Other Half-Morbius

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  I open my eyes in confusion as I look around. To find myself seated is not what I expected when I died. I imagined going to a place as the humans described for their damned. I imagined being burned and an eternal torture for all that I have done. A laugh fills the air and my attention is automatically drawn to it as I watch a little girl run. She seems so familiar and happy that I stumble to my feet as I go to follow her.
  As I do a lightness fills my chest. It is so close to the feeling that I receive from the kelpies that I find myself laughing with her as she runs. When the little girl with the large hair meets my eyes my feet freeze just as the smile on my face does. "I was waiting for you to come and play with me. Thank you" She waves at me with her little hands and I find myself waving back as she comes closer.
  Her little arms reach out for me and I lift her up. The hug that she gives me is the warmest thing that I have ever felt. Tears of happiness and joy fill my eyes as she disappears in my arms. However, it doesn't feel as if I have lost her. If anything it feels like she is now a part of me. I accept her fully as a child hood of wonder and laughter plays through my mind. Her memories hit me so hard that it's as if I have lived them myself.
  When my eyes open the scene has changed. No longer am I in the room with the single chair where I chased the little girl. I nearly lose my balance as I sit on a branch in a tree. In fear of falling, I hold onto the tree tightly as I look for a way down. A drop of something lands on my cheek and I quickly swipe it away. When another drop lands I turn my head upward to see someone above me.
  "Hello" I call out. When the shape moves I see an older version of the girl before. Tears fill her eyes as she looks into mine and my heart breaks for her. I don't even know why she is crying but I know that I want to help her. I don't know who she is but it feels like I do.
  "They told me that you would never love or accept me. They told me that I am going to be alone for the rest of my life. You are supposed to be different. You are supposed to stay" She says through her tears as she sobs. The sound from her has me moving carefully through the tree as I go to her. When I get to the branch that she is on she cowers away from me and I freeze.
  "I'm not going to hurt you little one. I don't know who you are but I wont hurt you. If I have it my way, then you will never be alone again" I tell her as I watch her uncover her face.
  "You are my friend. You are meant to be mine. Will you accept me?" She ask with a hopeful expression. I look at her for a moment as I think on her words. She feels like mine just like that little girl. I don't know who I am but I know that she is mine. So unknown to the consequences I nod my head. The smile that lights her face has me smiling right back. I open my arms for her and she comes to me.
  The hug that I receive from her is much the same as the first. Images come to mind of us dancing. I see as we sit and we talk. I see conversations that we have as we get to know each other. I see as I comfort her through her pain. I watch as I heal her sorrow. I watch as I never leave her side just as she never leaves mine.
  When I open my eyes the tree is gone. As I search around I notice that I am in some sort of park. I walk forward as I look for the girl. I want to see her again. When I finally spot someone on a bench I run toward them. As I get close though I realize that it isn't her. I turn away as I start to search again when she speaks.
  "Come here Morbius. Why don't you have a conversation with an old woman?" She ask. As she says the name I frown. The name sounds like an odd one but it pulls at something in me. Perhaps that is who I am I think as I see no one else around. As I walk back over to the bench my eyes continue to look around as I wait for the girl.
  When I approach the bench I do not sit down. I can feel something coming from this woman. It seems powerful and everything in me tells me to be wary. When she rises I still keep a few feet of difference between us. She seems familiar but I cant remember. I wait for her to say something else but I continue to look for the girl. When I find her I will feel better.
  "She isn't here" she states. I look into the startling blue of her eyes and I frown as I wonder why not. "This is my place. When you move on from here you can go to her" she states. "Now why don't you have a seat so that we can begin" She ask as she sits on the bench once more. Saddened that I will not see the little girl I walk over to the woman and take a seat on the bench. I don't even know what she wants with me but if I have to talk to her to see my friend then so be it.
  "I am here to give you a choice Morbius. I would imagine that you have much confusion with what is happening here. The only thing that has remained constant is the person that you seek. Everything else keeps changing and you are unable to focus. Tell me, do you know who you are?" She ask. As I ponder her question. I shake my head with a chuckle. I don't have the slightest idea.
  "Do you want to know?" she ask. I consider it and I decide that I do. Having answers is never a bad thing. I would hope that it would bring me answers about my friend.
  "I can show you who you are but it comes at a cost. Knowing who you are could cause you to lose her forever. However, if you don't find out who you are, you may forget why you are determined to save her" she states as she looks into my eyes.
  "If I know who I am then I can save her. I would wish to know who I am then" I answer easily.
  "There  is another option. I can send you to her not knowing who you are. You could still help her but it would be helping her in a different way. In this way you wouldn't be saving her but you would heal her. You would remain as you are though, perhaps locked in this state of confusion" She states.
  I look at this little woman as I consider my options. I want to help the girl. She is my friend and that's what friends do. If I know who I am then I will know why I want to save her. I want to save her. But if I don't know who I am I will heal her. So what's more important? I no longer have to think of the options.
  "I will heal her. If I heal her then she can save herself" I state with a smile. The older woman looks at me with a smirk as she snaps her fingers in front of my eyes. The scene of the park leaves and I am thrown against the ice. I shiver in the cold as strong winds whip around me. I can hardly see a thing through this blizzard as I search for a way out.
  My arm is yanked and a solid kick is landed in my groin. I fall to my knees as I am suddenly hit in the face. I yank the arm of my attacker and pull them against me. When I see an older version of the girl before I smile as I release her. I go to rise when she moves and knocks my feet out from under me.
  "Would you quit attacking me?" I yell at her as I rise to my feet.
  "Hell no. Why on earth would I give you the option to harm me or my mate again." She yells as she comes at me again. I grab her hand as it swings at me face and I pin her to me.
  "I am not going to hurt you. I told you that we are friends. " I remind her as I look into her eyes.
  "No, you lied to me. You cant accept me without him. Your break my heart as you hurt him. All you do Is hurt everyone around you" She screams as she struggles against me.
  "You are different! I don't want to hurt you. You are mine" I shout. When she shakes her head in denial it does something to me. How can she be this way. I get tired of this game as she breaks my hold on her and punches me in the face. Pinning her against me once more I change tactics and I bite her. I bite her right on the side of her neck and she stills. Removing my teeth I look around to see that the storm around us has stilled too. I spin her around to face me and I see her tears.
  I swipe them away as I get angry at myself for my reaction. I shouldn't have done that but I could think of no way to make her stop and listen to me. "I really don't want to hurt you. It seems that you can cause my anger to get the best of me and I will need to be careful of it from now on. I will do nothing that hurts you, little one" I vow to her.
  When she looks into my eyes, hers still shine with tears. I want nothing more than to make them go away but I don't know how. "Its not just me that needs you. We both do but all you do is hurt us. He needs you too. I know that you feel the loss of him" she whispers.
  I squeeze her tighter in my arms at the sadness that I hear in her voice. I don't know who she is talking about but I feel the loss in her words. Perhaps someone else is missing. Although, for now that she is here I want to ease her pain. I can worry about the other person later. "We can fix this. I will try not to keep hurting you. If you both need me, then I will be there for you" I promise her. When she smiles at me, I know that I have said the right thing.
  "You do know that you cant take this back right. You are going to be stuck with us forever" She ask with glee. The idea of being stuck with two people forever doesn't sound bad at all. When I nod at her she jumps into my arms and lays a kiss to my lips. The sparks that align my skin as she fades cause me to laugh as I see her memories.  "Julia" I scream happily just as I feel myself fading away too. I don't know where I am going, but I know that I am going home because she will be there too.

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