Set Me Free-Slater

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The fire in the fireplace roars to life as I stroke it.  The flames are mesmerizing to me as I feel my mates closing in. I have waited for this moment. After everything that i have done now they have no choice but to pay attention. The best has still yet to be shown and they don't even know. They will be leaving this earth on this day just as I will be. An epically romantic moment until the bitter end.

I laugh as their flames heat. By now many of their friends would have died. The other dragons would have changed into today's clothes not knowing that it would be their death. For those that didn't change into the close they would have their final meal. Everything was so eloquently executed and they were blind sided. This was the only way that things could go after they blindsided me all those years ago.

I got rid of a problem. I saved us only for them to leave me. For years I waited for them to return. For years I felt them as they loved and they grew. After five years had passed I realized that they were never coming. After a decade I even began to imagine that they were dead. I began the journey of exploring their species, so that I could make that vision come true. If I would be forced to live with the pain of losing them, then they would be forced to die from the very pain that they caused me.

The door behind me bursts open. I don't even move from my spot by the fire as I wait for them to come near. It has always been our way to talk things out and I know that they will want to hear my words after it all. To hear why I have  done such atrocious things in my name. They will want to know the cause of all the destruction.

I am momentarily shocked as I am snatched off of my feet and thrown across the room. The impact from the brick wall of the cabin scratches against my skin as I feel the bones in my arm break. The pain is relished as I feel it and I fight not to cry out. This is nothing compared to what I have endured.

When I see the dragon who has attacked me I grow worried. No one else was supposed to find me here. He should be dead along with the other foul beast of his clan. I hold my hands up as his fist comes to my face but I am barely able to block the blow. I hear a crunch at the connection as I feel my nose break and I groan. Blow after blow lands against my face and I do nothing to stop it as my mind starts to go into a haze.

I guess I was wrong. I thought that my mates would find me here but it seems that I am to meet my death at the hands of one that I should have killed in that lab. One would have thought that it would be Morbius but his brother proves to be just as good of a foe. A roar is heard as someone else enters the cabin and the hits from the brother stop. I blink through my rapidly swelling eyes as I see my mate throw him away.

I smile at my dear Salvatore as I see him. It has been so long since I have. He has barely aged during this time. When the brother stills across the room after having been thrown I finally make eye contact with my mate. His angry gaze is pointed in my direction. I am lifted by my shirt as he picks me up from the floor. I sigh as the tingles from his touch light up my skin. Feeling myself relaxed under them instantly makes me angry and I spit in his face.

He drops me to the floor as he wipes it away and looks at me in disgust. I cackle loudly as I look at him. "What you don't like when you spit anymore. You used to like giving that order very much if i recall Tore" i say as i taunt him of our past. The look on his face is hilarious as he recalls the words he used to say to me. The words that he used to beg me for.

"That was in the past when I once loved you. Now the only thing that i want to see is your death" He says as he paces in front of me. The words coming from his mouth hurt more than they should. I should be past feeling this pain and yet to hear the words still hurts just as much as him leaving all those years ago.

"Yeah, we'll get in line. There are many that want me dead" I tell him as I tilt my head toward the unconscious dragon man in the corner.

"And for good reason Slater. All these years you had and you have done nothing to prove me wrong. You are still the same murderer that I saw that day in the house when you killed Jim. i should have killed you then" He says as he spits the words at me.

"You think that I planned for that to happen. That one day I just decided to kill our oh so loving father. You condemned me for an action that wasn't even my idea. And yet you would never use the same word for your precious Avery" I yell at him as I rise from the floor.

"Avery would do nothing of the sort. Nothing can be believed about what you say. You are a murderer and a liar" He yells at me.

"I protected her because SHE asked me to. I was there that night because she asked me to be. If it wasn't for her then none of this would have ever happened. She betrayed us BOTH" I scream at him as I groan. Standing with all of these injuries is a lot harder than I imagined. I lean against the wall as I was thrown against as I look at my mate. There is so much confusion on his face that I know that my assumption was right. Even after all these years she never told him. She never told him the truth about what happened that night.

Just as I go to state the truth, the person of interest walks into the cabin in all her glory. Even though I saw her just a few days ago, I can't help but stare at her glow. I look at her in disdain after the truth is here. What else has she kept hidden from him after all this time. How much does Salvatore truly not know?

"Well if it isn't the lying bitch" As I greet her a fist comes to my face from Salvatore and I accept the blow. We will see if he still feels the same after everything comes out.

"I'm so sorry, Slater" She says as she holds her stomach. Tears fill her eyes as she looks at the scene of destruction before her. I barely even hear her apology because it means nothing to me. Coming from her after so long now, they are just empty words.

"Save it. There is nothing that your apology can change now. I just want to die happy after you ruin your own life. So why don't you come out with it precious. Why don't you go ahead and tell the almighty Salvatore what you caused" I say as I laugh at her. To see her in tears after everything she has caused is truly a sight. Ever the actress she still is. She was able to trick two powerful men into loving her. All so she could choose one in the end and leave the other behind to clean up her mess.

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