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When we walk into Xanders home, I feel instantly at ease as my best friend envelops me into her arms. Tears fill my eyes because it feels like it has been forever since I have seen her and there is so much that she needs to be caught up on. Just as we pull back from the embrace she is pulled away from me much to my dismay. Growls springing through the air have me instantly freezing as I frown and my tears stop.

I rush forward just as Maximus does when we see the hold that Morbius has on Emily's wrist. I snatch his hand away from her just as Maximus snatches Emily with a growl to Morbius' face. My mate looks undisturbed by the action so I slap him on the chest. He looks down at me with confusion as I look up to him just as confused. He immediately gave an explanation that made my gaze soften.

"She was making you cry" He says simply as if that explanation will fix everything.

"That is no reason for you to ever touch my mate. Do it again and I won't be responsible for my actions of sending you into the ether never to be seen again" Maximus threatens as he snuzzles and scent marks Emily. I bring his attention back to me before he can respond to that threat by turning his face gently in my direction.

"Crying isn't always a bad thing, Morbius. I was simply overwhelmed and happy to see her. She meant no harm. I mean look at her. She has tears in her eyes too" I tell him as he looks over in her direction. Maximus growls as Morbius looks at his mate and I have to roll my eyes. These dragon men can be way too possessive sometimes.

"I don't like it" he says with a frown as his brows furrow and he looks at me. This time however it is my turn to laugh. I know that he is not used to a lot of things and the tears that he may have seen were always from pain but this is something that he is going to have to get used to.

"You do know that pregnant women cry a whole lot right. We could cry simply because one tiny thing made us sad or because we didn't get our way. The hormones going through our systems will cause some unknown emotions to rise at unknown times. I suggest you get used to the idea buddy "I tell him as I pat his chest and step away.

"Pregnant?" Emily says. She looks so happy as she dances in place that it leads to another embrace from us. I have to look over her shoulder and shake my head at Morbius as tears of joy fill my eyes again. It feels so good to share the news with my best friend. As we finish embracing we both go back over to our mates as we share our joy with them.

I watch as Maximus and Morbius look at both our tear stained faces and shake their heads. The soothing hand on my back tells me that he still doesn't like my tears but at least his reaction isn't terrible this time. I close my eyes for a few moments as tingles run across my other arm as Jefferson comes closer. The sigh of happiness that leaves me is one that I will never tire of. All my life I have waited to be truly loved and now I am.

Laughter from Emily has me opening my eyes to see her hanging on to Maximus as she guffaws. He looks down at her in amusement as they both exchange a look and his laughter starts too. Looking around the room I try to figure out what is so funny but see nothing.

"Oh man. I will be sure to pay up as soon as we get home. You were definitely right about the glow babe" She says to Maximus as she still chuckles. I stick my tongue out in her direction like a fifth grader. I have actually come to like the glow that surrounds me and my mates when we share our happiness. "It brings pregnancy glow to a whole other level" she says through her laughter.

"Pregnant women glow" Morbius asks as he looks at the both of us. "Then why does she not glow too" He says as he gestures in Emily's direction. My head whips around to my friend as she starts to fidget with her hand while looking at her mate. Maximus looks shell shocked as he gathers her in his arms and cups her face.

"Really? Is what he says true Em?" He asked her. She nods her head and then he frowns. I can see the look of worry on her face as she sees his expression and I step forward. She was obviously concerned about letting him know this fact and if he is going to hurt my friend then I will be right there to help her.

"I just know that you get so tired from taking care of our daughter. And then you have so many duties as a beta and me. We already have so much on our plates and i didnt think that you would be happy about adding more" She says in a rush as tears fill her eyes. He stays quiet as he looks at her face and wipes away her tears. When he uses both his hands to cup her face and to bring her forehead to his i relax.

"I will never regret you or the family that we have together Em. Another child is the best blessing that you could ever use. Hell even though I complain I plan on knocking you up every chance I get. Hell, I don't care if I never sleep again as long as I have you and our family" he tells her. I watch as they embrace and tears fill my eyes again in joy for my friend. The happiness that surrounds them both is so adorable.

"So, I take it that multiples are a common thing. I thought that we were just lucky to be having three" Morbius says with a huff as he looks at them. I pinch his arm as Jefferson smacks him. I would laugh at the confusion on his face at the actions but it seems we are going to have to have a conversation on what he can say aloud.

"Multiples?" Emily and Maximus say in unison. Instead of answering however, Morbius puts his head down as he starts to play with his knives. Jefferson and I exchange a look as we wonder if we may have been too rash in scolding him.

"You can answer them. Just know that sometimes people want to find out these things on their own. Its such a happy moment for couples to share and you don't want to be responsible for ruining it" Jefferson tells him. Morbius nods as he thinks and looks back at Maximus.

"I can see two eggs. They have a glow around them much as we do here. I would say that they look a bit bigger than Julia's though" he says in answer. Maximus actually fist bumps the air while Emily pales. The look of fright on her face is hilarious to me in my predicament so I decided to tell her.

"Don't you go looking so shocked over there about having to only deal with two babies. They told me just yesterday morning that I carry three sisters. "I let her know I'm deadpan. Her jaw drops as she looks at my stomach and I laugh. The smile that shows on my face has both my mates enveloping me in their heat. I am not afraid at all that there are three. If anything I look forward to the challenge.

My embrace is interrupted as we hear the front door open and heavy footsteps are led this way. The room quiets as we all feel our alphas present near and we look in the direction of the sound. He ducks through the doorway and surveys his office with a nod.

"Well, glad that everyone could make it. Just give me a few moments and I will have my mate bring in our guest. We have a lot of things to discuss here today so I suggest you make yourselves comfortable" he says as he walks over to sit in his chair. I am led by my mates to a set of chairs across the room and Maximus sits Emily in one while he remains standing. We watch as Xanders eyes cloud over and I wait nervously for the others to enter the room.

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