Playing Field-Morbius

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As I load into the car outside the facility my chest is tight. I clear my throat trying to relieve the ache but it just doesn't seem to go anywhere. Normally when on a mission I keep my head down. Its one of the comforts of being around other people. I can go through my mantra silently to try to get myself ready. As I take this ride alone to my destination, I know that I need to say it allowed to continue to believe it. Right now, its all I have.
As I load into the car outside the facility my chest is tight. I clear my throat trying to relieve the ache but it just doesn't seem to go anywhere. Normally when on a mission I keep my head down. Its one of the comforts of being around other people. I can go through my mantra silently to try to get myself ready. As I take this ride alone to my destination, I know that I need to say it allowed to continue to believe it. Right now, it's all I have.
Life is pain
There is no pain in death
I am the destroyer, the deliverer
I choose who lives and who dies
I am no God
I am a messenger of evil
When I go to utter the next line however, the words fail me. It seems as if my lips move but the words fail to come out. It almost feels as if something in my chest has gotten heavier the further I move away from our base. My breathing gets heavy as my fingers tighten on the steering wheel. I look around at the scenery as I drive searching for any sign of danger. When I realize what the feeling is however I pull over.
I slam the door of the car as I get out and I roar loudly. This little interruption that is inside me needs to stop. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask aloud. The silence in the air is tense around me. I know that the bastard is watching. I know that he can see me and everything I do. Even though I haven't felt him in years, he has always been there in my dreams. Why he has become so persistent as of late is what I don't know.
"I stop you" it says lowly.
"You have no right to stop me. Apparently you have forgotten who is in charge of this body even after all of these years. I suggest you stop whatever it is that you are doing before you piss me off". As I utter the threat I stare directly into the reflection of dragon eyes that I see in the car window. They stare right back at me unblinking.
"I have sat back for years as you have made decision in our life. No more". They answer me back. I hear the words in my mind as my lips don't move. The tone of voice used holds the same warning that I delivered in my threat. A growl fills my chest at the audacity that the beast has.
"I will continue to do as I please. If this behavior continues from you, then I will be forced to silence you when we return to the facility". I warn him.
"I can take the time to convince you. Your mantra will no longer work. Our mate is here and I will not lose her. She is the cause of what you feel and not I. Being away from her will weaken you now that we have tasted her". He says simply.
I curse aloud at the fact. I was so intent on proving my point and stopping them from going further than I. I had forgotten about the affects of the mate bond and how they strengthen with each physical interaction with a mate. I should have been more careful and not have acted in anger. This could change my plan or speed it up. I will have to think some more on this and talk to my informant before going further. Looking at the clock I realize that I am now running late. The stare off between my dragon and I is starting to get awkward.
"I still have things to do that I know you understand. You will let me complete this final mission or it could mean our mates life and our brothers. Until then you will do your best to keep these things under wraps so that I can concentrate. We will discuss the rest of this later. When I say discuss it means that I will talk and you will listen". I remind him.
"When I have my mate, you may do as you wish. Until then I will stop what I believe will harm her" he states. His eyes disappear as mine go back to normal. As I climb back into the car I roll my eyes at the thing. No one controls me. Especially not someone who cant walk around on two legs.
As I take off back down the path I feel the weight in my chest lessen. Finally able to breathe I take the sharp turns fast through the back roads to try to make up for lost time. When I arrive into the field, I pull over. My legs exit the car and I lean on the hood. Looking at my watch I realize that he should already be here. I take a hard sniff of the air and my eyes flare open as I look to the right.
"I don't have all day asshole. Give me the information I need so that I can leave" I murmur knowing that he can hear me just fine. My eyes focus on where he stands even though physically I cant see him. I take deep breaths as I finish my mantra in my head. The thought of leaving it unsaid leaves me with a touch of something that I don't like. Everything must be completed because everything has an end.
There is no such thing as happily ever after
There is death,
There are no emotions
It's just me and my knives
They need me as I need them
They are all I will ever have
Once I'm done with my mantra, the piece of shit finally appears. He stands as always shrouded in black. "So, I guess that you finally realized that she is your mate. Care to share how that's going" He says with his signature smirk. The audacity of him to ask has me pissed off. I just stare at him not wanting to answer. However, it does nothing to deter him from the speech he was about to give anyway. This guy always seems to have a speech for who he talks to.
"Winning your mate over is never easy. Its not going to be a walk in the park. If you make things hard, then your dragon will take over. Trust me man, its never good when they do. They could end up killing you and your mate for what belongs to them. They are beast with no rational mind. I suggest you stop fighting your beast and learn to work together" He states as his eyes swim around the clearing.
"You have no place to offer me advice. I have no plans to win over my mate. I just want to complete what we started" I state to him. "Now let's go before I change my mind".
"I'm not one of your little hench men. I don't take too kindly to you trying to give me orders. I may have approached you when all this started but I can end this truce for the time being if I so wish. You would do well to remember that you cant complete this without an inside man. My alpha wouldn't take too kindly to me even associating with you" he reminds me in a bored tone.
"As long as I get my answers, then you will have your request. The doctor will be gone for good and you will get the locations of the facilities. As long as I get to be the one to rid him of this world with my mate intact, our deal stays" I utter in annoyance as I step closer to him.
The bastard smirks as he looks at me. To say that I hate this part of the arrangement would be an understatement. I don't do well when other touch me but I must in order to not be tracked as I move around. This will be the first of many meetings that I have to undergo. I might as well get it over with.
"Come on Sugar, just hold on to my hand real tight and I will get you to where you need to go" The black bastard says sarcastically.
"Shut up, before I rip that hand off your arm. If you ever call me Sugar again I will show you exactly how far from sweet I really am" I say with a smile of all teeth. The bastard laughs heartily as I roll my eyes. All of the black dragons seem to be this way. Stoic as all hell but spend enough time with them and they can have you laughing. I guess it's a shame that it is something that I haven't done in years. I grab his forearm and the world immediately starts to swirl around us as we travel through the ether.
When we pop out the ether the first thing that I notice is that I cant breathe. I can see nothing at all around me and it feels like pressure is hitting me from all sides. I take a deep breath and my lungs burn as the icy water fills them. I cough and sputter under the water as I move my arms and legs trying to find a way out. My eyes swim and search through the darkness as I try to search for the black bastard dragon that put me in this position.
I knew that I should have never trusted him. No one can be trusted. I feel as my movements starts to slow and my body starts to go lax from the lack of oxygen. I actually don't know if dragons can die this way. If I can't then I am still in deep shit. I could spend an eternity here in the pits of this water drowning over and over until I find a way out. Who would have ever known that this is how my life would end. I always thought that it would be at the hand of one of my enemies as someone would have struck a final blow. I looked forward to my death ending that way.
My eyes close of their own volition as I give a final exhale. There is nothing more that I can do now. I am resigned to my fate that this is where I will be. As my eyes close and everything quiets as my body goes numb there are no thoughts in my mind. For once the inner turmoil I have always faced is quiet. I smile into the peace that I feel in the darkness as a song is heard in the waves around me.
The day I die
Will be
The greatest night
When I'm free
I've tried to stay alive
But I feel dead inside
And you cant stop the actions that I speak

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