Righting Wrongs-Julia

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No one in the room can hide their shock as a man appears from Slater. The woman embraces the boy as he stands still and looks at everyone in the room. Tears grace Kawa's face as she holds the young man to her. He steps away from her as he looks at her in confusion.

"What am I doing here, mother?" he asks her as he looks at all of us.

"I am here to free you my erzi. Now we can go to the land of the beyond so I can reunite you with your love. Let's call it a wrong made right so to speak" she states.

"My Io?" he asks as he smiles. The smile on his face disappears as he seems to remember something. His hand flies to the back of his head and he looks at his hand in confusion. Kawa's expression turns sad as she watches emotions play across his face. "She will never forgive me," he whispers.

"That only you may find out. You will have to go to her first. However, there is one person that i would like you to see first" She says as she gestures toward the door. He looks up at the door confused as we all watch Magma enter. I look at my mates to see them watching everything closely just as we do. She resembles the man a bit as do her children in the arms of her mate Igneous.

"Hello, father," she says as she walks to him.

"Father?" he questions as he looks at his mother and her. He approaches Magma in wonder as he cradles her face. Igneous growls behind him and Draco removes his hand with a light chuckle. "I must admit that I am at a loss here," he says to Magma as she laughs.

"I am the reason that you need to leave this place. So are my children who are your grandchildren" She says as igneous brings the children closer. "Kawa made a mistake in cursing Io but she did make a place of peace for her. All of the people you see in this room are the children that she never got to meet. There are even others across the world" she tells him as he frowns at his mother.

"But she did find a way to fix her mistake. She granted each of us with a partner who is our half just as you were mothers. You are the final piece. In returning to your love you can give her a gift from none other. We all know that you loved to do that. You can show her our faces and the bonds that we have because of your mother. You can bring her spirit peace" Magma tells him.

He looks around the room in wonder at all of the faces here as he starts to understand. The young boy of Magmas reaches out to him and Draco takes the baby into his arms gently as he looks at his daughter.

"I see that you have your mothers spirit. She was alway able to awe me with a few words. However, in those few words a thousand life times can be shared" he tells her with a smile. "But I must ask, are you happy?" he says as he cocks his head at her.

"More now than ever. I have a mate and a family. I have a clan to call home. My life is more perfect than many see in a lifetime" Magma says. He looks around the room to find many of us nodding and he smiles.

"Very well then my child. I will do as you say" he says as he hands her back her son after kissing him on the forehead. He walks backward as he looks at Magma from head to toe. One would believe that he was memorizing her and I believe that that is so. His mother touches his shoulder and the light from before a deep red shade appears.

"What has been done today is simple to solve. Through love a life can be destroyed and raised anew. Through love there is death and rebirth. It is not to be wasted or used for the weak. But to love, and to be truly loved is all that a lost soul will seek" She says.

Several of us roll our eyes and groan at the riddle as she disappears. The scene is one of such beauty that we can take our eyes off the spot where they once were. It's hard to believe that any of that had actually happened but we all saw it. It almost feels as if things are too final but we know that things don't end here. There is still something left that we all have to do. All eyes turn to the man who is still unconscious on the floor as we dread what is to come.

"Allow me to do this. He is my mate and the responsibility should go to me" Salvatore states.

"I am his mate too" Avery states.

"You have lost your right to call him that!" Salvatore yells at her.

I have to blow a puff of air out of my chest for that one. I don't know what has happened in this little bit of time but that was rough. We all see how his words hurt Avery but we know better than to get between mates.

"Very well, but we will all play witness to this. He has hurt everyone in this room and we will see that it is done" Xander states with a threat in his voice.

Salvatore turns to Slater and picks the man up in his arms. We follow him closely as he walks out of the cabin. The full moon shines bright as it illuminates the forest. Under different circumstances this would be considered a beautiful night. However, knowing that someone will die here tonight puts a damper on things.

"I will need my beta for a favor" Salvatore states. As Xander growls he rolls his eyes as he responds to it. "He is the only one here who can fetch my children from their safe place while Avery and I are away. I need them brought here" he states.

"He will be under Alpha command the entire time. We still do not know if we can trust him" Xander reminds him as he nods at Maximus.

Maximus is gone in a flash as he goes to get the man. Wondering what Salvatore is doing we all watch as he lays Slater on the forest floor. The man has yet to waken since Kawa's visit. The only sign that he is still alive is the tale tale signs of his chest as it rises and falls. I frown when Salvatore touches him lovingly. The way that he is I just can't seem to comprehend.

"Our children have nothing to do with this Salvatore. They shouldn't be brought into this." Avery says to him. He growls at her as she steps forward and she stops.

"They are the reason that you made your decision. Do you think that I don't know that they are his? That I have not seen the resemblance to him everyday. It is because they are a part of him that I love them so much. They have been a way of having our mate when he could not be and the only solace I took for abandoning him after all these years. An abandonment of which you caused!" he yells at her.

"I didn't have a choice. Would you have wanted to be bonded to a murderer? Would you have truly bonded yourself to someone so cruel? A parent only thinks of their child when they exist. Every decision that I have made has been for them. You have to see that" she says as she holds her stomach.

"I do see that. I have never questioned you as a mother and that is not something that I will do now Avery. I have and do love with all my heart but look at what you have caused. The hurt and the destruction that he has done to get back at you! You let me be tricked all these years instead of telling the truth. You let us both turn against him when we should have stayed by his side" He says with tears in his eyes as he looks at her.

The words are of such pain that I feel bad for them both as I listen. It seems that we missed something big before arriving at the cabin. Somehow this alpha has been hurt and it is Avery's doing. Looking at the other faces as we watch the interaction I can tell that everyone else is just as confused.

Maximus pops back in with Anthony in tow. Salvatore leaves Slater a few feet away as he watches everyone. He approaches his beta with a hard expression. "As your alpha I command you to bring my children here. You are to fetch them from their safe place and return here to this very spot. You will not escape and you will not flea" he commands him as the air changes.

Maximus removes his chains and Anthony vanishes as soon as he sets out for his task. Salvatore walks over to Avery and holds out his hand to her. She takes it with a small smile as she looks at him.

"I will not forgive you easily for this. You still have explaining to do for me and for him. For his sake you will help me release him. Just as we punish traitors in our clan, he will receive his final rights "I have no idea what he means by the statement as he says it but it has Avery nodding her head rapidly.

Anthony returns with two children and they instantly run over to their parents as they are embraced. Salvatore smiles as the girl and boy grasps onto them and they are showered with kisses. The kids hardly look like him at all and I see the immediate resemblance to Slater. Avery embraces them also and they all look so happy together. I lean against my mates while happy sigh leaves my lips at the thought of one day doing that to our own children.

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