, I want you. I just can't risk you being in more danger here" I tell her honestly. I pull her into my arms as I caress the length of her back through the lap coat. I want to growl at the feel of the length of her body against mine as I feel the tightness of her nipple poke my bare stomach through the fabric.
  "Even if I am willing to take the risk. It's not just you in this Jefferson. I even feel the effects of our bond when we touch each other. I feel the ache for you just as you feel for me" She whispers against my chest.
  Our mate should never hurt in our presence. If we cannot mate here, then it is still our job to ease her.
  My mind is races as I think of a way to ease her ache. My dragon is right in the thought that I do not like the sound of her in any pain. When the thought of how to ease her crosses my mind, my mouth waters as my grip tightens on her slim waist. Images play behind my mind of the things I studied in order to please my mate. I grin at her salaciously as my already hard cock jerks in my pants at the thought of tasting her. This is one opportunity that I refuse to miss.
  "Well we can't have that now, can we?" I ask her as I close the distance between our mouths. This kiss is different than the first as I push my tongue to taste her. If I am going to do this then I am going to do this right. AS her tongue duels with mines I fight not to just rig off this sorry excuse for a piece of clothing. The taste of her is heady and I want so much more from it. She smiles into the kiss as I lift her into my arms by her bottom. He legs wrap around my waist as I growl into the kiss. Moving swiftly I carry her over to the table end where we were eating.
  Don't be a barbarian. Our mate will still need to eat later after releasing energy. The food does not need to be swiped to the floor unless you want her eating it from there.
  I growl at his interruption in my path and quickly switch my stride to go to the other end of the table. As I place her cool bottom against it she gasp as she looks down. I release her and take a seat at the chair as she bites her lips. "So, I take it that we are still eating a meal?" She ask with a wry grin.
  "You got that right. This time however, my breakfast will be you" I reply right back.
  As my gaze leaves her I look down to where the tantalizing scent that is spilling from her is coming from. The lap coat hangs just over her thighs as if its teasing me. With just a flick of my wrist the fabric moves out of the way and I see the dampened strip of cloth that has tortured me since my brother bared her to my gaze. The red strip of fabric is so damp that it almost appears burgundy in nature.
  Unable to hold back a moment more I push my nose into the fabric and take a long inhale. The scent of her is down right drugging as it nearly causes my eyes to roll back in my head. Her hand comes to the back of my head and its all the encouragement that I need.
  I run my hands up the length of her legs until I reach her hip. I slip my thumbs under the sides of the fabric and meet her gaze as I pull them down and off. Her breathing picks up speed as she licks her lips. The glistening saliva on her lips calls to me with the need to taste her. However, there is somewhere I want to taste her more. I hold her gaze as I bring my face back to her moist center. As she watches me, I flatten my tongue and drag it up the length of her.
  Her thighs clench around my head and I move my hands to them to brace myself. I want her to be completely open to me as I do this. I groan as I drag my tongue through her moistness again. If I thought that her kisses tasted of chocolate, then the taste here must be from one of the finest chocolatiers in the world. I groan at the flavor as I dive in for more. As I taste the heart of her I cant see to stop myself as she moans and thrashes above me.
  More. Suckle her
  My dragons demand heats my blood. This time when I reach the top of her cleft I pay special attention to the tiny pink pearl that peaks at me. The tip of my tongue cups it as I form my lips around it. She moans loudly as her head tosses back above me. The hand in my hair tightens as I start to really feel the grip that she has on my hair follicles. The added sense of pain only adds pleasure to me as I please my mate.
  As I repeat the sucking motion, my name comes from her mouth like a forbidden prayer as her thighs start to quake in my hands. My tongue flattens against her pearl and I thrash it against her as she curses. Her legs quake around me as she shudders hard and "oh god" leaves her lips like a mantra. As my cock kicks in my pants I groan as more of her fluid rushes below. With a growl I shove my tongue into the very heart of her and gladly lick up everything that she has given me as she collapses against the table.
  Her hand pulls my hair away and I slip my tongue out of her as she pants. The rise and fall of her chest and her cloudy gaze makes me want to chuckle. As her tiny hands move to caress my skin another purr slips forth from my mouth from her lazy movements. I groan as my dragons voices his demands in my mind. I received so much pleasure from giving her hers and yet it is not enough. I want my mate. My cock is hard in my pants that even a small movement of it against the fabric is painful.
  She is our mate. We must take her now and she must bear out mark. She has been primed for us and only us. Take her now!!
  My eyes close as I try to fight his demand. I feel as my body tenses and our mental battle begins. As soon as I enter our head space he rushes at me.  I quickly slide to my knees as he cast over me with a roar. "We cant do this. You know what could happen. She would be in danger"  I scream at him as we circle each other. We have had this battle so many times and yet he still persist on acting like a child.
  "She is my mate. She is in no danger if I am present. As a human, you may not be able to protect her, but as a beast, I can. Even from the likes of our so called brother" he yells.
  Tired of this internal battle I decide that now isn't the time for me to sugar coat things. I need him to see reason now before she realizes something is wrong. "And what of the child that will result of our mark upon her skin. What if there were multiples instead. You say that you would protect her but she is only one. There is only so much that you can do if our young is there too" I scream back at him.
  What I shout automatically stops his advances as he starts to think. Seeing that I finally have his attention through the haze, I continue talking. "We cannot be in two places at once. In this place something can be done that holds us down. They could take our child or our mate and then where would we be. They could force us to choose or force her. I know you want her, just as much as I do. Now is not the time, however. We must keep her safe at all cost" I tell him as I step closer.
  The tears of anger that fill his eyes are understandable. He jerks his head in a nod and them walks away from me. I sigh as I watch him go and quickly return back to my body. When I come to it is to a hand upon my cheek as she gazes into my eyes with a sleepy expression. Leaning forward I place a gentle kiss to her lips to reassure her. The more I breath and just look into her eyes, the more the heat from the moment dissipates.
  I lift her into my arms gently from the table as I bring her over to the sink. Wetting a few paper towels I gently rinse her with warm water and clean her up. Her sigh of pleasure makes me feel as if I have don't more right then I know. Instead of taking her back to her corner, I take her over to mine. They are just both places on the floor in this room but I find it to be symbolic. I want her with me.
  I take a seat on the floor with her still in my arms. As I am seated I still don't release her. My eyes close as they find bliss in the moment. Her heart rate has finally started to slow down and the air is just quiet. There is no tension in the room at the moment and nothing needs to be said. When she shifts on my lap, I look into her eyes to find a peculiar expression as she bites her lips.
  "What is it?" I ask her gruffly as she runs a hand along my chest. The motion is soft but distracting in the least. I breathe a breath a bit heavily as other parts of me start to respond to her touch. Needing a clear head, I grab her hand and kiss her finger tips.
  "So, since you know about eating someone, I was wondering what you think of the opposite" She ask boldly with a mischievous look on her mouth. Out of all things that she could have said in the moment, this was least expected. My mind races with images of her on her knees and I harden once more to a painful extent with a growl from my beast. My body seems to be completely on bored with the idea but I cant seem to get my mouth to work.
  I feel my face flame as she runs her tongue along her teeth and gives me a devilish grin. I want that. I mean what pure blooded man wouldn't want that. However, if simply tasting her made me lose control of my dragon then there is no telling how he would respond to having those delicious plump lips of hers surrounding our cock. She grinds on the length of it between us and I halt the motions of her hips with a growl.
  I can control myself. If you want to pussy out, then don't use me as an excuse to do it. I want to see what the little vixen is capable of just as much as you do to.
  I hear his words but I cant respond to them right now. Julia leans forward and places a kiss on our bare chest. The tip of her tongue sneaks out as she pulls away. That one move is a sign of so much more to come and I slowly remove my hands form her hips to cup her face.
  "Are you sure? If you don't want to, you really don't have to" I cant help but to ask her. My beast rolls his eyes in my head and winks at me. I really don't want her to refuse but I would be a dick if I didn't ask.
  "The only thing that I want you to do" she says as she drags a finger along the line in between my pecks "is choose something to hold on to". The last part is whispered so seductively that I am unable to come up with a response. "Now stand for me mate". She chuckles with the speed of my movements. Hell with the promise of what's to come she could have probably gotten me to jump through a hoop with a damn dog whistle.
  When I rise from the floor, she slides down my body slowly. When her feet touch the floor she clasp my dick in my pants into her hand and gives me a squeeze. I hiss at the gesture as she smiles and licks her lips. As she drops to her knees before me I give an audible gulp. I may have just bitten off more than I can chew with my little mate.

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