Bugged the Hell Out-Summers

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For a year. It has been an entire year that I have waited to use the information that I was given. I know that I should have used this information before this very moment but because of them I was unable to. My breath quickens as the memories from their labs haunt me. The pain that I experienced at their hands. The loss.

My feet move fast for the purpose that I need to complete. I cant let the opportunity that the dragon man gave me go to waste. I don't even know if he is still alive. I pray that the access and information he gave is enough. I want to do right by him and all the others that need help. I even have hope that some of the humans I met during my time there have survived. I just need to find this stupid camp before the news spread. If I'm right then I need to find them before midnight. If I don't then the bounty that will be on my head will be met sooner than later.

I sigh in frustration as I chuck my way through the denseness of the forest that surrounds me. Three days that I have spent walking and I have yet to reach my destination. I look at the watch upon my wrist and see that I have about two more hours until sunset. Looking around the trees, I still don't see the landmark that I should have run into a day ago. I take my bag off my back as I kneel down to get the map out of it. looking up, I see one of the markings from my knife on a tree and see that I have already been this way. I scream in frustration as I pinch the bridge of my nose. This journey is useless. I should have given myself more time or reached out to the alpha sooner. Tears fill my eyes as I think that I am going to fail.

"Come now sweet. I was just having a wee bit of fun by changing your signs around. I wasn't trying to make you cry" A voice says as I jump with fright.

I move fast as I grab the tranquilizer gun from my side and face the man before me. I aim the barrel of it right at his chest as he smiles at me. The pointiness of his teeth send an immediate chill down my spine. If I add that to the bright green color of his hair, well I already know that he is a fae. He puts his hands up slowly as he looks at the gun in my hands with the quirk of a brow. The look only pisses me off more now that I know he has been hindering me from my mission. I tighten my hold on the trigger as I make sure that my aim is at his head.

He must see the seriousness of the way that I hold the weapon because his smile finally disappears. "Woah there lass, you wouldn't shoot your mate now, would ya?" he ask as he moves that damn eye brow again.

I laugh as I look at him. There is no way in hell that I would ever be mated to one of these creatures. To show him just how much I don't need his lies, I shoot to the right of his head in quick succession before bringing my weapon back at center aim. The poor bastard ducks out the way and looks at me with anger. "What the hell is your problem? A man tells you that he is promised to you and this how you go about your rejection. You could have killed me blonde" He yells as he starts to pace.

"I have no mate nor will I ever. Right now you are only an obstacle between me and the dragon alpha. Now let me pass or the next shot will hit its target" I shout back as I threaten him.

I smirk as he runs his hands through his hair. He can decide to test me if he wants but it will be at his own risk. I made sure that the ammo I made these darts with was enough for what I would find in this forest. I wont be at the hands of these creatures ever again. The only reason that I am here is because one of them decided to save my life. This is my way of returning the favor and then I can be done with them forever. I can go back to hiding.

"What business do you have with their alpha?" he ask as his eyes flash green. The air around me flows with the scent of moss heavily. I clench my jaw at the scent. He must have a gift that has something to do with the things in this forest. If its lethal then it's possible that I could never make it to my destination. I decide to take a few steps away from him just in case I need to run. They may have powers in the forest but I know that it's a fact that most of their gifts don't reach more than a few feet.

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