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Heading toward the cabin that I share with Jefferson I know that I have to be out of my mind as Morbius trails quietly behind me. Even though I have yet to meet her, I can't help but to listen to the new voice in my head as she keeps thinking of ways to test our new mates. He would be happy to know that he nearly won her over with the declaration that he made to Xander. For an unexpected gesture on his part I have been skeptical on telling him exactly how much that meant to us.

But I can't let him go that easily. There are still so many questions that he has left unanswered and she has decided that while he is so willing we must get them now. Since seeing the logic behind her request I have decided just to go with it. She is right about this one thing after all. We need to see if we can work in an environment between all three of us before I decide to accept him again. Jefferson has made his stance clear on how things will be with his brother but we need to see if Morbius also lives true to his word.

I make it to the cabin in record time and walk right in. I can hear Jefferson in the kitchen and I hear that way. When I see him his face spreads into the biggest smile as he gathers me in his arms. The tingles across my skin are a welcoming comfort as We both inhale the scent of the other. I didn't realize how much I missed his smell just being away from him for a few hours. The front door closes and he pulls away as he looks in its direction in confusion. I look at him shyly as I offer an explanation.

"I took the liberty of inviting your brother over for a bit" I say as he looks at me. He blinks down at me as I think of something to say. "Athena thinks that we could all benefit by spending some time together" I say. He looks at me a moment and then nods.

"You may join us in the kitchen Morbius. I was just making a light snack" He shouts as he turns back to what he was doing. I finally notice the dessert that he has been making and my mouth waters at the scent. The warmth of the fresh brownies that he baked still lunges in the room as he grabs plates. Morbius steps into the room silently and stands in the doorway as he looks at the both of us. As we all look at each other the room is full of tension and an awkward silence.

I knew that this would be a good idea. Lets just hope things hit the fan and we can make it through this just fine.

"Why don't we all go to the table to eat the brownies and we can take it from there" Jefferson says. I'm so happy that someone broke the silence and thought of something. The tension was so thick in the kitchen that it could probably be cut with a knife.

I take a seat on one side of the square table as they take up the others. Jefferson serves the plates of brownies before us with a small smile as we all look at it. Morbius leans down to sniff the plate and lifts up with a chuckle as he looks at me. He and his brother exchange a look and I can see the laughter in their eyes. I feel lost as I look at them both and sniff the brownie wondering what is so funny. When I come away with nothing I finally ask.

"What is so funny about a brownie?" I ask as Jefferson begins to eat his. Morbius looks down at his plate as he picks up a fork and pokes at his.

"Well, I have been trying to figure out what your scent reminds me of and this is it. You smell of hot melty chocolate and this is as close to it as I could get." He says as he chews a bite. "I do have to admit though that you taste much better" he says as he licks the chocolate off of his fork while blushing from my hairline to the bottom of my feet. His eyes are heated as he speaks and I find myself squirming in my chair as I look at Morbius awkwardly.

"Oh wow" Morbius groans as he chews the first bite of the dessert. He looks at his brother in awe as he enjoys the decadent dessert. "This is the best thing I have ever had the pleasure of putting in my mouth" he exclaims. I nearly choke on the piece of brownie I have eaten at his words as Jefferson rises to get me water. When he hands me the cup I gulp it down as fast as I can while trying to clear the mortifying image of both of them eating me from my mind as my dragon purrs.

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