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  "Now that we have finally found a method to get project orgasm to work. We are going to start distribution immediately. We can go ahead and set it up as a free vaccine for Corona virus. So many are paranoid about it, and I believe that it will get the most response of humans receiving the serum. How long would production take?"
  "With all six labs here in America creating the serum, we would see the results in about two weeks. As the serum manifest inside of the human then the dragon would die, even if they have never met their mate. With it going international, then I would say they should be nearly to completely irradicated by the end of the month."
  "You have done good Williams. This is what our research has been all about. After the trial run with the dragons, we will focus immediately on the other species. I expect to stay updated."
  The roar that I let loose immediately echoed as the clan link opens up and I allow everyone to hear what this human has to say next. The look of determination that crosses her face as she sees the response in the room makes me respect her. I cock my head at her as I wait for her to continue.
  We are going to make everyone who was involved in this pay.
  "His name is Slater. Everyone in the facilities knows him as Doctor. His face as well as this recording are about to be plastered all over the news in the next five minutes. With the other recordings that I have also sent out to many sources there is enough to discredit his entire company and the government will have enough cause to shut it down" She says as she steps forward once more. "Now that that is out of the way, I am to give you this" She pulls the bracelet off of her wrist and proceeds to move it around.
  It seems to be a rather large bracelet and I watch in fascination as she forms some sort of puzzle out of it. With a combination of moves it soon opens and she takes out a slip of paper. I take it from her as soon as it is offered and read it immediately. I frown at the symbols and numbers when the one at the top looks familiar. Six sets of numbers. Six sets of coordinates. The words at the bottom catch my eye and I look at my beta.
  These are the locations of the labs. We can go get our people.
  "Something you want to add, Maxy" I say with sarcasm.
  "The stupid rat bastard" He says as his eyes flash. "He is a dragon by the name of Morbius. He works as one of the lackies inside of the facility. Its who I got the first coordinates from a few days ago. I already have a team assembled. With your permission first" He rushes to add.
  His words immediately piss me off and before I can stop myself, I pick up my office chair and break it in half as I throw it against the wall. "Does everyone just think that it is better to keep shit from me?" I shout in a pure rage as my aura pushes out. Maximus and Emily groan under the weight of it as they fall to their knees. I feel as others through the clan link feel the command as well. All of this could have been handled so much better.
  "No one is to keep anything else from me from here on. I am your alpha. It is my job to protect you and this clan. Disobedience like this will no longer be tolerated going forward" I state the command with all my aura down the link as everyone is forced to comply.
  "Xander. They understand" Tika says with some strain to her voice.
  "My own mate felt the need to keep things from my. How am I supposed to be the alpha they deserve if no one feels that they can talk to me? " I ask her saddened. My aura immediately dies down and I feel the relief of others through the pack link.
  "Show them. You have ruled this clan for so long without a mate by your side. Your decisions and your rule was law even when others would not have agreed. Sometimes things aren't done to intentionally hurt other Xander. Sometimes they are done because it is seen as the only way. They need to see more than just the angry alpha. They need to see the alpha that those closest to you see" She says softly.
  Searching through the clan link, I can feel the fear of my people. Sensing that my mate is right, I try to do as she says. For once I no longer block the emotions that I have from everyone else. I pour the etheric power through as I sense everyone's confusion in the chain.  Moments later, voices start to filter through as apologies come through and bouts of understanding. Maximus walks forward to me and lays a hand on my shoulder.
  "Feels good to have you as part of the team big guy" He says. I feel as my cheeks redden a bit and I shake out of the moment. Determination fills me and a plan starts to form in my mind. Maximus sees the shift and stands by my side as he awaits my orders. Its time to raid. Walking around my desk, I approach the fairy man first since his task is simple.
  "Take your mate with you and keep an eye on her at all times. She is not to be given full access to any lands until I have seen and verified all the information that she has given me. Emily here will show you to the cabin that you will be staying in until this is over" I order him. The human female makes a sound of annoyance but I ignore her as I turn back to Maximus.
  "We need every able bodied warrior ready and prepared within the next two hours for a briefing. I will contact the other clans to see how many they have to spare. We will leave in just four hours with six separate teams. All those labs get hit today. "We can't take a chance on them moving" I order Maximus. With a hand I stop him before he can disappear just as Emily exits the room with the new couple. "We need to take caution and give a warning to everyone joining. There will be no harm done to the humans in those labs" I tell him.
  His face immediately angers and I can sense his rebuttal. "I know that you are angry. However they will be too. Think Maximus. Because of your mate and mine the media has a hold of the same information. They can easily draw conclusion once they hear about raids on the six facilities connected to this company. They will immediately point the blame at us. Do you really want one of our own punished by the human government because they did something stupid?" I ask him.
  I see as the understanding crosses his face about how we are in the spotlight. I know that a part of me believes that it is wrong that I should have to issue such a warning but I know my beta. He is not one just to take innocent life, however if he were to see a monster taking an innocent life, then he would act without thinking. The protective instinct in all of us is hard to ignore. He nods in understanding and then I watch as he disappears. Rushing out the back door I don't even bother to strip off my robe as I let my dragon forward.
  The pegasi will be told first. They have the most warriors.
  The snapping of my bones is fast as my body enlarges and we take the sky. He takes us fast to the nearest clan as we enjoy the wind under our wings. We really need to do this more often. He lands in the trees just outside their tavern. He immediately relinquishes control and I growl as my bones break in quick succession to human form. Shifting in succession like that is always a pain but it is the fastest mode of travel.
  As I make my way to the front of the bar, many of them exit to greet me aggressively at my unannounced visit. I look through the crowd until I find Maverick and take a step toward him. "I don't have time for much of an explanation. We have the locations of where the six labs holding our kin are. They have created a serum that allows us to be killed through our human mates even if we have never met them. I need warriors from all clans to put an end to this today. We meet in two hours on dragon clan for a debriefing. Send all the able bodied warriors that you can" I tell him.
  Without waiting for a reply I take a few steps back out of reach as I start to let the transformation take over. My dragon roars a battle cry as we take to the sky and cheers answer us from below as people start to move. We fly fast through the skies as we stop in each of the other three clans and deliver the same news. As we take the flight back and see those coming to aid our own, a sense of pride fills me.
  These humans will not know what hit them.
  I am in total agreement with my beast. The oppression that we have experienced has gone on long enough. We didn't ask to be made. We didn't ask to be here but we have made the most of it. Now that this perfect opportunity has presented itself, we cant let this go anymore. Its time that we shared all that we know. If this is going to work, then all secrets must be revealed. Then we take down this Pfizer company once and for all.

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