Ahoy Mate-Jefferson

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I blink my eyes open as I hear someone come through the door. I shake the sleep away immediately so that I can pay attention. I still don't feel rested even though something tells me that I did actually sleep. The pain does that to me though. It makes me lose track of how much time I have been here. I know its been at least a few weeks.

The first few days I had prayed for those in my clan to come and get me. once the tortured started though, I just wanted them to stay away. I don't want any of them to suffer as I have been suffering. When my eyes finally focus I expect o see my brother as he stands before waiting. It's the same each time he comes. He cuts, and cuts, and cuts until I pass out. Sometimes he doesn't cut at all and he beats me.

I can tolerate the beatings. Even though we are the same kind of dragon we can both handle the pain. Its those damn knives of his though that cause pain. They are made from something special that actually allows the metal to pierce my skin. I haven't bled since before I got my dragon. I did not miss the feeling. He hardly says a word when he comes in. I can tell how he feels though. I can smell the joy it brings him to hurt me.

I let my head fall back into its hanging position when I realize that it is just the doctor entering the room. I cant move where he has me chained to this wall. He hasn't unchained me since I got here. They let me down three times a day to use the rest room but that's it. They even have someone feed me my food. He has made me completely helpless. I still haven't been able to hate him though.

I feel his dragon. My own reaches out for his other half. His dragon is so weak that he can barely be felt but we get a brief glimpse ever now and then. My brother on the other hand is no where to be found. I don't know what happened to him but I see the evidence all over his skin. The scars cover every inch of him that I have seen. Its so odd to see a dragon that scarred. They must have used the same blades that he now uses on me. I am still so grateful that he has never cut my face.

I close my eyes as I try to wipe the images from my brain. I have done nothing but think of my brother since he got here. I tried talking to him. I tried telling him what I have been through. I even offered to help him. None of it did anything though. He would proceed on with the torture as if it didn't matter. I take a deep breath as I hear the footsteps come near me. I hear as others enter the room too. It looks like I will be the victim in one of their teaching classes again.

It is such a sick irony how they operate here. The doctors come in as if this is an actual procedure each time and not a cruel and unusual punishment. They talk about me as if I am a specimen in a jar instead of an actual person. They don't see me as someone that had feelings. Someone who was taken from their life. They don't even see me as a someone. I am no more than a lab rat.

I inhale a deep breath as I hear the footsteps stop in front of me. I know a poke will be coming any moment. I hope it's a poke. If its not then my eyes will remain closed this entire time. Each other time I wasn't poked they decided to strip me bare and go over each part of my anatomy. They have studied us so closely that they know where each human part of us transforms into the dragon part. I find it sick and twisted. It has taught me a lot though.

I freeze when I inhale and my eyes fly open as I start to search the room. My dragon rises inside my chest as he lends me his vision to search the room too. I barely see my brother as he lays down the person I am hyper focused on. A rumble comes from my chest as her head faces me and I look at her face for the first time. I strain against my chains needing to go to her. I inhale rapidly over and over as I take in her scent.

Mate. This is our mate.

She smells like apple pie on a cold winter morning. I sigh as I taste the scent on my tongue at her being so near. A smile stretches across my face as I look at every inch of her I can see. She looks to be a bit damp but other than that she looks fine. She looks beautiful in fact. Her skin is a deep chocolate. The contours of it are so smooth as they shape over her slender face. Her cheeks are puffed in a healthy way. I bet if she were to be smiling right now then she would have dimples in both of them.

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