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The first thing that I do when I awake and give a long, slow stretch. My dragon growls long and low inside my head as I do. I feel the same as her when our muscles stretch. It feels as if we have been sitting still for much too long. As my arms low back to the bed in harmony they land against the soft satin sheets. Feeling around where both of my mates should be and coming up empty, has me sitting up in the bed.

My ears prick as I hear sounds coming from downstairs. Next the smell of food hits my nose and the growling of my stomach is the loudest that I have ever heard. Seeing a robe draped across the bottom of the bed, I quickly place it on my shoulders. I keep my steps light as I descend the steps. The haze of memories from my heat starts to replay in my head and I blush as I remember.

As my feet hit the bottom step, the replay of tangled limbs and pleasure has me pausing as my breathing grows heavy. I tug against the collar on the robe I have just placed on as a wave of heat hits me and I close my eyes trying to wipe away the images. As my muscles clench and respond to the thoughts, I am surprised to find that I am not sore. It's actually quite shocking considering the size of my mates.

Hearing footsteps approach my eyes, flash open and land on one of the objects of my desire. Jefferson leans casually against the door jamb to the kitchen as he looks at me with furrowed brows. Seeing him in only lounge pants without a shirt and all that skin on display has me biting my lower lip as I recall just what he can do with that body.

"Well, I was worried after I heard your descent stop. Now however I see what has you so enraptured. I would be more than happy to take care of the beautiful scent of desire mate" The teasing tone of his voice and his dragon flashing in his eyes has me off the steps in a heartbeat. "But only after you eat" He says as I stand in front of him. The word eat is punctuated with a tap to my nose as I frown at him. He chuckles as he turns and walks in the kitchen as I follow after him with my growling stomach.

My eyes turn to the other side of the room where the dining room table is expecting to see Morbius. When I don't, I frown as I listen to the sounds of the house. Not sensing him, I immediately grew worried. Before I can open my mouth to ask, Jefferson is there wrapping his arms around me.

"Calm down, love. He left a note. He went to speak to Xander and then he will return. He promised to come back and so he will. You went into heat right after we received all of that news and he saw fit to handle it as soon as he woke" He says as he rubs my back to reassure me. At his word some of the tension leaves my shoulders but not all of it. I however cant focus at all on him not being here when i remember the soul bond.

"Why would he leave knowing that he could die? Do I mean so little to him that he couldn't even wait? I mean he should be spending all the time with us that he can? We don't know what will happen Jefferson '' I state as I step out of his arms. My breath saws in and out of my chest as I start to panic. I fight for control as I worry about never seeing my mate again. I can't believe that the thought has been able to escape my mind for as long as it did while I was in heat.

"Stressing isn't good for you in your condition. Nothing is going to happen to Morbius. We will make sure of it" he says as he watches me. As I look into his eyes I can see the conviction he feels at the statement and yet it helps little in this state. As my mind races on the possibilities of all that could happen I collapse into one of the chairs at the table as tears fill my eyes.

We can not lose him. We cannot lose either of them. We will find a way through this.

"Why would she give me a mate only to lose him? Why would she make me love both of you if I could never have both of you? "I whisper brokenly.

"You love me?" I hear Morbius' question as he makes his presence known. As I hear his voice I am off my feet in a flash. He stumbles back as I ram into his chest hard. The tingles from his touch that align my skin bring me immediate comfort as his arms wrap around me. The tears that I was holding back now spill down my face as I bask in the feel of his arms.

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