Darkness Bound-Artemis

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I watch through the eyes of my human as there is so much commotion in the room. So many people move over our mate as the only thing that leaves her mouth are garbled noises. Changing his eyes I can see that our eggs still lie in her stomach. While it does provide us some comfort, the thought of losing her is more than I can take. Everyone freezes as our alpha enters the room with our female alpha in his arms.

"Dr. Snow, you have had enough time to work with the vials. Please tell us that you have something, "he says. We can all see the sadness  and the toll this is taking on him.

"That's what this is! Shit everyone out now" She yells and immediately anyone who is not on a bed starts to leave the room. Maximus stands with his ate as Xander lays Tika onto an open bed. The doctor stands in place as she closes her eyes and I have had enough. What does this have to do with saving our mate?

In a flash of an odd green light a man appears into the room and embraces the good doctor. She pats his chest as she starts to speak with him rapidly and I try to keep up. "The serum is needed now. Whatever doses you were able to get repaired need to be brought here immediately. Hurry!" She tells him. He leaves just as fast as he entered.

Everyone in the room is in a small state of shock. The doctor rolls her eyes as she moves around the room to check on the other women. Her eyes search the room rapidly as she looks at all of the monitors and we are forced to watch her work as we stand back and do nothing. I have never felt so helpless in my life and I know that my human feels the same.

"What can we do? Is there anything that we can do?" I hear my human ask desperately. I feel his pain but in this I can provide him no comfort. Where we always feel happy to be near our mate, we now feel the loss of her happiness and the joy she brings as it starts to fade. Dr. Snow looks at us all sadly as she shakes her head. This can't be it. This is exactly what we did not want.

Monitors in the room go off and I watch as Julia's station lights up beyond belief. As she starts to shake on the bed in an uncontrollable manner I rush to her side. My arms move and pin her down so that she doesn't hurt herself. The man from earlier pops back into the room as a beeping sound goes off and the doctor curses.

"Shit, i'm losing her" She says as she starts to move around my mate. Julia's eyes roll back in her head as her back bows and I scream with the strength at which she moves. Her dragon strength has to be causing her to have this reaction as the doctor rips open a box. She fumbles with the drawer and grabs a needle quickly as other things fall to the floor. She draws the liquid slowly and drops the vial of black fluid onto the bed and she grabs my mate's arm.

She struggles with Julia as her strength is used against the human doctor. Reaching over I pin the arm that she is trying to get to but even I am not enough. She shouldn't be this strong. "Morbius!!" I yell as he watches from the foot of the bed in shock. Me screaming his name snaps him into action and he helps me pin the arm. The doctor is finally able to get the needle in and she jams the fluid into my mate.

We all still as a few seconds pass and we wait for it to do something. The shaking from my mate is what stops at once. I smile as I get so hopeful that whatever the doctor had is working. I am quickly proved wrong as Julia jack knifes off of the bed and screams. Her eyes open wide but she is not there as she screams with all her might. Just as the action happens, she falls to the bed still.

Seconds later a continuous sound can be heard throughout the room. It's the one sound that no one ever wants to hear as they go into a hospital. It's the sound that causes tears and hearts to break. It's the sound that these machines make when a life has been lost. It's the sound of everything I have ever wanted in this life being washed away. The light that I have felt since the day that I was born fades as it is replaced by something else.

My skin starts to itch as I growl and I know that the change is coming. There is so much anger in my body at the situation that I can't stop it. Everything needs to stop and I know exactly how to do that. The man that is at the center of this. He is the problem. He is the one causing me to lose my family. Causing trouble in the very life that I live. For this alone he must die.

I yank Jefferson into my mind as I aim for the window. The glass shatters as we go through but it doesn't stop me as I push my power out. My body turns in the direction of that tower and with a push from the ground I am off. My clothes shred and my wings spread as I tear through the forest. Voice speed in my mind as others try to contact me but I will let nothing distract me from my goal. Slater dies today and it will be by my hand.

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