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"Dammit Athena, that was the last one here" I hear Jefferson yell downstairs as I start to laugh. If I had to hazard a guess I would say that she once more shredded his robe as soon as he came into the room. The guys enjoyed leaving that fact out as the dragons of their females guarded the eggs. Not that I have minded too much.

Since joining the guard under Maximus in the last few months I have always hated the uniform. For the last three days she has yet to let us leave the house. Athena's way to ensure that we didn't leave was to strip off our clothes for her nest before we even tried. Knowing that he will come up here to complain I get more comfortable on the bed where Iaid out. His angry footsteps coming up the steps make me laugh even harder as he bursts into the room.

"I told you that it was a bad idea. You will just have to cook what is here "I tell him as I don't remove my eyes from the book i was reading.

"I just wanted to go and get some garlic. It's the only thing that sauce is missing. She won't even let anyone come near the cabin to deliver it. I can't keep living like this" he says as he paces the room naked.

Knowing that he won't shut up about this, I snap the book shut and sit up. "You heard what the men said. Since she is overdue to deliver she would be more irritable. You should have made sure to stock everything you needed a week ago like I suggested "I told him. "Beside, you use garlic in too many things anyway" I say to tease him.

He only wants to use it for the sauce because we have been told that Julia wont eat anything until our eggs hatch. She trusts nothing and no one that comes near except for us her mates. While she has been pregnant he has had to stop using garlic because it makes her sick. He even tried sneaking it into the food a few times and faced hte wrath of our mate in doing so.

"I do not. Just because she can't have it, doesn't mean that we have to be deprived of good spaghetti. It needs garlic" he says with a huff. I walk past him and out into the hall as he follows. Knowing that it is the third day usually means that the eggs will hatch on this day. It happens to be a moment that I don't want to miss. Despite my brother's attitude over the sauce I know that he is just as anxious.

When we enter the living room Julia lifts her head to watch us closely. I get down on my hands and knees as I crawl over to her. I learned the hard way that she doesn't like when we tower over her. I prepare myself for her strength as I get close. Just as she has done several times, her dragon uses her strength to drag me into the nest. She pushes me right into the corner furthest away from the eggs as she cuddles against me and purrs.

I do have to admit that I like this part. The only thing that she craves for a few moments is affection. The area inside the nest is kept really warm as she stokes the fire by spitting on it. The action grossed me out at first but I know that she won't let the flames die down. After rubbing her scent all over me she turns and holds out a hand to Jefferson. He smiles as he crawls over the nest and she tugs him in.

I watch as she does the same routine with him by marking him with her scent. A sound comes from in front of us and we all freeze as she wiggles in delight. The brightly colored yellow eggs seem to crack right before us as we watch. I sit up to get closer but am quickly pushed back into the corner as she growls.

It seems like we are waiting forever before the first egg finishes cracking. She reaches into it gently as she pulls out our first born and I crane around her to see into her arms as she cradles it. She nuzzles the child as it starts to cry and the crying stops almost instantly. A continuous purr sounds from her chest as she brings our child over and Jefferson whoops.

"I told you the first would be a boy. We have way too much testosterone for it not to be" he says as we look at our son between us. She hands him over to Jefferson quickly as she goes back to the eggs and I touch our son's hand for the first time. The most obvious of his features being his brightly colored hair. It covers his head completely as I wait for him to open his eyes. As he does his dragon flashes briefly before they close once more.

I do a quick check to make sure he has all his fingers and all his toes. I am so happy when I find everything in its place. A happy sound comes from Julia as another cry pierces the air. She nuzzles our second born in her arms as she brings her over and tears come to my eyes. With dark black hair like her mother, my daughter is pushed into my arms gently. She looks at me immediately with her dragon shining through as I smile at her. In a blink her dragon eyes turn to brown and she stares into my eyes as she steals my heart.

Another happy gurgle from Julia has us looking up as she brings our third born over. With hair as black as her mother, another daughter has joined our family. Two girls and a boy. Her dragon flashes through as she finally lets out a wail that could put the others to shame. Julia nuzzles her as she soothes our daughter and I look on in Joy. Tears are in my eyes at this moment from the happiness I feel.

"I cant believe that they are finally here," Julia says. Hearing her voice return to normal has both of us reaching for her as we pull her closer. Dealing with her dragon for three days was a bit much and I have truly missed my mate.

"I can't believe we have two daughters," Jefferson says with a smile as he prompts a trade so I can hold our son. He settles into my arms as he starts to fall asleep and I watch as Julia smirks at him.

"Well, I for one am happy about that. It's about time that we evened things up around here" She says with glee. I snort in her direction and she laughs.

"Yeah right. Says the person in the house who has said so over everything "I state as I tease her. She blushes as she sputters to defend herself and Jefferson and I laugh. We all sit in the nest as we hold our children and they fall asleep in our arms. For a few moments we enjoy the quiet of the scene as we just enjoy our family.

"Oh shit" Jefferson curses.

"Language" Julia and I say as we stare at him. He looks contrite for a moment as he says it once more under his breath and holds our first born daughter away from him with a look of disdain. Sniffing the air I immediately sense once wrong and I try to hold in my laughter just as Julia does.

She takes our first born from him as she gives him our other daughter and rises from the nest. She kisses Jefferson on the cheek as she does as he starts to dry himself with one of the pieces of fabric from the nest. "Don't worry honey. Peeing on parents is the mark of love for a child. It could have been much worse" she says as she pats his chest. "Besides, i don't think hope meant it at all" She says as she coos to our daughter.

Jefferson fist pumps the air as he hears his name chosen. We all decided on our favorites for our vote of gender and that was his. Looking at our other daughter Dream I smile knowing that she will get my choice. Our son will be the one to have her choice.

He laughs at her words as he shouts back at her. "So that's what you call it mate. That makes me curious then, what is it called when you get your juices all over me" he says as our mate blushes. She throws a pillow from off the couch and she passes at him and laughs.

"Well once all our children, Hope, Dream and Trust, all dressed and in bed, I need to be fed. If we have time before they wake, I would be more than happy to show exactly what it means....mates" she says with a taunt as she disappears into the nursery. I for one don't have to be told twice. I rise from the nest slowly with our son in our arms as I reach to grab our daughter with the other.

"I will help her change the babies while you do the food" I say as I walk gently with both babies in my arms. He moves toward the kitchen before he pauses in the doorway.

"That will work tonight but if anyone thinks that i am going to be stuck on kitchen duty for us all while you guys get to have fun with the kids, will have another thing coming" Jefferson says as a threat. Julia and I laugh as we take on the task of dressing our children. When they are all dressed and still sleeping in their beds I take a moment to simply hold my mate as I plant a kiss on her head.

My eyes clothes as I think of the journey that everyone has had. A lone smoke jumper dragon, a surly head security guard dragon, an alpha dragon, a dragon assassin and a dragon chef all changed. One could consider it the beginning of a bad joke if they didn't believe in love at all. But the best punchline ever... Those dragons and their dragon babies all lived happily ever after.

THE END!!!!!

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