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As our children rush to me and embrace me, the world seems a bit less sad. I feel so tired from the day that i am drained but i can always smile for them. I know in a few moments they will have lots of questions that we will need to answer. At this time they are old enough to receive the answers. I know that bringing them here to meet theri father on his death may haunt them but it is the last thing that i can do for my mate.

They hug there mother also and i watch Avery with them. Seeing her with them has always brought a smile to our face. Once they are done embracing, it is then that they notice the others who surround us and the man on the floor. They back toward Avery for comfort and i feel bad for springing this on them in the moment. However, their special talents will be needed in the moment.

"Dad?" My son ask as he questions me. I hold my hand out and he comes over to me and pulls his twin sister along. I kneel in front of them as they look at the people that surround us.

"You are in no danger here children. Those of us that you see here are our friends. They are just here to watch you do a favor for us okay?" When i see both of them nod at me. They still don't relax. I will need them calm for what is to come. I know this wont be easy for them to see or to do but i need them.

"The man there that is on the floor, do you see him" They nod as they look at Slater in confusion. My daughter ever intuitive looks at him for a long time and i know that she can feel him.

"He is like us but he has lost his dragon" she states matter of factly. "Who is he and why does he feel like mom?" she ask as she looks at me. My sons eyes widen and he too looks at Slater more closely.

"Well, that is a bit of a story you see. Later on you can asks mom and i all the questions that you want. Know that no matter what Avery and i are your parents. We always will be and we will always love you" i tell them as i hold their hands tighter.

"You are scaring us dad" My daughter says.

"I know baby. I don't mean to but things are a bit complicated here" i offer her as reassurance. "The man that lies there is Slater" i tell them. Both of their heads snap in my direction at the name. We have told them the story of our child hood so many times that now they are a bit happy to have a face for the name. I know that that happiness wont last long though.

"He feels like mom because he is your biological dad. He is the third part of our bond that i told you about all these years" i explain to them. "I truly hate that this is how you are meeting him but someday i hope that you both will understand when you find your own mate" i tell them. "You see, he is not the man that he once was from our youth. He has done bad things and now he must be faded away" I say as they exchange a look.

"You want us to do the ceremony here?" My son says. I nod my head at him and he frowns. I know that things are confusing but i still believe that this is something that they need to know. I sense the others around us getting restless but i could care less about the time. There is no way that i will rush this.

"Okay dad. Just let us know what to do" They say in unison. I smile at their bravery as i release them and rise. I hold my hand out to their mother and she comes to grasps it. Closing my eyes i access my heart. The connection to my power forms as my dragon aids me and i feel as Avery does the same.

"You will need to mark him, before we send him off. It needs to be done quickly before the others" i order her.

I feel her nervousness at the act through our bond but i know that she will do it. This is the last chance that she will have to right her wrongs of the past. This is what he deserved in the first place had it not been for her secrets. I know that those surrounding us will believe this death to be too honorable but he is our mate.

As the power shifts inside me and i know its ready, i kiss my mate on the lips. She jerks as she feels the energy but accepts it easily. I can hear the whispers of the others that surround us as they watch the exchange. You would think that none of them have ever been to a fade ceremony before.

Avery releases me with a gasp as she walk over to Slater. She kneels before him as she grabs his face lovingly. The sight is one that i will never forget seeing. She turns his head quickly and strikes fast as she marks him as hers. Xander comes forth and i throw up a barrier in front of him. She release her hold on him just as quick as he charges toward me.

"What is the meaning of this?" he screams at me. I form a barrier around my children and i so that he cant get to us. I probably should have taken the time to explain to him what would happen but i just didnt feel like it. I am not doing this for him though. I am doing this for my mate and children.

"He has no dragon to transform. What she did was right a wrong so that he could see. That is all. Nothing more and nothing less. There are no tricks here" i tell him.

"If he transforms then you will be removed from my word. I will have his head!" He roars as i nod.

Slater gasps as he rises from the floor and he looks around. He stumbles to his feet as his eyes move rapidly around the group surrounding him. His facial expression looks craszed and confused as he moves unsteadily on his feet. Seeing Avery he charges to her as he grabs a hold of her.

"What did you do? What did you do?" he cries into her face. She looks at him sadly as he falls to his knees before her. She cradles his face as a lone tear drops out of her eye as she bends to look him in the face. There is no jealousy from me as she lays a gentle peck to his lips. He leans into the embrace as she cries and i hear her answer.

"We set you free from the hatred that you have held for so long" She whispers to him. He sobs as the bond snaps into place and i feel them both. Our bond finally completes now that she has marked him. Avery smiles as she comes over to me and she leans against my arm. Our children grab our hands on either side as Slater looks at us in pure confusion.

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