Playing with Fire-Julia

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The look on Jeffersons face as he stares at me is almost too much. I gulp at the predatorial look as he takes a step in my direction. My eyes flicker around the room looking for some where to go just in case this gets out of hand. My lips get dry and I cant help but lick them. The sound that is coming from his chest really isn't helping matters much. Its almost like a low hum that calls to me.

A moment ago I wanted to have fun at his expense. I definitely saw what he was packing in those pants. Hell a blind elephant couldn't miss the size of his erection. The only thing that stopped me from saying anything out loud was how embarrassed he looked at the reaction. He looked like he didn't know how to touch it let alone to make it go away.

"I thought you said that I needed to be fed. Weren't you just talking about how I needed to eat?" I blurt out in a panic as he comes closer. I curse silently when I realize how that sounded. My eyes zero in on his hard cock in his pants again as I think about being fed. That thing would definitely sate any hunger I would have. I don't even think I would be able to put the entire thing in my mouth.

I can see when he catches where my gaze has gone because he smiles. Crap, I've really done it now. "It looks like you have already decided on what you want to eat mate. All you have to do is say the word and I can fill you up" He says with a thickness to his voice. My gaze flickers back to his at his words and my breath hitches. The yellow irises of his dragon shine brightly as he looks at me. He's so close to me now that I have to look up to see into his eyes.

Oh boy. The heat that I see there could definitely set me on fire. I rub my thighs together where I stand as I start to get wet from the images that I know are playing behind his eyes. There is so much sexual promise held in just this one look that I instantly want to jump him. However, his brothers warning plays in mind. I wouldn't put anything past Morbius. "You know that I cant ask you for that. No matter how much I might want to do so" I tell him with a whisper as I hold his gaze.

What I say does something because Jefferson's eyes come back immediately. The smile that he graces me with now is sweet as he cups my face. I freeze as he leans down to come closer. My heart rate kicks up speed as I wait for his kiss. After such a heated interaction, I would love some type of connection to him. My shoulders droop a bit when he leans his forehead against mine instead. The gesture is sweet but not at all what I wanted in the moment. I must not hide my reaction well because he pulls away quickly. I look away from him not quite knowing what to say.

"You need only to ask Julia. I cannot take the choice from you. I wouldn't let my dragon do it either" He says as he cups my face again.

I don't know what it is but I feel like asking him to kiss me would be something monumental. I stare into his eyes as I try to decipher his need to but it doesn't get me answers. Yesterday he refused the bond. He refused me. Does him wanting to kiss me mean that he is accepting the bond or does he just want to get laid like every other man? This whole situation is just beyond confusing. This is exactly why I don't do relationships.

The mood changes rapidly as he takes a step away from me. I know he is confused as he scratches his head and looks anywhere but at me. I don't know what to say or how to explain all that I am feeling to him. I don't even think that I t would change anything if I do. I would love to kiss him. I just don't know if I want the problems that would come with doing so. Before I can say anything, however, the metal hatch of the door is opening. Jefferson moves in front of me as we both wait to see who comes in.

There is a loud metal clang from the area of the door and I feel as Jefferson freezes. I hide further behind him as I wait to hear a voice or any other noise. The door closes and he starts to move. I automatically tighten the hold that I didn't realize I had on him and he pauses. "No one came in. All I smell is food but I still want to check" He says as he looks down at me. I nod my head and I watch him disappear around the wall. He comes back moments later with a try that is over piled with food. As he comes closer and the scents hit me, my stomach growls.

Dragoned in HalfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon