A Choice-Julia

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As I stare at the wall I hear his words. The tears that are finally starting to dry on my face make it easier to breathe. That brief moment of relief from the pain is halted as his words hit me. Unable to take the pain that I hear in his voice, I grab hold of his chin as I bring his face closer to mine. A voice growls out words in my head and it matches my sentiments exactly.

He is ours...

"You are mine" I tell him. My voice comes out unusual as I state my claim over him. I watch as Artemis flashes in his eyes as they glow and a purr rumbles in his chest. The sound is so unexpected that I find myself laughing as the vibrations tickle my sides. My forehead falls to his as I move my arms to hold him back.

"As you are mine little one" he promises right back. The moment is bitter sweet and causes tears to fill my eyes once more. Although these are tears of happiness as I close my eyes to savor this. All this time I wanted to float in the darkness because it was the memory of my mates that kept me there. Apparently I have spent days replaying the moments between us instead of paying attention to my mate that was right here.  Although a huge part of me still pangs for Morbius, his rejection is still fresh in my mind.

After a few moments of silence between us, Jefferson starts to shift beneath me. I hold on tight as he moves and rises once more until we are standing. Once he is on his feet I feel as I am gently lowered to the ground in front of him. There is a new look on his face. I peak at him through my eyelashes wondering what he could possible be thinking about now. He chuckles as he gets a good look at my face and I turn to look away.

"Don't you go looking at me like that. This isn't a rejection or me saying no to you being mine. However I know that in that facility you were barely fed. You haven't eaten a speck of food in the last three days also. If I am going to make you mine then that tummy of yours needs to be full." He says as he lifts my chin up. When a smile breaks across my face he gives me a devilish one of his own. "Besides, I may be a virgin but I have no doubt that you are going to use every ounce of energy my cooking gives you" he adds.

I feel my cheeks heat as I clench my thighs together. The promise of his words and that deep baritone make me want to forget all about the food. Hell at this moment I think that I would much rather eat him instead. Just as I go to make the suggestion however he spends me around on my feet and starts to slowly push me forward. Just as we reach the top of the stairs my back is pulled to his front and I am forced to suck in a breath as he whispers in my ear.

Oh Yesssss!!!!

"You my delicious mate are tempting me with the smell of that sweet arousal that I cant wait to taste again. I need to get some food in you now before I decide to devour you whole instead" He states as he grinds his pelvis into my back. I moan at the feel of the long length of him as I feel how hard he is. I lean my head back against his chest as I look at him over my shoulder.

"That was exactly the thought I had before leaving the roommate. The only difference is that I planned to swallow you whole instead" I tell him as I push my back further into his aching length. A growl ripples from his throat. He moves fast as I am lifted into his arms and he is bounding down the stairs. I chuckle at his fast movements as I am set before the island and he immediately begins rummaging around in the fridge. The entire time he pulls out containers he throws looks my way and mumbles under his breath.

You can not ignore me forever. I will have our mate too human.

I freeze on the stool in which I sit as my eyes wander around the room. When I see no one else I close my eyes and take deep breaths. Now is not the time for me to go crazy. I repeat the mantra in my head over and over as laughter echoes around me. I force myself to take deep breaths as I try not to panic. When the laughter finally stops I open my eyes to find Jefferson staring at me with a plate in his hands.

I hadn't even realized that he got done preparing one. I clear my throat as I adjust myself in the seat. He cocks his head to the side as he stares at me and then he smiles. As he places the plate in front of me, I keep my eyes on it, not willing to meet his gaze. There are already so many problems going on with our situation and I really don't want to add more to it. After the small conversation that we had upstairs, I do believe that we are just starting to get on the right foot.

I feel as he sits down next to me with a plate of his own. Finally noticing what's on the plate I pick up my fork and pick up one of the green beans. I am momentarily shocked as I place the vegetable in my mouth and begin to chew. I have no idea what he has done to the vegetable but I do believe that it is the best green bean I have ever had. Spearing a few more I moan as I chew them. When I hear him chuckle I look up to see him smiling as he watches me eat.

"I am glad that you enjoy my food mate. I will be sure to cook for you as often as I can. Especially if it gets you to make such scintillating noises" he states as he slowly chews his own food. As I start on the chicken that is on my plate I watch him as he eats. I would imagine that a man of his size wouldn't be able to eat so neatly but he does. He wipes his mouth after every few bites. You could almost say that he savors every morsel of food as he taste them.

It will be just as he savors us once you get done playing with the food. Hurry up why don't you!

I can feel as I start to get full from the delicious chicken and green beans he has placed on my plate. My eating slows as he finishes. He places the napkin on his plate and leans on an elbow as he watches me. I find myself squirming in my seat as I try to finish the place that he places before me. As I place my fork down on the plate when I can finish no more I jump when I feel his hand on my leg. My eyes fly to his and I can see that his dragon has come forward.

"You have been hiding from us mate. We know that you are here" He states. I frown at him as he looks at me curiously. His eyes search mine rapidly as I try to figure out what he is talking about.

He can sense my presence but is unable to speak to me. My Artemis would like time with his Athena.

I am pulled into his arms as his head goes into my neck and he growls against me. "I can smell her on you mate. Soon she can come out to play. I bet that she is a firecracker just like you" he says as he continues to smell me. His tongue swipes against my neck as he taste me and I moan as my hands grab onto his arms. The hips of that long lean body grind against me and I grind back. This may be the beast that is awakening inside of me talking but I think that we have waited long enough for our mate.

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