Seize Me-Morbius

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I have had so many low points in my life that I have lost track. Living with that doctor in the place we call the facility, was something that I have tried to free myself from for years. However, something has always stopped me. Each time that I believed that I had the chance to end it, I couldn't. I don't know what this is or where I have ended up but I know that its dark.

There is nothing in this place that moves. I don't even think that time works properly here. My body turns and moves as if its flowing like water. I blink at the strange scene before as I wonder what's going on. The last thing that I remember is taking the hand of the black dragon from the Scarlet Light clan. Now it feels as if I am waiting but I just don't know what I'm waiting for.

Before I have more time to process, I'm moving again. It still feels as if I am suspended in the water that surrounds me but it feels as if its moving in a direction now. finally deciding that I have had enough of whatever this is I open my eyes and I fight the currents. I refuse to drown alone in this endless sea. I refuse to give up so easily. I want to fight. So I will with everything that I have.

No sooner than I have the thought my muscles snap and freeze in place as something vibrantly blue comes flying toward me. I fight to move believing that it is a threat when I am suddenly engulfed by it. The blue light is so blinding this close that I am visually disabled as I wait for the torture that it will surely bring. I feel as it flows around me touching and moving. It pries my mouth open and the suction that comes with it is the most uncomfortable thing that I have ever felt.

As my eyes strain to see what it is that has a hold of me, I quickly panic when the shape finally takes its place. I try to struggle once more knowing what is going to happen as I look the water horse in the snout. I curse allowed in my mind as my body warps as it feeds from the very water that is in my body. The feeling is so intensely painful that a loud scream leaves my lips and I swear I hear it whinny at the sound.

Just as I think that this will finally be over, the beast bends forward and locks eyes with me. My body collapses just as it does and images start to play in my mind. I see a life that I never dreamed of before. The life of the six year old boy who loved his twin. The images that swim across my vision leave me stunned with something that I have never felt before. I feel everything inside my body churn as I finally surrender to the kelpie. The whinny that leaves its lips is one of pleasure as I finally surrender to the death that it will bring.

My mind races as I feel the coolness of the water seep through every inch of my body. This is one creature that we have never been able to capture in the labs. They have always been safe from our experiments because none of us have ever been able to get close enough to one. If the doctor knew that power that they held, he would have sought one out long ago.

Tears fill my eyes as it gives me what I have been searching for, for my entire life. It all leaves. I feel as the pain from every whip, knife and torture is transformed into something else. I feel as the sorrow I felt for the life I never got to live is brightened. I feel as the loss that I felt from my brother is taken away from me. Tears pool in a rushing torrent from my eyes as all the hatred that I feel for myself and my life disappears. And finally after twenty years of torment, I finally take a deep breath.

Just as I do, I feel my body be torn from the water as I hit a hard surface. My mind races as I fight to get to my feet. The first thing I do is swing my fist through the air. There are so many things running through my mind right now that I don't know how to handle it. I still smile in satisfaction as my right fist connects with something with a resound crack that I know is someone's flesh. My chest feels like its going to burst as I fight the air blinded. My lungs huff as I work up a sweat.

When something embraces me and hold my arms in place I complete lose it. My legs collapse beneath me and I hold on as tight as I can. Everything in me empties out through useless tears as a roar of pure pain leaves my lips. The one emotion I thought that I was uncapable of is all that I feel as I remember all that I have done to get to this point.

"This is more extreme than we thought Derrick. Are you sure we did the right thing bringing him to Equus" I hear a voice say as my roars finally start to quiet. My body shivers as curl in on myself. My mind runs blank as the tears continue to stream down my face and the images replay to me.

"Its not over for him yet. He has been through too much and there is more to come. What I saw of his soul is badly damaged. However, there is still a chance for him. He used his powers on me down there. If he can access his power now then his beast can help him to heal" A male voice I have never heard states.

And then I fall into myself. I can still feel the world around me. Voices ring distant around me as I suspend in the air. My back hits something hard as I fall and the breath is knocked out of me. A bright shapes passes over me and suddenly something is applying so much pressure to my chest that I swear I hear a crack as my body echoes with it roar. I do nothing as I feel it. There is no fight left in me now.

"Watch" The word rings out in the air over and over as once more I am bombarded with the images. I watch a life that I never knew I wanted flashes by my eyes. I watch as my brother and I make it safely out of that alley. We spend years as we move from place to place surviving on only what we need until we are approached one day. A safe haven for dragons is offered and we go together.

I see as I help him prepare the meals for people each day. I hunt and butcher the game that brought in each day as I watch him make such beautiful creations. One day a woman walks in with the Alphas mate. I feel as time stops for us both as we rush to surround her. I see the beautiful gaze of our mate as she sees us for the first time. I watch as we get to know and spoil her. I watch as she grows heavy with our children while loving us both.

I search the images over and over as I try to understand how such a life could ever be possible. I still see pain in some points but it's nothing like I have ever experienced. I watch as our pain is so easily assuaged by our bond. I watch as the only torture that I see is the pain that my mate receives for each of the beautiful children that she births to us. There is no grief because there is no loss. These images represent everything that I don't know.

I am not one to get the happily ever after. I am supposed to know only loss and it is the losses that I take. I take them with the sharp points of my knife and with my bare hands. I know grief because I am no longer able to keep anything. There is nothing in this world that belongs to me. Not even the air in my lungs. I breathe and I kill for him. I live to fill his desires and to follow every little whim that he points me in the direction of.

Suddenly the happy sunshine feeling that I got from my journey is replace with nothing but the purest anger as I realize what he has truly deprived me of. The plan that I originally had to set the bastard ablaze turns into something else. I feel as I get so angry that I make a plan to not only take his life. I make a plan to take everything that he has ever touched and to turn it into nothing but ash.

There is my human.

When the voice speaks I receive a moment of shock as I finally take a look at the yellow figure above me. For the first time in my life, I come face to face with my dragon. I smile up at him as I truly hear his voice and feel him as a part of me. A rumbling laugh vibrates my body as he chortles above me. The feeling is so thrilling that I cant help but mimic it.

"Its nice to meet you" I say as I rise to my feet.

I have awaited this moment for twenty years young Morbius. You will never be alone again. However this conversation can be put on pause. We have work to do.

"That we do. Lets go save our mate and brother" I tell him with a look of determination.

Wiser words have never been breathed from your lips.

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