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The world is hazy as I blink my dragon eyes open. The first thing that I notice is that being inside of our body feels different. As I feel the hardness of the ground beneath me and I sense the discomfort that I am in. I know that I should move in order to remove the pains that I feel but for the first time in my existence I have no wish to do anything. The feeling that I have inside is one that I have felt so many times before and yet I feel as if this time it is worse than any other time.

As I remember what happened before I came to the forest, my chest hurts. What makes matters worse is that I can still feel them. I can feel what they feel for each other that I have been deprived of. As I think of the choices that my human has made, I am unable to understand where things went wrong. I am unable to think of a way that we could be able to move past the despair that we have knowing that she won't be ours. This matter leaves me with no choice and I know that I must win her back, even if my human has somehow given up on our mate.

With the idea springing forth in my mind, I finally gained the courage to lift my body from the floor. As I rise my lack of coordination astounds me and I fall over heavily as the sound echoes around me. I start to struggle as restraint appears out of thin air and prevents me from lifting my form off of the floor. A cooling sensation comes over me and I am immediately chilled to the bone as a pressing feeling comes over me.

"You would dare defy the will of your fate? Perhaps this look at your future reality will remind you of what is at stake here" She screams. My eyes widen as I recognize Kawa's voice and see the scenery change around me.

As the haze clears I am no longer strapped to the ground so to speak. When I see her face in the distance I immediately try to go to her. She stands there alone in a beautiful red dress as she looks off into the distance. I don't even have to see her face to know that it is our mate. I would notice the silhouette of her anywhere. I roar as my feet refuse to move so that I can talk to her myself. I do not want to be blamed for the actions of my human.

My feeble attempt to move leaves me angry as I watch my brother enter the room. I watch with rapt attention as he pulls her into his arms. I scream her name but my screams go unanswered as she finally turns. What I see causes me to freeze in horror as I see the roundness of her form. Tears fill my eyes as they exchange a look that is everything as he greets the child growing within her room. The child that I feel that I have no connection to.

The scene changes once more and I find myself standing at the end of the aisle. I get a view of all those that surround us in their pews and my stomach feels with knots. As the music feels the air the utter sense of dread that fills me is palpable. I don't even have to turn to know what this is. But I feel it as she walks through me. The emotions that I get off of her in waves cripple me as she walks to my brother. Tears fill my eyes as I watch them choose each other.

Instead of words I watch as they make an exchange. I watch as he passes on his light to her and she receives his. I feel their souls bind as it feels like mine shrinks in comparison to their joy. She vanishes into the evanescence light of his soul as he turns in my direction. For the first time in this place of my torture, my brother meets my eyes. I try to crawl forward on my knees as i go to beg him. All I need is the chance to fix this. We need the chance to fix this.

My feet still remain still and unable to move as he walks toward me. His eyes hold mine and for the first time since being in this place I feel seen. Knowing that there's nothing left for me to do and she is not here to hear me plead my case, I think of a way to get through to him. Someway to tell him that this is not what I wanted. I search for a way to make him understand.

"You gave up on everything. You gave up on a life that was promised to you and now you must face the consequences. Now you must see the error of your ways. Now you both will be getting exactly what you wanted and you can finally be happy" He says as he spits the words in my face.

"But this isn't what we wanted" We shout as we finally see what just happened. Tears pool into my eyes as a vision from my time with the kelpies plays in my head. The feeling of hope that I allowed myself to have as I saw how our life could have been. I bow my head as I finally see why I have come forth. It is because I have failed in my job to protect my human. Even in the labs I have sheltered him from pain so now he no longer knows how to experience it.

The laughter for my brother that spills from his lips is deep and harsh. I don't have to look up to see that Artemis comes to light. So without looking up I finally spilled what I have been holding inside.

"She could be happy without me. She could have you and still get the chance to live a life. I know this to be true and yet it is a reality in which I cannot watch. I would rather die. And yet I have died too many times all in the form of hope. To accept the gift that we have received from fate leaves me with nothing. It leaves nothing of the life that we know. It leaves us in fear"

"Fear is such a fickle emotion now brother. The point of it is to get over the obstacle of that fear. She was made for us, she was made to heal the hurt. She was made to be loved by you and yet you denied her" He accuses me.

"We know no other way. With our knives we protect and we conquer. We do not love or bond. The only thing that we have been taught is pain. We needed to make sure that pain never touched her. We needed to ensure her happiness, even if it was with you. If it meant that we lost her forever, it is what we were born to do" i vow as i growl the words.

"And finally he gets it" The voice of Kawa finally pulls my head up as I hear it. My brother and her exchange a look as he smiles at her.

"To think that you have always thought your gift was evil. It seems that you have found a proper use for it now. Your sacrifice has been a worthy one" She says to him.

She vanishes as I look at him quizzically. I pale as I connect the dots in my mind and realize what he has done. The sacrifice that he has just made is entirely too much as I think of the repercussions of his actions. It was something that we discussed once upon a time as a final outlet to defeating the doctor. To know now that he wasted the most extensive part of his gift on me makes me feel more humble than I could ever imagine. I vow in that very moment not to allow they're sacrifices to go to waste.

As I raise my head to look at him, he must see the look on my face. The smile that he gives me in turn is gentle and kind even though it is one that I do not deserve. "Our bond is for three. I could love her by myself for the rest of my life happily and yet I know that it is something that we cannot do without you. She needs you too" he states.

The binds that have held me in place as I watched them accept each other's soul disappears. A hand is given to me by him and I accept it fully. I feel as if finally at his touch my human pushes against the barrier that we had. As I focus on it and see that his mood matches mine, I know that it is time to make a deal.

"Tell me what to do?" Morbius asks Jefferson as he comes forward. The question lacks the confidence we need. I however am also at an utter loss of how we are to win back our mate.

"That is what I can not tell you brother. You have walked her soul and she has walked yours. You have both already accepted the bond. It is a mistake that you must remedy as her mate. Only you know how to heal her and how she can help to heal you from the pain. It is the power of my gift. I can not show others the true happiness of the world that I see without allowing them to go through pain. For what I saw as a curse, I know that without it, you would have lost our mate forever. I understand why you did what she did but she deserves to know also" He says.

I absorb every word he says as ideas run through our minds on how to get our mate back. I send forth the images of our gift as I see the use that he has. It will be the only thing that we have left. We could die while using it but Morbius must see that there is no other choice. However, before I start, I will need a promise from him.

"I will do the work brother. Not only for our mate but for me." I promise him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he heard our undertone but he must know what is at stake. "To keep the happiness that we will have, Slater must die" I remind him.

"For her I agree. You will have my support in helping with that, "he states. He backs away from me with a wave as he prepares himself to leave this place where his soul met hers but I have one more thing to say.

"Warn our mate that I am coming brother. I wont lose her so easily" He nods his head as he leaves and i close my eyes in relief. I have been granted another chance and this time, i won't let it go.

Dragoned in HalfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora