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The sweetest taste touches my lips and my eyes close of their own accord. Lights dance in my mind as the connection to my mate strengthens and my heart gets what it has so desired. My mate back in my arms and in my life. The kiss is full of heat and hope and I have no desire for it to end. It is far more than I had hoped to get in this lifetime. When she pulls away from the kiss I don't know how to act.

My hands fidget at my sides as my fingertips play with my knives. Seeing that my brother has borne witness to the whole action of it, I clear my throat and step away from her as I look at him awkwardly. I don't know how he will react to our mate kissing me but if it is negative i would prefer to have room to move.

"Well, I would say that that is my cue. I still have a few things to finish in the kitchens before I am free for the day." Jefferson says as he goes to kiss her. She returns his kiss fully and he wipes the tears from her cheeks as he pulls back. "Allow me to have a quick word with my brother and then I will be seeing you both later" he states.

He gestures for me to follow him out of the eating area and I do so reluctantly. I throw one last look at our mate before she exits from view and the look on her face is reassuring. As we reach the next room he spins around so fast that I nearly walk right into the back of him. I step away quickly as I prepare myself for a fight only to be shocked once more. Quite awkwardly I am enveloped into his arms and patted on the back.

I have no idea what I have done to warrant such a gesture from him so I just pat him back awkwardly. When he pulls away and we are face to face once more I have no idea what to do. So I waited for him to speak. He looks at me from head to toe and shakes his head but leans down closer as I lean away.

"Now is not the time to be shy, Morbius. You have done as you have promised and made her happy. More than anything she is one who values the truth. You keep your word and bond to her and we will fall into place eventually." He says as a warning. I nod my head. It feels like everyone is telling me what to do today and I must admit that I don't like it. I am the one used to running the show. They better not get used to this. "Now I would imagine that she would have a few more questions. You are welcome to stay in our home as long as you like. You can make yourself comfortable too. I will see you both after work" he says. He spins on his heels and exits the cabin just as fast.

I must admit that I stood there dumbfounded. I don't know why he couldn't just say what he had to say in the kitchen. With a shake of my head I walk back to the kitchen in search of Julia. When I find her she is still standing in the same spot that I left her in a few moments ago. Not sure if i can just go to her i lean my weight against the door jamb and just look at her. As I inhale the sweet scent of her all the tension leaves my body and I relax a bit.

"So, what now?" I ask her curious questions. I don't know what two people are supposed to normally do. Usually I would have down time between missions. It was always enough time to eat, wash clothes and clean my knives. Then it was off to do the next thing. Here with her I have no idea where things are supposed to go.

"Well I must admit that I am a bit tired," she states with a yawn. I nod my head as I lean away from the door. I can come back later after she has taken a nap. "I do want to ask you about something that you said earlier, Morbius. Is that okay?" she says quietly. I nod my head in her direction and watch as she bites her lip and fiddles with her hand. I wish she wasn't always so nervous to speak to me. Perhaps that is something that we can work on with time.

"You said earlier that you love me, is that true?" she says.

"Yes" I say as I answer her without a pause. It is something that I don't even have to think about. When I see that she continues to bite her lip and fidget I can see that she needs more of an answer. Deciding that I want to touch her again I walk to her and pull her into my arms as I use a finger to lift her chin.

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