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I take deep breaths as the silence in the room thickens as I wait for this other alpha to show up.It almost feels like everything is finally coming to close but I don't want to get too excited at the prospects of what could happen. I get worried as I look at Julia. Looking at my mate I have no idea how someone could be so willing to give up theirs. I know that that is exactly what I am asking them to do though. I just can't feel too bad about it because my life depends on it too.

The air in the room shifts and I am suddenly on high alert. I have come to know the feeling of what happens when a black dragon travels through the ether into a room and I am prepared for it. Maximus sits higher in his chair and I know that he feels it too. Three figures pop up in the center of the room and I waste no time.

Reaching down in speed I snatch one of my knives from the holding on my waist and send it sailing through the air as the figures materialize. Before the knife hits its mark I am across the room in a flash as I pin the dragon to the wall with a growl as I grab the knife that landed on his side. I made sure to throw one of the ones made from the scales of a dragon. He screams as he notices that there will be no escape from him.

"Morbius!" Julia screams as I twist the knife making him scream. I feel arms try to pull me away from him but I refuse to move. They have no idea what I know and I didn't have time to share it with them without making sure that he would escape. He should have disguised his scent if he knew that I would be here.

"Where is he?" I scream into his face as I tighten the hold I have on the knife. I feel as others around me freeze at my question. The bastard laughs and I twist the knife harder and his laughter fades into a growl. "Answer me!" I scream. He spits as he looks at everyone in the room and simply shakes his head.

"His escape was to clean. That means that you helped him. Now you tell me where he is or drag this knife. We both know that you are only two inches away from a quick death "I warn him as I move the knife a bit.

"Anthony? What is he talking about?" A woman asks as she steps closer. The man with gold hair who she arrived with stops her as she moves. He shakes his head at her as he comes forward instead.

"As your alpha, I command you to answer him" He says to the man under my knife. The black dragon shakes his head and I get irritated again. The man holds a hand up to me as I go to move the knife and I decide to give him a chance. If he can get answers then it helps me either way.

"Anthony, as your alpha, I command you" He says as he steps closer. The weight of his aura in the room is strong. I fight not to bow to him as he lets it out. Anthony shakes in my hands as his voice springs forth and I listen with rapt attention.

"I don't know where he is. I only took him to a cliff where he had a helicopter waiting" He says in a rush. I let the bastard drop to the floor with the knife still in his sides as I started to pace before him.

"Why?" I asked him needing to know. Front he hurt the look on a few faces in the room. I am guessing that he was a friend to these people. I have only sensed his presence a few times in Slater's office. I was even introduced to him once. I need to know what Slater had on him.

"He had Octavia. It was the only way that I could get her back. I swear it was the only way" He says in a whisper. The new woman in the room gasps as she steps closer to him. Before she can reach him I growl at her. I don't need anyone trying to release him when he is a solid lead that I have at this moment.

"The man's mate was kidnapped. Can you really blame him?" She screams at me as her mate holds her from going to him. I start to pace as i think. That does seem like something that the Doctor would do. He would however drag things out for as long as he can. He would have had to give up information to stay in contact. There is no way that he would have known the location of the facility unless Slater gave it himself.

"What information does he have? You would have had to give him something in exchange for her?" I tell him already. He looks up at me defeated as his breathing gets shallow. I can see the blood piling on the floor beneath him but I don't care at the moment. I need answers. When he refuses to answer after a few beats I kneel in front of him. "I do not have to be the one to take your life. With your betrayal there are many in this room who may want to do the job "I remind him.

"Your mate was in trouble and you made a deal. Now my mate is in danger and you have the information that I can use to save her. The information that I can use to save the babies that she carries. I will make you talk. If you don't talk, then you will not live"I promise him as I stare into his eyes. One way or another I will get the answers that I need. He looks to the friends that he entered the room with and something must happen. His head drops as he talks and we all listen.

"It was just information at first. Things about the mate bond. About the other species living outside of clans. I gave him locations and he let me see her. When the visits were no longer enough, he made another bargain. He needed someone in my clan and in his. He chose from those that I grew up with and called my brother. They have been his spies in the clan ever since. I help to control what they pass along" he says refusing to look up.

Two growls rip through the air and they cause tingles to go down my spine. Every part of me wants to fall to the ground in submission. I have to grit my teeth as I fight it. I understand why the alphas are mad at being played by one of their own. The information that he just gave is terrible. Slater has had his own spies here this entire time. There is no telling what information he has now.

"Who?" His  alpha yells in command. I snatch the knife from his side as I notice that he is going to pale. If he loses all his blood, he will die and we will not have all the answers that we need.

"Adam and Eric" he yells as he falls over. "They don't know why they have been placed in the clans to spy. They think that all the information given is for me to use. Please. They don't know" he says as he begs.

"We have a serious problem then. Maximus you need to send someone to the kitchens to gather Adam" Jefferson says as he steps forward abruptly. The look on his face as he looks at everyone in the room is pale. MAximus disappears immediately.

"What Now?" I ask my brother as he envelops Julia in his arms.

"Adam is the new dragon in my kitchen. He has been there during my absence to the labs. He has been cooking the food that everyone in the clan eats in the cafeteria. If he works for Slater as you say then that would be how he could hurt us all'' he says. Understanding his meaning completely, I turn back to Anthony.

"What else? What else did you do?" I ask him as I grasp him by his hair.

"He knows the layouts of the clan. I gave him maps when he allowed me to touch my mate. In order for her to be released, I was forced to whisk him away from the labs. He moved her cell every visit. If your raids hadn't worked then she would have never been free" He shouts.

Maximus pops back into the room with someone in tow. He tosses the man to the ground. Sensing that he didn't walk into a happy reunion he scrambles off of the floor and tries to make a run for the doorway. Maximus jumps in front of him and growls loudly in his face. The man gets so terrified that he crawls away from him toward the back of the room. I play with two of my knives and I stalk in his direction as I think about where the first one will go.

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